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The figures between [ ] refer to PART I.

[Speeches in Parliament are entered under their subjects under the heading
“Parliamentary Speeches," and those outside Parliament under the speaker's

ABERDEEN, Lord and Lady, "We Twa,"


ABRAHAMS, Dr. I., Obit., 150

MISCELLANEOUS, Llyn Eigiau, 11;
Omnibus, Dalston, 7

ACWORTH, Sir W. M., Obit., 128
ADAMS, E. D., "Great Britain and the
American Civil War," 20

ADER, C., Obit., 133
ADKINS, Sir R., Obit., 119
ADYE, Major-General Sir J., "Soldiers
and Others I Have Known," 18
with, [240]. KHOST rebels, measures
against, [239]. PIPERNO, D., case
of, [240]. SOVIET-Russia, negotia-
tions for a Trade Convention with,
Senhor R., High Commissioner,
[272]; frontier delimitation, [272].
Asiatic question, controversy, [266].
Bill, [268]. ELECTORAL Bill, [268].
FOURIE, A. P. J., Administrator of
the Cape Province, [269]. INDIANS,
opposition to the Asiatic Bill, [267];
deputation in India, [267]. MOZAM-
BIQUE, Convention, negotiations,
[271]. NATIONALITY and Flag Bill,
[266]. RHODESIA, Chancellor, Sir
J., report, [271]; Railway construc-
tion, [271]. SEAMEN, Strike, [99].
Smit, J. S., High Commissioner in
London, [269]. South-West Pro-
tectorate, Constitution, the new,
[270]; Rehoboth rebels, [270];
Werth, A. J., Administrator, [269];
Swaziland, [269]; Wales, Prince
of, tour in, [269]

AGRICULTURE, proposed conference on,

AIR flights, 5, 11

AIRSHIP R 33, drifts to Pulham, 4
ALBANIA.-AHMED Zogu, enters Tirana,

[206]; Commander-in-chief, [206];

elected President, [206]. GREECE,
charge against, [207]. SAINT Naoum
Monastery, cession of, [197], [207].
TIRANA, the capital, [206]. Tutulan,
M., head of the Cabinet, [207]
"ALCOVE, The," 14

ALDRICH-BLAKE, Dame L., Obit., 160
ALEKHINE, M. A., chess matches, 2
ALEXANDRA, H.M. Queen, death, 11;
funeral, 11; Obit., 155
ALLBUTT, Sir C., Obit., 122

AMERY, Rt. Hon. L. C. S., visit to
Palestine, [39]; on the case of
Mosul, [89]-[91], [200]; at Geneva,
AMUNDSEN, Capt. R., "My Polar Flight,"


ANDERSON, G. A., "Letters of Thomas
Manning to Charles Lamb," edited
by, 19

ANNER, E., Obit., 120
"ANTIQUARIAN Quarterly, The," 14
APPLETON, W. A., "Trade Unions:
Their Past, Present, and Future,"


ARABIA. ALI, King of the Hedjaz,
abdication, [246]. CLAYTON, Sir G.,
mission, [247]. HODEIDA, port of,
fate of, [247]. Hussein, ex-King,
forced to leave Akaba, [246]. IBN
Saud, hostilities, [246]. MEDINA,
fall of, [246]

ARCHITECTS, Royal Institute of British,
president, 8
ARGENTINA.-ALVEAR, President, ad-

dress to Congress, [306], [308].
BUDGET, [306]. Buenos Aires, Pro-
vince of, [306]. DEBT, floating,
amount of, [306]. MARITIME Work-
ers' Federation, [307]. ORTIZ, Dr.
R. M., Minister of Public Works,
[306]. PENSION Act, suspended,
[306]. ROBERTSON, Sir M. A.,
British Minister, [308]. WALES,
Prince of, reception, [307]
ARLEN, M., "Mayfair," 30


