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received a posset and a jelly for his imme- necting Manningtree with Ipswich. The

diate delectation, and a tart and a cheesecake to take home with him. At least that is what Mr. Jones remembers to have been usual when he was a chorister. The gracecup with mulled wine went round to all the guests, and the two grace-cups that were used are still in the possession of the Chapter. They are a very fine pair, silver gilt, with handles and covers, standing about 15 inches high, and holding about three pints apiece. They have engraven on them the arms of the bishopric ensigned by mitres. The dateletter, confirmed by the leopard's head crowned, shows that they were hall-marked

in 1764.

There was a man cook in the service of the Chapter who went from house to house. The last but one was named Sanglier, a Frenchman, doubtless, and he lived in the small rectory house of St. Mary's in the South Bailey.

There are two interesting drawings, dating from about 1780, in the Kaye Collection at the British Museum, iii. 1, 2, one of which represents a residence dinner at Durham with the prebendary at the head of the table, in gown, cassock, bands, and wig, and about half a dozen gentlemen in the picturesque dress of the period; these are the only figures shown in the drawing. The other represents a number of old women in uniform cloaks sitting at a long table, from one end of which the prebendary, habited as above, and with a benevolent smile, as in the case of Dr. Jenkyns handing the shilling, is distributing to them long clay pipes. They appear to have just had their dinner, and the grace-cup is on the table, having just gone round. The expressions on their countenances are exactly those of the old women in Caldecott's illustration of Mrs. Mary Blaize, when she "strove the neighbourhood to please with manners wondrous winning," and cups of tea.


J. T. F.

SHOTLEY WILLS, 1463-1538.

THE following five wills have been transcribed from the registered copies preserved in the Probate Court at Ipswich. No. I. and No. II. are written in abbreviated Latin in an unusually crabbed hand, by no means easy to decipher. The Latin is here extended. A few words have baffled the skill of the modern transcriber.

The parish of Shotley, in Suffolk, occupies the apex of a triangle of land, bounded on its two sides by the the rive rivers Orwell and Stour,

and having for its base the railway line con

parish lies in two manors-Over-Hall-withNetherhall and Shotley Hall or Kirkton.

No. I.

(Book II., fo. 1292.)

In dei nomine Amen septimo Kalendas Augusti Anno Domini millesimo cccclxjijo. Ego Johannes Pertryche de Schotele alias Kyrketon compos mentis & bene memoriæ condo testamentum meum in hunc modum In primis lego Animam meam deo omnipotenti beate marie ac omnibus sanctis corpus de Schotle alias Kyrketon. Item lego summo Altari eiusdem ecclesie iij iiija pro decimis oblationibus & aliis omissis transactum. Item lego ad reparacionem ecclesie beate marie de Schotle alias Kyrketon infernio sive externio ubicumque [? one word] necesse facere x. Item convento fratrum Augustini de Orford x pro xxxli [a trental] Sancti Gregorii. Item convento fratrum minorum Gippewici x simili modo pro xxxli. Item lego Johanne Halle uxori Roberti Halle filie mee xiij iiija sub hac condicione viz. ut ipsa Johanna & nec ipse Robertus perturbant uel [vel] ad [? iniuriam] aliquo modo proturbant

ad sepeliendum in cimiterio beate

sive contradicant Thomam perteryche filium meum quacumque ex causa sive pro aliqua viz. sive bona mobilia sive immobilia Et si contingat quod Absit quod isti duo faciant ut laborant contra meam ultimam voluntatem tunc volo quod nichil [nihil] habeat sive habeant de bonis meis nisi ad [? one word] predicti Thomæ filii mei sicut sibi placuit Residuum

vero omnium bonorum meorum debitis Abstractis do & lego Thomæ pertryche ac Agneti consorti sue heredibus & Assignatis suis ut ipsi ordinent & disponant pro anima mea & uxore meo [sic] sicut sigillum meum presentibus Apposui ac eciam his testibus domino Andreo capellano Roberto ov'ton ballivo de Herwiche [Harwich] Johanne Hastyng' minore de Schotle & Aliis multis Anno domini

viderint expedire In cuius rei testimonium

probatum fuit, &c. Apud Gippewicum xxiiijte die mensis Januarii Anno supradicto Et comyssa supradict' etc.

No. II.

(Book III., fo. 1566.)

