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be delivered for


Ten Dozen Imperial or reputed Pint Bottles, properly Home Con- packed and secured in Cases, each Case to contain any Number of Dozens of such Bottles, but not less than One Dozen Quarts or Two Dozen Pints, unless he shall have in force a Licence as a Dealer in Spirits under the Laws of Excise, and no British Spirits in Bottle shall be delivered for Home Consumption in a less Quantity than One Dozen Imperial or reputed Quart Bottles, or Two Dozen Imperial or reputed Pint Bottles, packed and secured as aforesaid.

Spirits sweetened

in Customs


Spirits of
Wine de-

V. Nothing in this Act contained shall authorize the house, and Delivery for Home Consumption of any British Spirits to which any sweetening or colouring Matter or other Ingredient has been added in a Customs Warehouse, or of any Spirits of Wine upon which a Drawback of the Duty of Excise has been paid upon the Deposit of the same in a Customs Warehouse.

posited therein, not to be delivered for Home Consump


Section 6

of 28 & 29 Vict. c. 98. to apply to bottled


pounded Spirits.

VI. The Provisions of Section Six of the Act Twentyeighth and Twenty-ninth Victoria, Chapter Ninety-eight, and the Enactment therein referred to, shall apply to all bottled compounded British Spirits delivered out of a Customs or Excise Warehouse for Home Consumption.

Short Title.

Defining Meaning of certain

Terms in 29 & 30

and 44.


An Act to amend "The Labouring Classes Dwellings Acts, 1866." [17th June 1867.]

BE it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows: I. This Act may be cited as "The Labouring Classes Dwelling Houses Act, 1867."

II. In the Fourth Section of "The Labouring Classes Dwelling Houses Act, 1866," the Words "Land or Dwellings for the Purposes of which the Advance is made," and Vict. cc. 28 in the Twelfth Section of "The Labouring Classes Lodging Houses and Dwellings Act (Ireland), 1866," the Words "Lands, Buildings, or Premises for the Purpose of which such Advance shall be made," shall respectively be construed to include any Land, Buildings, or Premises held together with and for the same Estate and Interest as the Lands, Buildings, or Premises upon which the Money advanced is to be expended under the Provisions of the said Acts respectively.

Advances to Com

pany, Part

of whose Capital is unpaid,

III. In the Case of an Advance under the Provisions of In case of either of the said Acts to a Company or Society, any Part of whose Capital remains uncalled up or unpaid, it shall be lawful, in England for the Public Works Loan Commissioners, and in Ireland for the Public Works Commissioners, to dispense with a Mortgage of such Capital remaining uncalled up or unpaid, or of such Part thereof may disas they may think fit.

Loan Commissioners

pense with Mortgage.

Vict. c. 28.

IV. Notwithstanding the Fifty-third Section of "The Extending Labouring Classes Lodging Houses Act, 1851," all the 29 & 30 Provisions of "The Labouring Classes Dwelling Houses toScotland. Act, 1866," so far as they are applicable to Scotland, shall be deemed and construed to extend and apply to Scotland.


An Act to amend the Law in respect of the Sale and Purchase of Shares in Joint Stock Banking Companies. [17th June 1867.]

WHEREAS it is expedient to make Provision for the Prevention of Contracts for the Sale and Purchase of Shares and Stock in Joint Stock Banking Companies of which the Sellers are not possessed or over which they have no Control:

May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords. Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same: I. That all Contracts, Agreements, and Tokens of Sale and Purchase which shall, from and after the First Day of July One thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, be made or entered into for the Sale or Transfer, or purporting to be for the Sale or Transfer, of any Share or Shares, or of any Stock or other Interest, in any Joint Stock Banking Company in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland constituted under or regulated by the Provisions of any Act of Parliament, Royal Charter, or Letters Patent, issuing Shares or Stock transferable by any Deed or written Instrument, shall be null and void to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever, unless such Contract, Agreement, or other Token shall set forth and designate in Writing such Shares, Stock, or Interest by the respective Numbers by which the same are distinguished at the making of such Contract, Agreement, or Token on the Register or

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Books of such Banking Company as aforesaid, or where there is no such Register of Shares or Stock by distinguishing Numbers, then unless such Contract, Agreement, or other Token shall set forth the Person or Persons in whose Name or Names such Shares, Stock, or Interest shall at the Time of making such Contract stand as the registered Proprietor thereof in the Books of such Banking Company; and every Person, whether Principal, Broker, or Agent, who shall wilfully insert in any such Contract, Agreement, or other Token any false Entry of such Numbers, or any Name or Names other than that of the Person or Persons in whose Name such Shares, Stock, or Interest shall stand as aforesaid, shall be guilty of a Misdemeanor, and be punished accordingly, and, if in Scotland, shall be guilty of an Offence punishable by Fine or Imprisonment.

II. Joint Stock Banking Companies shall be bound to show their List of Shareholders to any registered Shareholder during Business Hours, from Ten of the Clock to Four of the Clock.

III. This Act shall not extend to Shares or Stock in the Bank of England or the Bank of Ireland.

17 and 18 Vict. c. 64, and so


An Act to amend and consolidate the Public Libraries Acts (Scotland)-[15th July 1867.]