ARMIN, Countess von, "Love," 29, 49
L 2

ART.-Retrospect of: CHANTREY Collec-
tion, 67. Chenil Galleries, 68.
EXHIBITIONS, 68. FINE Art Society,
68. KNOEDLER Gallery, 68. LEICES-
TER Galleries, 68. MAGNASCO
Society, 68. NATIONAL Gallery, 66.
National Gallery of British Art, 66.
New English Art Club, 68. PIC-
TURES, sale of, 65, 67. ROYAL Aca-
demy exhibition, 67. TATE Gallery,
67. WEMBLEY, Palace of Art, 66
ASQUITH, Rt. Hon. H. H., peerage con-
ferred, [4], 2; on the position of
Liberalism, [5], see Oxford

ASTOR, Lady, portrait hung in Bedford
College for women, 5

[blocks in formation]


AUSTEN, J., "Sanditon," 29
tration, [317]; criticism on, [321].
Budget, [320]. CANADA, Trade
Agreement with, [298]. Charlton,
Mr., criticism on the policy of the
Government, [321]. Conversion
Loan, issue of, [321]. ELECTION,
General, [321]; result, [322]. GENEVA
Protocol, [318]. Governors, appoint-
ment of, [323]. HowsE, Sir N.,
opinion on a floating dock, [319].
agreement, [37], [318]. NAVAL
defence, [318]. New South Wales,
American Fleet at Sydney, [324];
Chair, Adm. Sir D. de, and the
Labour members, [323]; Elections,
result, [323]; Forty-four Hour Week
Bill, [324]; Lang, J. T., Premier,
[323]. Northern Territory Bill, [321].
PARLIAMENT opened, [319]; dissolved,
[321]. Police Bill, [320]. QUEENS-
LAND, Child Endowment Scheme,
[324]; Gillies, W. N., Premier, [324];
McCormack, Mr., Premier, [324];
Press Conference, at Melbourne,
[324]. SEAMEN strike, [99], [319].
Shipping Industry, strikes, [319];
leaders arrested, [322]. Stonehaven,
Baron, Governor-General, [317], 6.
TASMANIA, Lyons, Mr., Premier,
[324]. VICTORIA, Legislative meas-
ures, [324]. WEST AUSTRALIA, [324]
AUSTRIA.-BUDGET, [174], [176].


TRAL and Provincial Governments,
relations between, [173]. CIVIL
Servants, demand increase of salary,
[176]. FINANCIAL position, report
on, [175]. Foreign relations, [177].
GERMANY, negotiations for the union
with, [174]. HAINISCH, Dr., opens
the Home and Health Exhibition,
4. LEAGUE Council, termination of
control, [175]. RECONSTRUCTION
work, [131], [172]. Rent, restric-
tions on, [176]. TARIFF concessions,
negotiations, [173]. VIENNA, exhibi-
tion, opened, 4. ZIONISTS Congress
in Vienna, [177]

[blocks in formation]

BAEDEKER, F., Obit., 129

BAINES, Sir J. A., Obit., 156

BAIRD, Sir J., Governor-General of
Australia, [317], 6 see Stonehaven.
BALDWIN, O., "Six Prisons and Two
Revolutions," 23

Rt. Hon. S., at Birmingham, [17];
Welbeck Park, [57]; Knowsley Park,
[77]; negotiations with the Coal
owners and Miners, [78], [79]; at
Aix-les-Bains, [87]; Brighton, [101];
Aberdeen, [104]; the Guildhall,
[105]; character of his administra-
tion, [127]

BALFOUR, Earl of, President of the
Council [33]; opens the Hebrew
University, at Jerusalem, [242], [244],
4; at Damascus, [244]

Lady B., "Letters of Constance
Lytton," 19

Lady F., "A Memoir of Lord
Balfour of Burleigh," 15
BANCROFT, Sir S., "Empty Chairs," 18
BANERJEA, Sir S., Obit., 144
BANK rate, 78, 84

of England, note circulation, 84
BARING, M., "Cat's Cradle," 29, 45;
"Collected Poems," 27

