Know, all the good that individuals find, Or God and nature meant to mere mankind, Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys of sense, Lie in three words, health, peace, and competence But health consists with temperance alone ; And peace, oh virtue ! peace... An essay on man. Cornish ed - Page 80by Alexander Pope - 1798Full view - About this book
| William Warburton - 1742 - 220 lehte
...perfect Innocence. But hitherto, the Poet hath only confidered Health and Peace : But Health confifts with Temperance alone, And Peace, O Virtue ! Peace is all thy own. One Head yet remains to be fpoken to, namely, Competence. In the Purfuit of Health and Peace there... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 272 lehte
...Ikies ? Heav'n ftiH with laughter the vain toil furveys, 75 And buries madmen in the heaps they raife. Know, all the good that individuals find, Or God and Nature meant to mere Mankind, Reafon's whole pleafure, all the joys of Senfe, Lie in three words, Health, Peace, and Competence.... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 274 lehte
...Ikies ? Heav'n ftill with laughter the vain toil furveys, 75 And buries madmen in the heaps they raife. Know, all the good that individuals find, Or God and Nature meant to mere Mankind, Reafon's whole pleafure, all the joys of Senfe, Lie in three words, Health, Peace, and Competence.... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1752 - 376 lehte
...fkies ? Heav'n ftill with laughter the vain toil furveys, 75 And buries madmen in the heaps they raife. Know, all the good that individuals find, Or God and Nature meant to mere Mankind, COMMENTARY. argument (from jr 66 to 73) againft the popular error of Happinefs being placed in Externals,... | |
| Robert Dodsley - 1754 - 576 lehte
...reft, More rich, more wife } but who infers from hence, That fuch are happier, (hocks all common Senfe. Know, all the Good that Individuals find, Or God and Nature meant to mere Mankind ; Reafon's whole Pleafures, all the Joys of Senfe, Lie in three Words, Health, Peace, and Competence.... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1757 - 234 lehte
...skies ? Heav'n ftill with laughter the vain toil furveys, 7$ And buries madmen in the heaps they raife. Know, all the good that individuals find, Or God and Nature meant to mere Mankind, Reafon's whole pleafure, all the joys of Senfe, Lie in three words, Health, -Peace, and Competence,... | |
| Robert Dodsley - 1758 - 608 lehte
...more wife; but who infers from hence, That fuch arc happier, (hocks all common Senfe. • Know, alt the Good that Individuals find, Or God and Nature meant to mere Mankind ; Reafon's whole Pleafures, -all the Joys of Senfe, Lie in three Words, Health, Peace, and Competence.... | |
| John Newbery - 1762 - 292 lehte
...the conftitution of this world ; and here it appears that the good man has evidently the advantage. Know, all the good that individuals find, Or God and nature meant to mere mankind ; Reafon's whole pleafure, all the joys of fenfe, Lie in three words, health, peace, and competence.... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1762 - 370 lehte
...? Heav'n ftill with laughter the vain toil fuvveys, 7? And buries madmen in the heaps they rsife.. Know, all the good that individuals find, Or God and Nature meant to mere Mankind, Reafon's whole pleafure, all the joys of Senfe, Lie in three words, Health, Peace, and Competence,... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1763 - 150 lehte
...fkies ? Heav'n ftill with laughter the vain toil furveys, 75 And buries madmen in the heaps they raife. Know, all the good that individuals find, Or God and Nature meant to mere Mankind, Reafon's whole pleafure, all the joys of Senfe, Lie in three words, Health, Peace, and Competence.... | |
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