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Alexander the Great, Edrisi's story of the
destruction of a dragon by, 282.
Alfieri, character of his writings, and
their effects, 7.

Anleitung zur Kupferstichkunde, by Adam
Bartsch, 74.

Aperçu général sur l'Egypte, par A. B.
Clot-Bey, 362-the author practises
as a physician in Egypt, 363-works
hitherto published on Egypt, 364-
rains, geological structure, of Egypt,
366-treatment by Europeans of their
slaves, 367-Egyptian servants, 368-
superstitious ideas, 369-anecdote of
Mehemet Ali and a female magician,
370-literature of the Arab race, 371
-anecdote of a French lady carried
off by the chief of a Bedouin tribe,
372-dislike and contempt of the
Turks for the Europeans, 374-arro-
gance of the Mamalukes, 375-Euro-
pean adventurers and project dealers,
376-civilization in the East, 378-
character and objects of Mehemet Ali,
379-parallel between him and Peter
the Great, 581-administration, finan-
cial and executive, 383-fellahs in
Egypt, 385-population of Egypt,
386-navy, schools and manufactures,
387-diet and maladies, 388-extract
from Volney on state of Egypt in his
time, 391-present security for life and
property, ib.

Arabs, inconsistency of their intellectual
attainments, 265 disadvantage of


their imitation of the Greeks, 266-
unsafe authority of their geography,
267-their division of the globe into
climates, 268-their knowledge of the
countries washed by the Mediterranean,
and ignorance of more northern ones,
269-extracts from Edrisi's work on
their geography, 271-their literature
and romances, 371.

Archivio Storico Italiano, ossia Raccolta
di Opere e Documenti finora inediti
e divenuti rarissimi, riguardante la Sto-
ria d'Italia, compilata da una Società
di Amici e Cultori della Medesima.
(Italian Historical Archives, or Collec-
tion of Works and Documents at pre-
sent unpublished or scarce, in relation
to Italian History; compiled by a So-
ciety of Friends and Students of the
same), 450.


Balzac, his profligate works, 140.
Bancroft (George), History of the United
States, 327.

Berbers of Africa, some account of, 267,

Berengario (Augusto), e Cecilia di Baone,
Tragedie di Carlo Marenco da Ceva,


Bermudes (D. Cean), quotation from
Diccionario dellas Bellas Artes, 80.
Bettina von Arnim, the heroine of Goethe's
correspondence with a child, 202-her
correspondence with Goethe, 205.


Briano, his tragedy of Pier delle Vigne,


Britanny, how little known to the English
in general, 142-notices of her history,
144, 146-composition of the language,
154-specimen of the poetry in the
sixteenth century, 156-extract from,
with translation, 157-her monuments
of antiquity, the Roche aux Fées, 158
-remarkable remains in Department
of Morbihan, ib.-Mr. Deane's account
of the stones of Carnac, 160-different
opinions of their origin and design,


Burns, singular passage in one of his let-
ters respecting his predilection for
blackguards, 63.


Callot, anecdote of his patriotism, 76.
Caraites, Jewish sect supposed to be a
remnant of the primitive Jews, 257.
Carnac, account of the stones of, in Bri-
tanny, 160-various hypotheses as to
their origin and design, 161.
Catherine II., of Russia, her character

and internal policy, 44-nature of her
laws, ib.-her policy with respect to
Turkey, 46-and Poland, 48-her
share in the deposition of Peter the
Third, 50-treatment of her son Paul,
52-her personal appearance, 53-state
of her court, ib.-benefit of her reign to
Russia, 56.

Celtic and Cymraig dialects, account of,

[blocks in formation]

ment à l'Histoire du Père Sahagun;
publié et dedié au gouvernement su-
prême de la Conféderation Mexicaine.
Par Charles Marie de Bustamente,
102-notice upon Ixtlilxochitel, 103–
occupation of Mexico by Cortez, 104
-insurrection of the Mexicans upon
his temporary absence, 105-he with-
draws his troops at night from Mexico,
106-returns and invests the town,
107-number of his Spaniards and
allies, 108-storms part of the town,
109-carries the remaining quarters of
the town with dreadful slaughter, 111-
bis barbarous treatment of the emperor,
112-and of his other prisoners, 113-
ceremony of baptizing the natives, 114
-expedition of Cortez into the inte-
rior, 114-his systematic cruelty to the
individuals of the Mexican dynasty,



De Pradt, criticism on, by Rahel, 73.
De Stael (Madame), Rahel's criticism
upon, 71.