BARONETCIES, conferred in New Years'
Honours, 1

BARRETT, Sir W. F., Obit., 138

BARTON, W. E., "Life of Abraham Lin-
coln," 15

BAYLEY, Sir S. C., Obit., 138

BEAN, C. E. W., "Official History of
Australia in the War," 20
BEATTY, Lord, at the Guildhall, [105]
BECK, Sir A., Obit., 144
BEEBE, W., "Jungle Days," 24
BEGIN, Cardinal, Obit., 143
BELGIANS, Albert, King of the, at Zee-
brugge, 4

BELGIUM.-CHAMBERS, dissolved, [211].

Congo, the Mwansela, murders,
[273]; Ruanda-Urundi Bill, [273];
railway electrification, [272]; sleepy
sickness, remedies for, [278].
Czechoslovakia, Commercial Treaty
with, [214]. DEBT, payment of, [213].
ELECTION, result, [211]. FLOODS,
damage caused by, [214]. Franc,
stabilising the, [212]. HOLLAND,
Treaty with, [213]. LEGISLATIVE
measures, [210]. L'Etoile Belge,
anniversary, 12. Luxemburg, rela-
tions with, [213]. PACT of
Guarantee, [213]. Poullet, M.,
Ministry, [212]. UNITED States,
negotiations on the war-debt, [213].
VANDERVELDE, M., signs the Locarno
Treaty, [115]. Vyvere M., Van de,
Ministry, [211]; fall of, [212].
WAILLET, Burgomaster of, 8. War-
debt, negotiations with the United
States, [284]

[blocks in formation]

[126]. Agricultural Wages, [83].
Appropriation, [83]. CRIMINAL Jus-
tice, 92. FACTORIES, [38]. Finance,
[44], [46]-[48]. INDIAN Civil Service,
[126]. MINERS' Minimum Wage,
[36]. NATIONAL Employment and
Development Board, [50]. PENSIONS,
[52], [57]. Political Levy, [103].
RATING and Valuation, [51], [108],
[121], 8. Rents, control of, [32].
SAFEGUARDING of Industries, [120].
Summer Time, [33], [74]. TITHE,
[108], [126]. UNEMPLOYMENT, [55]
BINNEY, G., " With Seaplane and Sledge
in the Arctic," 24

BINYON, L., "The Sirens," 27; " William
Blake in this World," 24
BIRMINGHAM, G., "A Wayfarer in Hun-
gary," 23

University, gift to, 11

BLAIR, Mr., gift to the National Trust, 8
BLUNDEN, E., "Masks of Time," 27
BLYTH, Lord, Obit., 120

BOAT-RACE, Oxford and Cambridge, 3
BODIAM Castle, bequeathed to the nation,

"BODLEIAN, Friends of the," Society, 7
BODLEY, J. E. C., Obit., 138
NUEVA, Don J., flight, [317]
BONE, J., "The London Perambulator,"

BONI, G., Obit., 142

BORWICK, L., Obit., 147

BOTTOMLEY, G., " Poems of Thirty Years,"


BOURGEOIS, L., Obit., 149

BRAMLEY, F., at the Trade Unions Con-

gress, Scarborough, [92]; Obit., 150
BRANTING, H., Obit., [230], 122
BRAZIL.-BERNARDES, President, pro-
longs the state of siege, [308]; ad-
dress to Congress, [308]. CAJU,
island of, dynamite explosion, [309].
D'ARCY, Dr. J., President of the
Bank, [309]. FINANCE, statement on,
[308]. SÃO PAULO, relations with the
Federal Government, [309]. VIDAL
Dr. S., Minister of Finance, resigna.
tion, [309]

BREAD, price of, reduced, 10; raised, 11
BREMA, M., Obit., 127

BRENTFORD, Great West Road, opened, 6

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


Bill, [210].