WHEREAS it is expedient to amend and consolidate the Public Libraries Acts relating to Scotland, and to give greater Facilities for the Formation and Establishment there of Public Libraries, Art Galleries, and Museums:

Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows:

I. The Public Libraries Act (Scotland), 1854, and so much of the Public Libraries Amendment Act (England much of 29 and Scotland), 1866, as relates to Scotland, are hereby repealed, but such repeal shall not invalidate or affect anything already done in pursuance of these Acts or either of them; and all Public Libraries and Museums established in Scotland under these Acts or either of them shall be held as coming under the Operation of this Act.

and 30 Vict. c. 114, as relates to Scotland repealed.

Interpretation of Terms.

II. In the Construction of this Act the following Words and Expressions shall have the Meanings hereby assigned,

if not inconsistent with the Context or Subject Matter;
that is to say,

The Expression "Burgh" shall mean a Royal Burgh
or a Burgh or Town to which Magistrates and
Councils were provided by the Act of the Third
and Fourth Years of King William the Fourth,
Chapter Seventy-seven :
The Word "District" shall mean a Burgh of Barony,
a Burgh of Regality, or any other populous Place,
not being a Royal Burgh or a Town or Burgh to
which Magistrates and Councils were provided by
the said Act of the Third and Fourth Years of King
William the Fourth, Chapter Seventy-Seven, where
any Local or General Police Act is in force:
The Word "Board" in Parishes shall mean the Par-
ochial Board acting under the Powers and in exe-
cution of the Act of the Eighth and Ninth Victoria,
Chapter Eighty-three, and in Districts it shall mean
the Commissioners, Trustees, or other Body of Per-
sons, by whatever Name distinguished, for the Time
being in Office, and acting in execution of any
Special, Local, or General Police Act:

The Word "Householders" in all Burghs shall mean
all Persons entitled to vote in the Election of Mem-
bers of Parliament; but in Districts it shall mean
all Persons assessed under and for the Purpose of
any Local or General Police Act which may be in
force therein; and in Parishes it shall mean all
Ratepayers under the Act of the Eighth and Ninth
Victoria, Chapter Eighty-three:

The Expression "Police Rates" shall mean the Rates,
Tolls, Rents, Income, and other Monies whatsoever
which under the Provisions of any Police Act shall
be applicable for the general Purposes of such

for con

the Adop Act in any Burgh,

tion of this

District, or

III. Upon the Requisition in Writing of the Magistrates Meeting to and Council or of Ten Householders in any Burgh, District, be called or Parish, the Chief or Senior Magistrate of such Burgh, or sidering in the Case of a District or Parish the Sheriff of the County or One of his Substitutes, shall, within Ten Days after the Receipt of such Requisition, convene a Meeting of Householders, and preside at the same for the Purpose of considering whether this Act shall be adopted for such Burgh, District, or Parish, such Meeting to be held in any convenient Place on a Day not less than Twenty-one Days or more than Thirty Days after the Receipt of such Requisition; and Notice of the Time and Place of such Meeting shall be given by affixing the same upon the Doors of the


Act may be adopted at

Meeting by a Majority,

and Chairman to

Parish Churches within such Burgh, District, or Parish, and also by Advertising the same in at least One Newspaper published or circulated within such Burgh, District, or Parish not less than Seven Days preceding the Day of Meeting.

IV. If at such Meeting it shall be determined by a Majority of Householders present that the Provisions of this Act shall be adopted in such Burgh, District, or Parish, then the same shall from thenceforth come into operation therein; and the Chairman of the Meeting shall cause a Minute to be made of the Resolutions of the Meeting, and and to sign shall sign the same.

cause a

Minute to

be made,



this Act

into execution in

Burghs and

Districts to

be paid out

of the

Police Rate.

V. The Expenses incurred in calling and holding such of carrying Meeting, whether this Act shall be adopted or not, and the Expenses of carrying this Act into execution when adopted, shall, in the Case of a Burgh or District, be paid out of the Police Rate, and the Magistrates and Council of such Burgh, or the Board of such District, shall yearly levy as Part of the Police Rate, or by a separate Rate, to be made, levied, and recovered by the Magistrates and Council of such Burgh or the Board of such District in such and the like Manner, from the same Descriptions of Persons and Property, and with and under the like Powers, Provisions, and Exceptions as the General Assessments leviable under the Acts of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Victoria, Chapter Thirty-three (in the Case of Burghs or Districts which on or before the First Day of August One thousand eight hundred and sixty-two had adopted in whole or in part the Act of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Victoria, Chapter Thirty-three), and of the Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth Victoria, Chapter One hundred and one (in the Case of all other Burghs or Districts), for Police and other Purposes, are authorized to be made, levied, and recovered, and as if such Magistrates and Council or the Board of such District were Commissioners elected under any of these Acts respectively, and the said Assessments were Part of the General Assessments authorized to be thereby made; and in the Case of a Parish the Board shall pay the Expenses aforesaid out of a Rate to be made, levied, and recovered in like Manner, and from the same Description of Persons and Property, and with and under the like Powers Provisions, and Exceptions, as the Poor Rate leviable under the Act of the Eighth and Ninth Victoria, Chapter Eightythree: Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the City of Glasgow or any other Place from levying a Rate for the Purposes of this Act, in conformity with the Provisions of any Local Police Act which may for

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