Die Christliche Glaubenslehre in ihrer Ge-
schichtlichen Entwickelung, und im
Kampfe mit der modernen Wissen-
schaft dargestellt, von Dr. David Fried-
rich Strauss. (The Christian Doctrines
illustrated in their Historical Develop-
ment, and in opposition with modern
Science, by Dr. D. F. Strauss), 394—
singular arrangement of the heads of
his subject, 395-injurious attempt to
disprove the Mosaic account of the
creation, 397-Newton's notion of the
creation, 399-extracts from Strauss
upon the incorporation of matter and
God, 401-review of his chapter upon
the Reason and Aim of the Creation,
403 arguments of Schelling and
Böhme, 405-God and All proved not
to be equal ideas, 407-Strauss's rea-
soning upon angels, 410-upon the
first created pair, 412-the Autoch-
thonic theory of the author, 413-re-
futed, 415.

Die Günderode, Zwey Theile. (Gun-
derode, two volumes), 205.
Drama, state of, and works illustrative of,
in Italy, 3-decline of, in England and
Germany, 37.

Du Catholicisme, du Protestantisme, et de
la Philosophie en France, par Fran-
cisque Bouvet, en réponse à M. Guizot
184-difference of the three Christian
communions, Greek, Roman, and Pro-

testant, 184-state of the Greek Church,
185-extent to which the infallibility
of a church can be carried, 186-anec-
dote of a controversy between a Pro-
testant and a Roman Catholic divine
upon the authority of the Roman
Church, 187-tendency of the mea-
sures of the Oxford Tract men, 188-
anecdote concerning their practices,
ib.-their ill-judged depreciation of
Luther, 189-Carlyle's description of
Luther's controversy with Tetzel, 190—
of his burning the Papal Bull at Wit-
tenberg, 191-of his proceeding to the
Diet at Worms, ib.-injudicious system
of building too rapidly self-supporting
churches,193-extension of episcopacy
through the British dominions, 194
growing power of the true Church, 195
-improbability of the revival of the
Papal power, 196-character and influ-
ence of Romanism, 198.

Dumas (Alexandre), dramas of, 135.


Edrisi, geography of the Arabs trans-
lated, 265-extracts from, 271-his
description of Africa, 274. [Vide
Geographie d'Edrisi.]

Education, importance and influence of,
298-necessity of a sound and moral
system of, 305.

Egypt. [Vide Aperçu Géneral sur

Egyptians, ancient, their probable know-
Tedge of steam, chemistry and anatomy,


Engraving, by etching and the burin, as
practised in Europe in the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries, 75-artists
of Flanders, ib. French school of
etching, 78-Spanish engravers, 80-
English masters in engraving, 81-
method of engraving termed opus mal-
lei, 86-invention and process of mez-
zotinto, ib.-masters in, 88-introduc-
tion of, into England, ib.-chalk en-
graving, 90-process of aquatinta en-
graving, 91-introduced into England
by Paul Sandby, 92-invention of li-
thography by Senefelder, 94-process
of, 95-modern masters of engraving,
97-fac-simile views from the Daguer-
réotype, 98-probable effects of upon
art, 100-agrography, or relief en-
graving, 101.

Excursions Daguerriennes, Collection de
50 Planches représentant les Vues et

[ocr errors]

les Monumens les plus remarquables du
Globe, 74.

Exposition de Paris, state of under Na-
poleon and the Bourbons, 169-en-
gines exhibited in 1839..172.


Ferrara (Andrew), composition of his
blades, 180.

France, state of religious feeling in, 420—
her unchristian conduct in Africa, 421
-supposed personal dislike of Lord
Palmerston to France, 422-unpopu-
larity of the Whig cabinet in France,
424-duty of France and the European
sovereigns to concur in the formation of
a firm government in Spain, 426-rela-
tive situation of France and England
with respect to Spain, 428-French
aggression in Algiers, 429-English
vilified to the Spaniards by the French,
430-security afforded by the acces-
sion to office of M. Guizot, 431-ob-
lique policy necessary to French states-
men in dealing with their nation, 432-
character of the partisans of Louis Phi-
lip, 434-bis conduct in the affair
of the heritage of the Duke of Bour-
bon, 435-his moral influence upon
the French nation, 437-small worth
of the security arising from his per-
sonal existence, 438- situation of
France with regard to the European
powers upon points of Eastern policy,


Frankists, modern Jewish sect founded by
Jacob Frank, 257.

French philosophers of the eighteenth
century, 119-character of Rousseau,



Gaelic dialect, difference between the
Irish and Scotch, 155.