In Dei nomine Amen undecimo die mensis Novembris Anno domini millesimo cccemo 1xxxxiij. Ego Thomas Pertryche de Schoteley senior compos mentis et sane memorie condo testamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis lego Animam meam

deo omnipotenti beate marie ac omnibus sanctis Corpus que meum ad sepeliendum in Cimiterio ecclesie parochialis de Schotley predicti. Item lego summo Altari eiusdem ecclesie vis viijd. Item lego fabricando une fenestre in parte Australi dicte ecclesie iij iiij. Item lego domini [sic] fratrum minorum de gippewici pro uno trigintali pro anima mea ad celebrandum x. Item lego domini [sic] fratrum Augustini de Orford iij iiijd. Item lego Johanne filie mee uxori Johannis werry de villa croft cum domo & gardina sibi & heredibus suis predicta duas pecias terre iacentes infra Sewall post obitum Agnetis uxoris mee. Item lego Agneti uxori mee totum illud tenementum in quo habito cum omnibus suis pertinentiis ubique jacent diu quedam vixerit. Et volo quod post decessum uxoris mee illud tenementum predictum cum pertinentiis suis dividatur inter duos filios meos equaliter viz. Thomam & Johannem Ita eque inter eos dividatur. Et volo quod Johannes filius meus habeat mansione

sua in meo tenemento predicto & heredibus suis ita tamen quod Johannes predictus & heredes sui solvant aut solutum faciant Thome p'tryche filio meo predicto heredibus & executoribus suis unam porcionem terre ad quantitatem mei dimidii tenementi [? one word] inter vicinos videbitur dividi. Insuper volo quod quis filiorum meorum super vixit quod ille habeat sibi aut heredibus suis filiis aut filiabus imperpetuum. Et si sorte aliquis filiorum meorum decesserit absque [? licita] procreatione quod ex [? four words] tene mentum meum cum omnibus suis pertinentiis vendatur & denarios ex eo provenientes disponandos pro me uxore mea & parentibus meis. Item lego Johanne filie mee predicte unum campum qui vocatur overyard quod sicut supra illum domum edificet sibi & heredibus suis imperpetuum ita tamen quod per campum predictum habeat via pedestrium [? one word) que ad ecclesiam. Insuper volo quod si executores mei non habeant in mobi libus unde pro me disponant quod vendant unam peciam terre & pecunia inde provenienti disponant prout Salute Anime mee videbitur expedire. Et si Aliquis filiorum meorum voluerit illam portionem terre comparare volo quod illi emant pro aliis lego Thome filio Johannis verrey in pecuniis xx3 vel aliquod aliud ad valorem illius pecunie. Item volo quod le gavell pitte que jacet in pastura que vocatur subfen quod exspendatur in emendandum viam quod regiam & Alias non nisi conveniant cum executoribus meis. Residuum vero de executoribus viz. Thome Blosse seniori de Schotley Thome p'tryche filio meo & Johanni filio meo quod ipsi disponant pro salute Anime mee uti deo duce videbitur. In omnis rei testimonium sigillum meum apposui data die & Anno supra dictis hiis [his] testibus Johanne pand' Symone merche Adam bunsch. Item lego & do Thome p'trych filio meo le wor' [sic] grownd apud fyschbane & quod habeat suum placitum in omnibus terris meis viz. venando & volucres capiendo.

Probatum &c. coram nobis apud Gippewicum ultimo die mensis Januarii Anno domini supra dicto. Et commissa &c. Thome Blosse & Thome p'trich' executoribus juratis &c. Reservata [potestate] Alteri coexecutori cum venerit &c.

No. III.

(Book XI., fo. 53.)

In the name of god Amen. And in the yere of our lord god M1 ccccc xxxij the xxiiiji Daye of August I John P'tryche of Shotley in the Countie of Suff in the Diocise of Norwich yeman beyng in good memorye att that tyme lauded be god make this my testament and last Will ffirst I bequeth my soule to the blessed Trinite our blissed ladye and to all the holie companye of hevyn. And my bodie to be buried in the cherch yerde of Shotley. Also I bequeth to the highe Aulter of the said cherch for my oblacions and tythes forgoten iijs. iiijd. Also I bequeth to my mother cherch of Norwich iiijd. Also I Will that myn Executors shall honestlie bury me and kepe my xxxti Daye and my yere Daye. Also I Will that myn Wyff shall haue terme of her lyff myn tenement that I dwelle in Wt all the londes therto belongyng And all my other tenements & londes both fre and copye Where so euyr they Do lye Durying hir lyff naturall and keping hir selff a wedowe. Also I Will aft my Wyffs deth that Margaret my Doughter haue my teneme't callyd Harlyuggs and Popys felde somtyme Jamys Bransyn, Also I Will aft the