BRYAN, W. J., Obit., 143
GREECE, invasion of, [129], [205],
[209]. REFUGEES, number of, [208].
Rumania, relations with, [209].
SOFIA Cathedral explosion, [208].
TOBACCO, sale of, [210]. Turkey,
treaty with, [209]. YUGOSLAVIA, re-
lations with, [209]

Boris, King, attempt on his life,

BULLETT, G., "The Baker's Cart," 30;
"Walt Whitman," 17

BURGE, Dr. H. M., Obit., 140

BURNET, Sir J. J., elected Royal Acad-
emician, 2

BURNEY, Dr. C. F., Obit., 130

BURNS, C. D., "Industry and Civilisa-
tion," 21, 39

BUTLER, J. R. M. " Henry Montague
Butler: Master of Trinity College,
Cambridge," 16

CADBURY, Messrs. E. and G., gift to the
National Trust, 2

"CALENDAR of Modern Letters, The," 14
"CAMBRIDGE Ancient History, The," 19,


CAMERON, Mrs. C. "Mexico in Revolu-
tion," 24
CANADA.-ADVISORY Tariff Board, [296],

[298]. Australia, Trade Agree.
ment with, [298]. British North
America Act, amendment, [296].
BUDGET, [298]; debate on, [299].
Byng, Lord, opens Parliament, [295].
CABINET, the new, [302]. DEFENCE,
National debate on, [299]. ELECTION,
General, campaign, [300]-[304]; re-
sult, [304]. GOVERNMENT Building,
Trafalgar Square, opened, 7; Grain
Enquiry Commission, report, [295].
Greenfield, H., Premier of Alberta,
resignation, [305]. IMMIGRATION,
[303]. KING, M., policy, [294], [302] ;
on ocean rates, [297]; the League of
Nations, [298]; tour of the Maritime
Provinces, [303]; defeated at the
Election, [304]. LEAGUE of Nations,
support of, [298]. Legislative mea-
sures, [301]. MEIGHEN, Mr., policy,
[303]; criticism on the policy of the

Government, [295]. Ministers, de-
feat of [304]. Mount Logan, ascent
of, 7. NORTH Atlantic Steamship
Combine, contract against, [297].
OCEAN rates, [296], [297]. PARLIA
MENT, opened, [295]; prorogued,
[301]; dissolved, [302]. Petersen,
Sir W., death, [300]. Progressive
Party, policy, [302], [303]. Provinces,
elections, [300], [301]. QUEBEC Har-
bour Commission, [300]. RAILWAYS.
proposed amalgamation, [299], [301].
SENATE reform, proposed, [295],
TARIFF, revision, [296].
Globe, defection, [303].
States, Treaties with, [287].
WORKS Concession, [300]



CAPEK, K., "Letters from England," 22,

CAPLET, A., Obit., 132

CART-HORSE Parade, 6

CASARTELLI, Rt. Rev. L. C., Obit., 117
CASE, T., Obit., 153

CATHOLIC Calendar, new festival, 12

CAVE, Lord, Chancellor of the University
of Oxford, 8

CECIL, Lord, at Geneva, [123]
CHADWICK Manor Estate, gift of. 2
CHAMBERLAIN, Rt. Hon. A., at Birming-

ham, [22], [85]; criticisms on the
Geneva Protocol, [27]-[29 negotiations
with M. Briand, [58]; at Geneva,
[88], [123]; policy in China, [91]; at
the Locarno Conference, [100], [103];
reception in London, [104]; at the
Guildhall, [105]; Knighthood con-
ferred, [114]

CHAMBERLAIN, Mrs., Dame of the Grand
Cross, [114]

CHANCELLOR, É. B., "London Pleasure
Haunts during Four Centuries," 23
CHASE, Dr. F. H., Obit., 148
CHERRY, M., Obit., 129
CHESS match, 2
CHESTERTON, G. K., "Cobbett," 15;
"The Everlasting Man," 22; "Tales
of the Long Bow," 30; "Weekly,"