Galerie von Bildnissen aus Rahel's Umgang

und Briefwechsel, herausgegeben von
K. A. Varnhagen von Ense, 57.
Geographie d'Edrisi, traduite de l'Arabe
en Français d'après deux Manuscrits
de la Bibliothèque du Roi, et accom-
pagnée de Notes, par M. Amedée
Jaubert. Recueil de Voyages et de
Mémoires publié par la Société de
Géographie, 265-extracts from, 271 —
description of Africa, 274-of the
source of the Nile, 276-manner of
administering justice in China, 277—

[ocr errors]

description of the idol of Moultan,
278-account of the invasion of Egypt
by a Frank king, 279-specimen of
Edrisi's geography of England, ib.—
account of phenomena of the sea, 280
-story of the destruction of a dragon
by Alexander the Great, 282-extra-
ordinary animals in the seas of China
and India, ib.

Goethe, memoirs of, by Dr. Reimer, 200
-his present reputation in Germany,
201-his disinterested character, 204.
Goldoni, character of his comedies, 5.
Greeks, ancient, their industry questioned
by M. Jobard, 163-modern inven-
tions unknown to them, 164— their
knowledge of steam, balloons, and the
compass, ib.

Guida dell' Educatore e Letture per i
fanciulli, foglio mensuale compilato da
Raffaello Lambruschini, 297-compo-
sition of, and writers that contribute
to, 326.


Hassids, a Jewish sect founded in Poland
by Rabbi Israel Bashlem, 255—their
modern state, doctrines and mode of
worship, 256.

Histoire des Rois et des Ducs de Bretagne,

par M. de Roujoux, 142-their inde-
pendence of the French, 143-union
entered into with the French in the
reign of Clovis, ib.-dissensions be-
tween the sons of Hoel in the sixth
century, 144-growing power of the
churchmen in the thirteenth century,
145-Duke of Britanny excommuni-
cated and forced to yield to prelatic
supremacy, ib.-dukedom passes at
the close of the fourteenth century into
the family of Jean de Montfort, 146—
ceremony of the investiture of his son,"
John V., ib.-quarrels between Francis
I. and his younger brother Gilles, 147
-Gilles calumniated to the king of
France, 148-who sends him prisoner
to Dinau, 149-the duke causes a
charge of treason to be brought against
him, 150-administers poison to him,
151-release of Gilles demanded in a
forged letter, purporting to be from
Henry VI. of England, 152—project to
starve him to death frustrated by an old
woman, 153-he is smothered by his
keepers, ib.-remarkable death of his
brother the duke, 154-language of
Britanny derived from the Celtic, ib.-
Breton ballad of the sixteenth century,

156-extract from, with translation,
157-monuments of antiquity of Bri-
tanny, Roche aux Fées, 158-remark-
able antique remains in the department.
of Morbihan, ib.-account of the stones
at Carnac, by Mr. Deane, 160-va-
rious hypotheses with respect to their
origin and design, 161.

History and Practice of Photogenic Draw-
ing, on the true Principles of the Da-
guerréotype, with a new method of Dio-
ramic Painting; secrets purchased by
the French government, and, by com-
mand, published for the benefit of arts
and manufactures by the inventor, L.
G. Daguerre, Officer of the Legion of
Honour, and member of various aca-
demies, 74.

History of the United States, from the Dis-
covery of the American Continent, by
George Bancroft, 327-early voyages
to the shores of America, 328-dis-
coveries of the French, 329-career of
Champlain, 330-expedition of the
Spaniards to Florida, 331-conflict
with the Chickasaws, 332-settlement
founded by the French Calvinists in
Florida, 333-Virginia colonized by
the English, 334-charter granted by
King James, 335-romantic adventures
of John Smith, 336-government of
Virginia by Lord Delaware, 337 —
slavery in Virginia, 338-emigration of
the Puritans, 340-their constitution
and growing prosperity, 342-state of
the colonies during the Commonwealth
and at the Restoration, 344-popula-
tion of New England, 347- Indian
wars, ib.-disturbances in Virginia, 349
-Quakers founded by George Fox,
351-their principles, ib.-life of Wil-
liam Penn, his treaty with the Algon-
quins, 353-effect of the revolution of
1688 upon Virginia, 355-witchcraft
in Massachussetts, ib.-Jesuit mission-
aries in French America, 357-Wal-
pole's policy with regard to the taxation
of the colonies, 359-emigration of
Moravians to the Savanah, 360.
Hollar, the engraver, account of his life,


Hugo (Victor), tendency of his works,



Il Conde Giovanni Anguissola e Beatrice
Tenda, Drammi di Felice Tenotti, 1.
Industrie Française. Rapports sur l'Ex-
position de 1839. (French Manufac-

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