Decease of my Wyff the said Margaret shall haue a close called Shorte londe close. Also I Will that aft my Wyffs deth Which of my two Doughters Elizabeth and Margaret be habelest [ablest, most able] to by my house that I dwelle in Wt the Close the yerdys and gardeyn plottys therto belongyng conteyneng by estimation iiij acres more or lesse payeng to there susters than beyng a lyve or to there children of there bodies laufullye begoton v markys starlyng to eu'y suster that is to seye eu'y yere vis. viijd. to eu'y oon of them till the s'm of xli. be paide equallie to them or to there children. Yf ony of myn Doughters Dye be fore there mother that than I Will that there susters than beyng a lyve shall haue porcion and parte equallye to be deuyded be twyxt them or there children beyng a lyve yf ony they have laufullye begoton As is before Writon. Also I bequeth to the said Elizabeth my Doughter aft her mothers deth oon acre in newecroft callyd Dorokys acre wt all the residue in the same felde. Also I bequeth to the said Elizabeth aft hir mothers dethe a medowe callyd brodrushe Rye close & also [?f]ulsen o'y Wyse called heyclose. And [fo. 53] yf all my doughters dye or there mother than I will that all my houses & londes whereso euyr they lye be solde aft my wyffs deth by her executors or assigners And the money thereof comyng to be disposed in messys and dedys of charite most pleasing god and for saluacon of our soulys and all cristen soulys. Reseruyd alwey to there children yf ony they haue than beyng a lyve v markys a pece growyng & comyng of the sale of all myn tenements & londes a fore writen. Also I bequeth to my Wyff all myn moveabillys to do wt them what she will payeng my dettys and p'formyng this my last will and testament. Also I requyre all my Eoffeoffers in all my said houses & londes to deliue' estate whan they shalbe requyred to the p'formaunce of this my last will and testament [? one word] I make & ordeyn myn executrices my Wyff Elizabeth myn doughter and Margarett to se this my last will p'formyd. Also I will that my Wyff shall have my Close called Parmentars otherwise callyd Bettys close in fee simple that is to geue and to selle. And also I will that John Smyth my godson shall haue iijs. iiijd. And also I do faythfullie requyre and desire the p'son of Erwarton S' Nycoll to be sup'visor and assistent to my executrices in good councell to the p'formaunce of this my last will and testament & he to haue vjs. viijd. In witnesse whereof I haue putt to my seale In the p'sence of Thomas Blosse and George Warre wt other mo. Also I will that if ony of my doughters stryve wt other or with my executrix so that this my last will shall be hendered & take noon effecte or ony sute to be made that than I will that hir parte shalbe deuyded & go equallie to the Residue of hir susters non stryvyng. Be it knowen to all men that I syr John Jermyn priest att the instaunce of the good man p'trych [? end wanting]. Proved at Ipswich, 27 Sept., 1532, by the executrixes.

No. IV.

(Book XIII., fo. 51a.)

In the name of god amen. I Margery Partrych Syngylwoman of Shotteley beyng in good mynd & hole memory the xxvjto day of March in the yere of or Lord god M'ccccc xxxviijto make of last will and Testament in this man' folowyng ffyrst I bequeth my Soule to Allmyghtie god my maker & to c

Lady saynt Mary & vnto all the holy companye of Hevyn & my body to be buryed in the Cherch yarde of Shotteley aforesaid. Item I bequeth my Ten't lyeng in Dedh'm [in Essex] holdyn by Copy of Courte Rolle we all the londs therto belongyng to my Syster Elyzabeth Partrych hyr heyers & assigneis aft the deth of my Mother Isabell Partrych And the Residue of all my goods I geue vnto my Mother & my Syster Elyzabeth aforesaid for to se me Honestlye buryed. Whom I make myn executryces. Wyttenes of this my powre

Will and Testament Syr John Bulle pryst Rycharde

Maye & Margerye May wt other.

Proved at Ipswich, 8 Oct., 1538.

this my last will and Testament Thomas Blosse the elder Rychard Brome John Turnor Will'm Smyth and John Branston the elder.

[Fo. Sb] Proved at Ipswich, 5 May, 1538, by the executrix.

No. V. appears to be the last recorded will of any Partridge of Shotley, but the following notes prove that the name continued to exist in the parish. The register is incomplete: baptisms begin in 1644, marriages in 1687/8, and burials in 1571. An examination of the last section down to 1612 brought to light eight entries relating to a family named Patrick, and also the two following, both in

The same daie [30 of August] An infant the

daught of Thom's patrich bur.

