Ad CHRISTINAM Suecorum Reginam nomine Cromwelli *. B Ellipotens Virgo, feptem Regina Trionum, Christina, Arctoï lucida stella poli, Cernis quas merui dura fub casside rugas, TRANSLATION, from TOLAND'S Life of MILTON. B RIGHT martial maid, queen of the frozen zone,. Behold what furrows age and steel can plow, A * These verses were sent to Christina Queen of Sweden with Cromwell's picture, and are by some ascribed to Andrew Marvel, as by others to Milton: but I should rather think they were Milton's, being more within his province as Latin Secretary. : A FRAG. A FRAGMENT, from the Italian; Addressed to a young Lady, at Florence, who did not WHEN, in your language, I, unskill'd, address The short-pac'd efforts of a trammel'd Muse; Soft Italy's fair critics round Me press, And my mistaking passion thus accuse. Why, to our tongue's disgrace, does thy dumb love Then laughing they repeat my languid lays Nymphs of thy native clime, perhaps-they cry, Do thou, my foul's soft hope, these triflers awe! CONTENTS |