and pub thereof, shall, before taking effect, be submitted to and submitted to and apapproved by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, proved by and shall thereafter be published by printed Copies thereof Treasury, being posted up in conspicuous Positions near the Harbours lished. or other Places frequented by Fishermen, in the Districts or Places to which the Regulations shall apply, and by printed Copies thereof being deposited with every Officer of the Fishery in such Districts or Places, and in the Office of the Sheriff Clerk or Sheriff Clerks of the County or Counties within which such Districts or Places are situated, and also by Advertisement inserted once in each of two Newspapers published or circulated in such Districts or Places, either setting forth such Regulations in full, or intimating that such Regulations have been made, and that Copies thereof have been deposited with the Officers of the Fishery as aforesaid, all in such Manner as the Commissioners shall direct; and after such Regulations shall have been so published it shall not be any Defence against Proceedings for the Enforcement of any Penalty or Forfeiture incurred by any Breach or Contravention thereof that the Person charged with such Breach or Contravention, was or alleged himself to be ignorant of such Regulations: Provided always, that such Regulations shall have been so published at least One Week before the same can be enforced; and a printed Copy of any Regulation, signed by the Secretary of the Commissioners for the time being shall be Evidence of the Terms of such Regulation, and that the same has been duly published, reserving to any Person having Interest the Right to prove that the same was not so published. V. Every Person who shall resist or obstruct any Person acting under the Orders of the Naval Superintendent appointed under the Authority of the recited Acts or any of them, in the Execution of the Powers or Duties conferred on or intrusted to him by or under any of the recited Acts or by or under this Act, shall be liable to a Penalty not exceeding Fifty Pounds, or, failing Payment thereof, to Imprisonment for any Period not exceeding Sixty Days. VI. Every Person who resists or obstructs any Superintendent appointed under the Authority of the recited Act of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, Chapter Ninety-two, or any Person acting under his Orders, or any Officer of the Fishery or any Person acting under his Orders, in the Exercise of any of the Powers conferred on, or in the Execution of any of the Duties entrusted to, such Superintendent or Officer or the Persons acting under their Orders respectively, by or under any of the recited Acts, or by or under this Act, E Penalty for Persons acting un resisting der Orders of Naval Superin tendent. Penalty for resisting Superintendents, Fishery Officers, &c. Powers, &c. of 23 & 24 Vict. c. 92, 25 Vict. c. 72, extend and 24 & ed to this Act. shall be liable to a Penalty not exceeding Fifty Pounds, and, failing Payment thereof, to Imprisonment for any Period not exceeding Sixty Days. VII. All the Powers, Jurisdictions, and Authorities given, created, or conferred by the recited Acts of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, Chapter Ninety-two, and the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, Chapter Seventy-two, or either of them, for carrying into effect the Purposes of those Acts respectively, shall, in so far as consistent with the Provisions hereof, be held to extend to and be incorporated with this Act; and all Forfeitures and Penalties imposed by or incurred under the Provisions of this Act may be prosecuted, declared, and enforced after the Forms and according to the Rules and Procedure prescribed by the said recited Act of the Twentythird and Twenty-fourth Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, Chapter Ninety-two: Provided always, that where any Herrings or Herring Fry shall have been seized as being liable to Forfeiture under the Provisions of the recited Acts or any of them, or of this Act, or of any Regulations made or to be made by the Commissioners as therein or herein provided, it shall be lawful for any Superintendent or any Officer of the Fishery, or any Person acting under their Orders respectively, to destroy such Herrings or Herring Fry, or to sell them as soon as may be by open Sale, as he shall think fit; and, if sold, the Proceeds, after deducting Expenses, shall, in the event of a Forfeiture being obtained, be accounted for to the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, or if the Sheriff, Justice, or Magistrate declaring the Forfeiture shall so direct, One Half thereof shall be paid to the Captor or Informer; or, in the event of no Forfeiture being obtained, the Proceeds, after deducting as aforesaid, shall be paid over, on Demand, to the Person in whose Possession the said Herrings or Herring Fry were when seized, unless such Person shall have absconded from Justice during the whole or any Part of the Period of Six Months from the Date of such Seizure; and all Penalties imposed and recovered under the Provisions of the recited Acts or any of them, or of this Act, shall be appropriated and disposed of in Terms of the Fortyeighth George the Third, Chapter One hundred and ten. VIII. Nothing contained in this Act shall affect the Provisions of an Act passed in the Sixth and Seventh 6 & 7 Vict. Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled An c. 79, or of Act to carry into effect a Convention between Her Majesty and the King of the French concerning the Fisheries in the Seas between the British Islands and France, or the Pro Nothing to affect Pro visions of French Convention. visions of the Convention therein referred to, or the Provisions of any Act passed or to be passed for altering, amending, or repealing the said Act, or for carrying into effect a new Fishery Convention recently made between Her Majesty and the Emperor of the French. IX. The recited Acts, and all other Laws, Statutes, and Usages, shall be and the same are hereby repealed, in so far as necessary to give Effect to the Provisions of this Act, but in all other respects they shall remain in full Force and Effect. X. The Sixth Section of the "Herring Fisheries (Scotland) Act, 1860," shall be and the same is hereby repealed. XI. Unless there is anything in the Context repugnant to such Construction, the following Words in this Act shall have the Meanings hereby assigned to them: The Words "the Commissioners shall mean the The Word" Superintendent" shall mean and include The Words "Officer of the Fishery" shall mean an The Words "the Coasts of Scotland" shall mean and XII. This Act may be cited for all Purposes as "The Short Title. XIII. This Act shall take effect from and after the pass ing thereof. XIV. This Act shall only apply to Scotland and the Coasts thereof. Com mencement of Act. Only to apply to Scotland. CAP. LV. An Act to enlarge for the present Year the Time within which certain Certificates regarding Lunatics in Scotland may be granted.-[15th July 1867.] WHEREAS by an Act of the Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth 29 and 30 Vict. c. 51. Certificates under Sect. 7 of 29 & 30 Vict. c. 51, granted on or before 1st October 1867, to have the same Effect ed on or be An Act to amend the Acts relating to Lunacy in Scotland, and to make further Provision for the Care and Treatment of Lunatics, it is enacted, Section Seven, that in no Case shall the Sheriff's Order for the Reception and Detention of any Lunatic in any Asylum or House remain in force longer than the First Day of January then first occurring after the Expiry of Three Years from the Date on which it was granted, or than the First Day of January in each succeeding Year, unless the Superintendent or Medical Attendant of the Asylum or House in which the Lunatic is detained shall, on each of the said First Days of January, or within Fourteen clear Days immediately preceding, grant, and transmit to the General Board of Lunacy in Scotland, a Certificate, on Soul and Conscience, according to the Form in Schedule (A.) annexed to the said Act, that the Detention of the Lunatic is necessary and proper, either for his own Welfare or the Safety of the Public: And wheras, through Ignorance, or Misapprehension of the said Enactment, there has been an Omission on the Part of the Superintendents or Medical Attendants of a large Number of the Asylums or Houses in Scotland for the Reception and Detention of Lunatics, to grant and transmit the Certificates required by the before-recited Enactment : And, for preventing any Inconvenience that might happen in consequence of such Omission, be it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows: I. Every Certificate granted and transmitted on or before the First Day of October of the present Year, but in other respects in accordance with the Provisions of the said Seventh Section of the recited Act and relative Schedule, shall have the same Effect in continuing in force the Sheriff's Order for the Reception and Detention of the Lunatic therein referred to as if the same had been granted as if grant- and transmitted to the said General Board of Lunacy on the First Day of January of the present Year, and all Orders granted by Sheriffs for the Reception and Detention of any Lunatics in any Asylum or House shall continue in force till the said First Day of October in this present Year, notwithstanding the Omission to grant and transmit the Certificates aforesaid: Provided always, that, except in so far as hereby expressly provided, the said Seventh Section of the recited Act shall remain in full Force and Effect. fore 1st January 1867. Indemnity to Persons II. No Claim or Action of Damages shall lie at the Instance of or against any Person by reason of the Detention mitted to grant Cer tificates on during any Period anterior to the First Day of October next who omensuing of any Lunatic in any Asylum or House in Scotland for the Reception and Detention of Lunatics, on the Ground of the Sheriff's Order having fallen or expired from 1st January the aforesaid Certificate not having been granted and trans- 1867. mitted in Terms of the Provisions of the recited Act. or before CAP. LXXV. An Act to remove certain Religious Disabilities affecting some of Her Majesty's Subjects, and to amend the Law relating to Oaths of Office.-[12th August 1867.] WHEREAS certain of Her Majesty's Subjects are now, on the Ground of their Religious Belief, subject to Civil Disabilities, and are required to take Oaths for the Enjoyment of Offices and Franchises which other Subjects of Her Majesty are not required to take : And whereas it is expedient to remove such Disabilities, and to substitute One uniform Oath for the several Oaths now required to be taken by different Classes of Her Majesty's Subjects as a Qualification for the Exercise and Enjoyment of Offices, Franchises, and Civil Rights: Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows: I. [All the Queen's Subjects, without reference to their Religious Belief, shall be eligible to hold the Office of Lord Chancellor of Ireland.] II. [When such Office shall be held by a Person not a Member of the Established Church, how Rights of Presentation to Benefices shall be exercised.] III. [When the Chancellorship shall be held by a Person not a Member of the Established Church, the Jurisdiction of nominating Delegates to hear Appeals from Ecclesiastical Courts shall be exercised by such other of the Judges as the Crown shall appoint, &c.] IV. Every Person holding any Judicial or Civil or Corporate Office may attend and be present at any Place of public Meeting for Religious Worship in England, Ireland, or Scotland in the Robe, Gown, or other peculiar Habit of his Office, or with the Ensign or Insignia of or belonging to the same, without incurring any Forfeiture of Office or Penalty for such Attendance. V. In all Cases in which any Oath which has been sub |