The 23 of December Thom's Patrich the husband of Mary bur.

Dedham lies in the valley of the Stour, which separates Essex from Suffolk. Ded-1604:ham is bounded by the Essex parishes of Langham, Ardleigh, and Lawford, and the Suffolk parishes of Stratford St. Mary and East Bergholt. It is not improbable that from the Partridges of Shotley were descended the Partridges whose history begins in the registers of Stratford and the adjoining parish of Higham in the years 1589 and 1585 respectively. See Partridge of Shelley Hall' in Muskett's 'Suffolk Manorial Families,' ii. 165-70.

No. V.

(Book XIII., fo. 7b.)

In the name of god Amen I Isabell pertryche wedowe of the p'ish of Shotteley in Suff beyng in good mynde lawded be Jesu The iiijte daye of Apryll & the yere of our lorde god M'cccccxxxviijte make my last will & Testament in this man' & forme folowyng [fo. 8"] ffyrst I bequeth my soule to god to our ladye & to all the companye in hevyn my body to be buryed in the cherch yarde of Shotley I bequeth to the high Aulter ther iiija for my tythes forgotton & not don. Item I bequeth ij Trentallys of three score masses to be said by some honest pryst for my husbonds soule & myn & our ffrynds Soulls. Item I bequeth & geue to Johan Pette the yonger iiijor Ewe lambys. Item I bequeth to my doughter Elyzabeth p'trych my pece of grounde callyd Betts the which I gaue hyr State in tyll such tyme as the said Johan Pette com to

the age of xx yerys. Then she to haue yt. And yf

yt fortune hyr to dye or [before] that tyme Than the said pece of grounde to remayne to my said doughter Elyzabeth & to hyr assign' in ffee Symplee for eu. And I will the rente therof be payde alweys & as yt hath cu' be in the house that I dwell in. And also I geue to the said Johan Pette my Ten'tt callyd Burton when she comyth to the age aforesaid. And yf she dye a fore the age Than my said doughter Elyzabeth to haue yt in ffee Symplee as ys aforesaid wreton. Also I geue to the said Johan Pette oon Brasse pott next the best whan she comyth to the age aforesaid. The Resydue of all my gooddys moveabylls & vnmoveabylls wher so eu' they ley or be I geue to my said doughter Elyzabeth payeng my detts and honestlye buryyng And eu' a monge as she may be some dedys


of Charytie to remembyr my soule my husbonds soule Crystyn soulls or cause to be don. Whom I ordeyn & make my sole executryx and Sup vysor Master Symonde Nycolls p'son of Erwar ton whom I geue iij iiij. These be wyttenes of

The following notes are from various sources :

1628, 22 April, marriage licence, Thomas Fuller, widower, and Alice Pattriche of Shotley, widow, to be married at S. Helen's, Ins Ipswich.

1639, 18 Oct., administration of Alice Partrige of Shotley granted to her aunt Susan, wife of William Browne, during the minority of her sisters, Mary and Hester Fuller.

1657, 26 Nov., administration of Alice Partridge, late of Shotley, Suffolk, spinster, granted to Henry Partridge, her uncle (P.C C.).

1671, "John paterredg of Shotely singellman and Mary Barrnard ware married the 24th of August" (Brantham parish register)

1728, marriage licence, John Partridge, of Shotley, Suffolk, to Ann Waller of the same, at Mistleigh or Manningtree. Ε. Μ.

"QUANDARY." - Many speculations have been hazarded as to the origin of this word; but we have all of us overlooked a highly important piece of evidence, to which Dr. Ellis drew attention as far back as 1871. The 'N.E.D.' gives the earliest quotation as from Lily's 'Euphues': "in a great quandarie," ed. Arber, p. 45, the date being 1579.

The next quotation is the very important one from Stanyhurst's 'Virgil' (ed. Arber, p. 94) in which quandáre is so used as to show that the accent was on the penultimate, the date being 1582.

The next quotation is dated 1611. But there is another notice of the word, in 1582, which practically explains its origin. This is from Rich. Mulcaster's 'First Part of the Elementarie which entreateth chefelie of the right writing of our English tung, printed at London, 1582.

In describing the sound of the letter e Mulcaster says:

"Whensoeuer E is the last letter [in a word] and soundeth, it soundeth sharp, as , [see], , agré [agree]: sauing in the, the article, ye the pronown, and in Latin words, or of a Latin form, when theie be vsed English-like, as certiorare [sic], quandare, where e soundeth full and brode after the originall Latin."

