By SAMUEL COMYN, Esq. OF THE MIDDLE TEMPLE, BARRISTER AT LAW. The Second Edition, WITH CONSIDERABLE ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS. LONDON: PRINTED BY A. STRAHAN, LAW-PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY; FOR JOSEPH BUTTERWORTH AND SON, LAW-BOOKSELLERS, 43. FLEET-STREET; AND J. COOKE, ORMOND-QUAY, DUBLIN. ADVERTISEMENT, A NEW edition of this Work having been called for, the Author has carefully reviewed the various subjects of which it treated; and, to render the Work as generally useful as possible, has thought it advisable to make an entirely new arrangement. He has also abridged many of The the cases cited in the former edition, and added such as have been determined since its first Publication. present Edition is now submitted to the Public in the hope that the Work will still be found, as the Author originally intended it to be, a useful book of reference; and that it will save the necessity of a long and laborious research into a vast variety of detached reports of cases which the particular subjects here treated of embrace. Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street, July, 1st, 1824. S. C. |