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Over 800 Branches to which Subscribers may be transferred, and books forwarded to their orders, carriage free. Terms and Particulars on application. SURPLUS LIBRARY BOOKS AND VALUABLE NEW Many Thousands of Volumes of Important Works in all branches of Head Office: 186, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. Published Weekly by JOHN C. FRANCIS. Bream's Buildings. Chancery Lane. B.C. and Printed by JOHN EDWARD FRANCIS, INDEX. TENTH SERIES.-VOL. III. [For classified articles, see ANONYMOUS WORKS, BIBLIOGRAPHY, BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED, EDITORIAL, A. (B.) on authors of quotations wanted, 128 A. (B. C. W.) on "God rest you merry," 49 A. (O. B.) on "The Hungry Forties," 87 Alexandra (Queen), her surname, 114, 174, 351, 412. A. (F. G.) on "Who pays the piper calls the tune," 468 Algonquin element in Fnglish, 34, 77 A. (J.) on heriot, 142 A. (P. W.) on pompelmous, 256 Abbotsley, St. Neots, Hunts, list of incumbents, 29 Allen, motto of Louis II., Duke of Bourbon, 208, 473 America: dates of beginnings of different States, 326 Amory (T.), author of 'John Buncle, bis widow's Anchorites' dens, descriptions of, 128, 234, 298, 333, 391 Anderson (J. L.) on Patrick Bell, Laird of Anter- mony, 12 Holyrood font, 109 Andrews (W.) on toastmaster, 309 Wesley and the wig, 269 Angles England, origin of the word, 16 Anglo-Indian on pompelmous, 831 Anjou, genealogical table of House of, 270, 317, 333 Anne (Queen), memoirs of her last years, 32; as Alderman Ralph, 229, 270, 415 British Code of Duelling, 49, 192 Faithful Admonition of 1554, 484 Genesis: Notes on Book of Genesis, 50 Janus; or, Edinburgh Literary Almanack, 368 Pictures of the Old and New Testaments, 487 Reminiscences of Thought and Feeling, 320 Steer to the Nor'-Nor'-West, 13, 172, 436 Stukeley (Capt. Thomas), Famous History of, 301, Theatrical Remembrancer, 429 99 66 Albert (Prince), as poet and musical composer, 308, 374 Anscombe (A.) on “England,' 'English," 822, 453 Ainsty of York, its meaning, 183, 256, 835 Aldenham (Lord) on 'Coryate's Crudities,' 426 Spelling reform, 31, 134 Aldrich (S. J.) on Franciscus de Platea, 108 Antiquarian v. antiquary, 153 Anvari, Persian poet, his 'What is Love?' 186 Armstrong (T. P.) on cross in the Greek Church, 56 Artists, modern Italian, 38 Ashbridge (A.) on Rooque's and Horwood's maps of Ashen faggot, Christmas custom in Somersetshire, 236 "As such," meaning accordingly, 49, 193 Lady's coat of arms, 898 Attorney of 1870 on 'The Law List,' 887 Audience Meadow, its name, 493 Austin (James), his great plum-pudding, 255 Axon (W, E. A.) on Robert Farren Cheetham, 64 Ayeahr on Farrell, of the Pavilion Theatre, 188 Lamb in place-names, 294 Maiden Lane, Malden, 329, 477 B. on Marriage Service, 7 St. Anthony of Padua, 8 B. (C. C.) on patent medicines, 86 Q in the H. E. D.,' 146 B. (D. v.) on bringing in the Yule "clog," 166 B. (E. G.) on St. Sepulchre, 173 B. (G. F. R.) on Calland, 9 Carne (Samuel Charles), 867 Trelawny (Sir Jonathan, Bart.), 447 B. (H.) on 'Patience,' 229 B. (H. J.) on penny wares wanted, 16 B. (H. W.) on Joseph Wilfred Parkins, 108 B. (K. M.) on Marmont family, 189 B. (R.) on English officials under foreign Govern. ments, 129, 214 Epigram on a rose, 855 Houses, ancient religions, 69 B. (R. E.) on blood used in building, 178 Police uniforms: omnibuses, 187 B. (R. W.) on Cromwell Fleetwood, 466 Lead language, 145 B. (W. C.) on blood used in building, 35 Lamb in place-names, 150 May Day: two poetical tracts, 344 Richardson (W. V.) and the Russian Church, 376 "Visitations of Southwell,' 66 Bacon (Francis) and Ben Jonson, 35, 94; or Usher? Badges, curious words in their description, 407 Name coincidences, 466 Balances or scales, early, 208, 273 Baldock (G. Y.) on Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, 297 Baldwin (Sir Timothy) in 'D.N. B.,' 806 Ball (F. E.) on Battle-axe Guard, 315 Balzac, cipher used by, 868 Bananas, varieties of, 14 Bankrupts in 1708-9, 154 Bannerman (Rev. David) Janet Turing, 167, 316 Baptist Confessions of Faith, 89, 116, 455 Barclay-Allardice (R.) on patents of precedence, 90 Police uniforms: omnibuses, 76 Barker (H. T.) on St. Patrick, 450 Barrel-organ builders in Cheapside, 348 Barrow (Oswald) on the Fitzwilliam family, 165 Barry (Dr. James), her biography, 228, 813 Baskish, New Year's Eve in, 86; P. d'Urte's Bath, memorial tablet to James Quin at, 185; Gay's Bath (Sir Harry) and Shotover, 209, 277 Maxwell of Ardwell, 889 Battle-axe Guard, o. 1709, 247, 814 Bayley (A. R.) on House of Anjou, 817 Blake (Benjamin): Norman: Oldmix on, 15 Ramsay (Allan), 78 Scotch words and English commentators, 272 Young and Burns, 466 Beaconsfield (Lord), his faith, 867 Beardshaw (H. J.) on date of the Creation, 333 Bedford (Rev. W. K. R.), his death, 120 Begbie (K. M.) on Verschoyle: Folden, 116 Bell (Patrick), Laird of Antermony, his biography, 12 Bellringing performance, notable, 466 Bensly (E.) on Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy,' 203 King's Classical and Foreign Quotations,' 447 Bent (M. V. A.) on Edmond Hoyle, 196 Woffington (Peg), her portraits, 195 Betty black pudding or haggis, 6 of Worcester College, his Anne (Queen), her last years, 32 Arithmetic, 50, 98 Authors and their first books, 247, 297 Bibliographical queries, 227, 292, 473 Bonaparte (Napoleon), 167, 212 Book sales, catalogue of English, 341 Borrow (George), his Turkish Jester,' 229, 835 Burton (R.) his Anatomy of Melancholy,' 203 Sarpi (Father Paul), 44, 84, 144, 232 Spenser (Ed.), his 'Epithalamion,' 246, 412, 474 Tacitus, trans. by Greenwey and Savile, 488 Travers (Henry), his 'Miscellaneous Poems and Warden (David Bailie), 309 Willis (Edmond), his 'Abreuiation of Writing by Zornlin, 402 |