This is to say, that an expert in English pronunciation, writing at the very time when the word was quite new, distinctly tells us that quandare is a word "of a Latin form," and that it is used "English-like," i.e, with some very slight change. Dr. Ellis remarks on this: "Observe that quandary is referred to a Latin origin, quam dare, as if they were the first words of a writ." See his English Pronunciation,' p. 912.

I much doubt if quam dare is right; it is difficult to see how a sentence can thus begin. But if any one can produce an example, the question will be settled.

My own guess is that quan: dare is a playful mode of reference to the phrase quantum dare, "how much to give." This is a question which causes perplexity every day, notably to one who contemplates going to law, or contributing a subscription, or buying any luxury or even any necessity. At every turn this searching question puts the thinker "in a quandary." For such an abbreviation, compare verbum sap., infra dig., pro tem., nem. con., &c.


KNIGHTS OF WINDSOR. (See 5th S. v. 209, 252) -A paragraph from Australia, which has been copied into The British Australasian, alludes to the succession to an English baronetcy of a Hobart cabman, and adds that "the position carries an income of about 4,000l. yearly, and residence at the Royal Foundation, Windsor Castle." The statements as to income and residence can hardly both be true, and may neither of them be so. But a correspondence as to the "Poor Knights" may be supplemented by this note.


"DOGMATISM IS PUPPYISM FULL GROWN." (See 10th S. ii. 520.) - Quoted, and I think the source given, in Crabb Robinson's 'Diary.' W. T.

where the author gives the title to one of his pictures as Children fishing for Pricklebats.' HOLCOMBE INGLEBY.

MARQUIS OF SALISBURY IN FITZROY SQUARE. _ In the notices of the career of the late Marquis of Salisbury which appeared in the newspapers on the occasion of his death,. reference was made to the fact that in his early days he lived in a part of London not usually patronized by the members of our great families. Amongst his London residences I saw no mention of No. 21, Fitzroy Square, where he lived from 1860 to 1862: He was then Lord Robert Talbot Gascoigne Cecil, M.P. for Stamford. I have verified the entry in the directory by the St. Pancras rate-books, and find that the house was rated at 90l. It is now occupied by the British and Foreign Sailors' Society. R. B. P.

'THE NORTHAMPTON MERCURY.' (See 8th S. vi. 25.)-As an addition to my note at the above reference, I send on the following cutting taken from The Daily Mail of 3 December last:

"A famous county newspaper, The Northampton Mercury, has just changed hands, the proprietors,. Messrs. S. S. Campion pion & Sons, having sold it to a local syndicate. This is the only in the kingdom which can prove unbroken publication for one hundred and eighty-four years. It has also thedistinction of being the oldest privately-owned paper in England. It was founded in 1720 by Robert Raikes, the philanthropist, and William.

Dicey, ancestor of Professor Dicey. The founders started the famous Dicey Chap-books, and remained for over fifty years the principal producers of chapbooks and broadsheets."


West Haddon, Northamptonshire.

DEATHS OF THE AGED.-In The Guardian's obituary list of 14 December last forty-three deaths are recorded. In six cases the age is. not stated. Of the remaining thirty-seven. eleven were aged ninety and over, the senior being the Rev. George Elton, M.A.Cantab.,, aged ninety-five; eleven were between eighty and ninety; eight between seventy and eighty; five between sixty and seventy; onefifty-eight, and the youngest of the whole list fifty-two. Out of the whole forty-three thirty-one were males. It would be easy to supplement this. list from other papers. An aunt of my own died on 1 December in her ninety-ninth year. The unseasonably severe cold at the end of November was, no doubt, the cause: of a large proportion of these deaths.


"PRICKLE-BAT." - Stickle-back, stickle-bag, and prickle-back are well-known variants of this friend of our childhood, and I think I have come across dittle-bat. The above, however, is a new acquaintance, and is to be JAMES CLARENCE MANGAN. In the introfound in Hassell's 'Life of Morland,' p. 106, duction to his 'Life of Mangan' Mr. D. J.


O'Donoghue quotes the following statement sent, bearing the date 1847-"a relic of


from a memoir prefaced by John Mitchel to his edition of Mangan's poems: "He never published line in any English periodical." This statement is disproved, by the sudden appearance to the writer of an oversetting of Schiller's poem 'Hope,' which is to be found in vol. vii. N.S. of Chambers's Journal, April, 1847. This poem, which does not appear in any edition of Mangan's poetry,

runs as follows:

The future is man's immemorial hymu.
In vain runs the present a-wasting:

To a golden goal in the distance dim
In life, in death, he is hasting.

