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NOTES:-Residence Dinners in Durham, 1-Shotley Wills, 2-"Quandary," 4-Knights of Windsor-"Dogmatism is puppyism full grown"-" Prickle-bat"-Marquis of Salisbury in Fitzroy Square- The Northampton Mercury Deaths of the Aged-James Clarence Mangan, 5-"Betty" -Matthew Arnold's 'Horatian Echo'-Millikin-Entwisle Families, 6. QUERIES: - Plundered Pictures Tarleton and "The REPLIES: "Wassail," 9 - Christmas Carols: Waits Death of Nelson,' 18. and Magazines. Notices to Correspondents. Notes. Waddington, having been obliged by the death of a near relation to go away during his close residence, took it again from beginning to end. During their close residence the Dean and Prebendaries gave "residence dinners," about five or six, or two a week. These were on a very bountiful scale in respect both of meat and of drink, and usually took place at 7 o'clock. At one dinner would be entertained nobility and gentry, with members of the Chapter, and the more wealthy of the beneficed clergy; at another, the Minor Canons, the head master and second master of the Grammar School, the less wealthy beneficed clergy, and professional men; at another, the Mayor and Corporation, with other citizens; at another, at 2 P.M., the tradesmen, &c., who singing men, with always went from the dinner to the afternoon service. And there would be other dinners for guests not easily classified. At some, probably those of the second grade, there would be officials such as the Receiver, the Chapter Clerk, &c. And before the days of railways, when strangers in Durham were few and far between, they came in for their chance. I have heard my father say that once when my grandfather and he were passing through Durham they attended the afternoon service, immediately after which the verger came to them with "Archdeacon Bouyer's compliments, and would they favour him with their company at dinner that evening?" They gladly accepted the inviIt was a residence dinner, and they met the famous Count Borouwlaski, the Polish dwarf, who then lived in Durham. "The little count" brought his own tiny knife and fork, now in the Durham Uniwith a big book on his chair to raise him versity Museum, and was accommodated to the height of the table. The count was, as usual, very entertaining, the archdeacon very kind and hospitable, and the strangers enjoyed a delightful evening. At the end of dinner came the grace. One chorister, in a brown gown faced with white, attended by The Dean and the twelve Prebendaries the butler with a shilling on a silver waiter, of the foundation of Queen Mary each kept and a wax candle in his hand, read, in English, Beati immathree weeks of "close residence" in their the first portion of Psalm cxix., " turns, during which they always slept in culati," on a monotone. The prebendary said their houses in the college, maintained hos-"Tu autem," and the boy went on with "Domine miserere nostri," on a monotone pitality, and attended every service in the cathedral, or, as it was then commonly called, which sweetly sounded through the great "the abbey." If they failed to comply with room. The prebendary then handed the any one of the above customs only once, shilling over his left shoulder to the boy,* saving by reason of sickness or some other who descended to the kitchen, where he urgent cause, they began their residence over again. I have understood that Dean RESIDENCE DINNERS IN DURHAM. THERE are very few people now living who remember these once famous entertainments. I was myself a guest at one of the last of them, at the house of Dr. Jenkyns, who died in 1878, the last of the old prebendaries, though I believe he was not quite on the same footing as the older men had been. The following note is based partly on my own recollections, and partly on those of my friends Mr. Thomas. Jones, of Durham, Proctor and Notary, and the Rev. William Greenwell, Minor Canon and Rector of St. Mary's in the South Bailey, whose memories of Durham go much further back than nine do. tation. * I remember the benevolent smile with which Dr. Jenkyns did this. |