CHEYLESMORE, Major-Gen. Lord, Obit.,


CHILDE, V. G., Mesopotamia," trans-
lated by, 19
CHILE. ALESSANDRI, Señor, terms on
resuming the Presidentship, [310];
proclamation, [311]. Army and
Navy, relations between, [310].
BANK, a central, [312]. Budget,
[312]. CONSTITUTION, reform of the,
[311]; the new, [312]. FIGUEROA,
E., elected President [312]. IBANEZ,
A., Premier, [312]. JUNTA, the new,
[310]. MARTIAL law, declared, [310].
PERSHING, General, president of the
Boundary Commission, [313]; re-
signation, [313]. Peru, dispute with,
[290], [313]. Presidential election,
candidates, [311]; result, [312].
TACNA and Arica, provinces of, [290],

[ocr errors]

[313], [316]; plebiscite, [313]. VAL-
PARAISO, strike, [311]
CHINA. BRITISH goods, boycott of,
[254], [257]. CIVIL war, outbreak,
[257], [262]. Customs Tariff Con-
ference, [256]. FRANCE, Agreement
with, [253]. HONG KONG, boycott
of, [254], [257]. INDEMNITY Act,
[252]. JAPAN, boycott of goods, [254];
trade, [257]; relations with, [259].
LIKIN, abolition of, [256]. OPIUM
Conference, at Geneva, [252].
SHANGHAI, British factories, looted,
[60], [84]; Child Labour Commis-
sion, report, [253]; strike, [254];
"shootings," [251], [254] - [256];
Judicial Commission, [255]; report,
[256]. Sun Yat Sen, death, [252].
TARIFF Conference, [91], [262].
Tuan Chi-jui, the Chief Executive,
administration, [251]
CHOLMONDELEY, M., Obit., 143
CHURCHILL, Rt. Hon. W., at the Repara-
tions Conference in Paris, [3]; the
Mansion House, [69]; negotiations
with M. Caillaux, [87], [148]; at
Birmingham, [95]; Sheffield, [104]
CINEMA, The, 72-74

CIVIL Research, Committee of, [56]
CIVIL Service, Higher, successful women
candidates, 10

CLARENDON, Lord, Under-Secretary of
State for Dominion Affairs, [62]
CLARK, H., Obit., 147

CLYNES, J. R., at the Labour Party Con-
ference, Liverpool, [98]
COAL-MINING industry, result of inquiry,
[49], [64]; owners' proposals, [64];
negotiations between owners and
miners, [65]-[67]; Court of Inquiry,
[76]; report, [77]; cost of the sub-
sidy, [79], [121], 89. Royal Com-
mission, [88]

COBHAM, A., aeroplane flight, 5
COCHRAN, C. B., "The Secrets of a Show-
man," 18

COGNACQ, Mme. E., Obit., 161

COKE, R., "The Heart of the Middle
East," 23

COLE, G. D. H., "The Life of William
Cobbett," 15; "Robert Owen," 15,
31; "Short History of the British
Working-Class Movement," 21
COLLIS, J. S., "Shaw," 17
COLONIAL Office, new department, 8
COMMERCE and Finance in 1925, 77-91
COMMUNISTS, the, relations with the

Labour Party, [96]-[99]; arrested,
[102]; sentenced, [112]
CONFERENCES.-Central Hall, West-

minster, [78]. Chinese Tariff, Pekin,
[91]. Conservative Party, Brighton,
[101]. Entomological, in London,
57; Zurich, 57. Labour Organisa-
tion, [133]. Labour Party, Glou-
cester, [38]; Liverpool, [97].
Locarno, [100], [103]. Miners' [36],
[64]; Blackpool, [19], [21]; Scar-