The world grows old, and young, and old,

But the ancient story still bears to be told.

youth......quite artificial in sentiment," but containing "some tolerable lines, perhaps." The friend above alluded to, upon receipt of the poem, wrote back inquiring whether the author had not intended the title to be in the plural or 'An Horatian Echo.' To this "the ex-School-Inspector" answered that if the plural were used it was to be Echoes, not Echos; but "the composer" thought that "the singular was preferable." Hence the title as we know it- Horatian Echo.'


MILLIKIN-ENTWISLE FAMILIES. - Extracts are given below from the will of Catherine Price, of the parish of St. Mary, Woolnoth,

Hope smiles on the boy from the hour of his in the City of London :


To the youth it gives bliss without limit;

It gleams for old age as a star on earth,

And the darkness of death cannot dim it.

Its rays will gild even the fathomless gloom
When the pilgrim of life lies down in the tomb.

Never deem it a Shibboleth phrase of the crowd,
Never call it the dream of a rhymer;
The instinct of Nature proclaims it aloud :-

We are destined for something sublimer.
This truth which the witness within reveals
The purest worshipper deepliest feels.

J. C. Mangan.


2, Dolphin Terrace, S.C.R., Dublin.

"BETTY." (See 9th S. xi. 227.) - Some American students at Göttingen told me that they have heard the term "black betty" used in the United States of a kind of "black pudding" or "haggis.” On p. 50 of A New Dictionary of Americanisms,' by Sylva Clapin, one reads: "Betty, the strawbound and pear-shaped flask of commerce, in which olive oil is brought from Italy." E. S. DODGSON.

「The latter meaning is noted in the 'N.E.D.']

MATTHEW ARNOLD'S 'HORATIAN ECHO.'This poem appeared first in The Century Guild Hobby Horse for July, 1887. Arnold was a constant reader of this magazine, and on his expressing a wish that "something could be done" to render its publicity less restricted, a friend one of the leaders of the Guild-suggested that the poet might himself "do something" by sending them a contribution. In reply, while pointing out his inability, through pressure of work, to "promise anything," the illustrious patron agreed that "if he could make anything of a little Horatian Echo, in verse, which had lain by for years, discarded because of an unsatisfactory stanza, they should have it." Within a few weeks the revised MS. was

"To be buried in the churchyard of Lee, Kent. Mentions indenture bearing date Nov., 1743, between Henry Price, then of the parish of Saint Bride's (my late husband), and Francis Smith, of the parish of St. Paul, Covent Garden, relating to 10 acres of land in Upwell, in the county of Norfolk; 15 acres in Upwell, in a place called Netmore, in the occupation of John May; also lot of 16 acres called Lake's End, in Upwell, in the occupation of John Raper; also the 'Hen and Chickens' in Whitechapel High Street, in the occupation of John Allen; also one undivided third part of tenements in Noble Street, in the parish of St. Olave, Sikver [? Silver] Street.

"Bequeaths Hen and Chickens' to Mary Entwisle, Margaret Entwisle, and Jane Millikin, widow, all of Lombard Street, London, milliners, and immediately after their decease to the use of Halley Benson Millikin, son of the said Jane Millikin. Legacies to my cousin Robert Smith,' Elizabeth Caton, niece of my said late husband.' Mary Entwisle sole executrix. Witnesses-Basil Herne, Basil Herne [sic], William Herne.

"Dated July 8, 1764. Proved Nov. 14, 1765, by Mary Entwisle, sole executrix."-P.C.C., Register Rushworth, fo. 423.

A correspondent says:

"Part of Lombard Street is in the parish of St. Mary, Woolnoth, and I conjecture that in her second widowhood Catherine Price went to live with the sisters Entwisle.

"As to the houses and land which appear to have been settled on the second marriage of Catherine, it is not clear whether they originally formed part of her estate or of that of Henry Price. Possibly the part of tenements in Noble Street came to her from her first husband."

The purport of the above will be made rather more clear by adding that Katherine Price, younger surviving daughter of Dr. Edmond Halley, had first married, 2 October, 1721, Richard Butler, of St. Martin's-le-Grand, widower (cp. published 'Register of Church of St. Margaret, Lee,' p. 13). Her second husband was Henry Price, who died in January, 1764.

Reference to the marriage of James Millikin and Jane Entwisle, 26 October, 1749,

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