[blocks in formation]

sence, appointed, 3

COWARD, N., "The Vortex," 26
CRAMP, C. T., at the Trade Unions Con-

gress, Scarborough, [93]; the Labour
Party Conference, Liverpool, [97]
CRICKET match, England and Australia, 1
CRITCHETT, Sir G. A., Obit., 120
CROWE, Sir E., Obit., 132
CRUISERS, Construction of [71]
CUBA.-PINES, Island of, [317]
CURZON, Marq., "British Government
in India," 20; Obit., [33], 126; will,

CUSHING, H., "Sir William Osler," 16


tariffs, question, [186]. BENESH,
Dr., signs the Locarno Treaty, [115].
Budget, [187]. CHURCH and State,
relations between, [185]. Commer-
cial agreements, [187], [214]. ELEC-
TIONS, result, [188]. Electoral
system, change in the, [186]. Hus
Day, celebrated. [185]. LOCARNO
Conference, [187]. MINISTRY, the
new, [188]. POLAND, relations with,
[187]. ŠVEHLA ministry, resign,
[185]; the new, [188]

Daily Herald, the, case of, [107], [109]
DARLOW, T. H., "William Robertson

Nicoll," 17

DARWIN, Sir F., Obit., 148
DAS, C. R., Ob t., 140

DAVIES, W. H., "Later Days," 19
DAVIS, H. W. C., Regius Professor of
Modern History, Oxford, 2

DAWBER, E. G., President of the Royal
Institute of British Architects, 8
DAWES Plan, working of the, 78
DEBT, National, amount of, 82
DÉCOPPET, C., Obit., 116

DELAPORTE, M., "Mesopotamia: the
Babylonian and Assyrian Civilisa-
tion," 19

DENDY, Dr. A., Obit., 127
DENISON, Col. G. T., Obit., 139
DENMARK.-ANTI-Smuggling Conven-
tion, [229]. Arbitration Treaties,
[230]. COMMERCIAL Treaties, [229].
Conciliation Board, [229]. DEFENCE,
national, problem, [229]. KRONE,
average rate, [228]. LABOUR Con-
flict, [228]

DENNIS, G., "Harvest in Poland," 28
DEPUTATIONS, received by, Baldwin, S.,
[62], [64], [89]; Steel-Maitland, Sir
A., [106]


DOBREE, B., Essays in Biography,
1680-1726," 16

DOCTORS, American, in London, 6
DOMINIONS, Secretary of State, the new,
[62], [82], 8

DONALDSON, Sir G., Obit., 126

DOUGLAS, N., "Arabia Deserta," 25;
"Experiments," 25


DIES, 70. MYSTERY plays, 71.
PLAYS, new, 69-71

DUCLAUX, M., "The Life of Racine," 17
DUGMORE, Major R., "The Wonderland
of Big Game," 24

DUKES, A., "The Man with a Load of
Mischief," 26

DURHAM, M. E., "The Serajevo Crime,"

E. A., "Voices of the Stones," 27
EBERT, F., Obit., 123
E. A., Bishop of Ripon, 10. CAN-
DOLE, Rev. H. de, Dean of Bristol,
11. DAVIES, Canon D., Bishop of
Bangor, 2. FORD, Rev, L., Dean
of York, 12. ECUMENICAL Church
Conference at Stockholm, 9. PEAR-
SON, Rt. Rev. T. W., Catholic Bishop
of Lancaster, 2. ST. PAUL'S Cathe-
dral Preservation Fund, 12. Strong,
Dr. T. B., Bishop of Oxford, 8.
WESTMINSTER Abbey, service in, 7
ECUADOR.-GOMEZ, Gen. F., President,
deposed, [316]. PROVISIONAL Gov-
ernment formed, [317]
EGYPT.-ABDEL Aziz Pasha Fahmy,
Minister of Justice, dismissal, [280].
Allenby, Lord, resignation, [281].
Aly Abdel Razeh, "Islam and the
Principles of Government," [279].
CALIPHATE Conference, postponed,
[281]. ELECTION, General, [279].
Electoral Law, [279]. ITALY, frontier
dispute, [156], [281]. JARABUB settle-
ment, [281]. LLOYD, Lord, High

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