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" ... be actually made, procured, or provided, or fit or ready for delivery, or some act may be requisite for the making or completing thereof, or rendering the same fit for delivery... "
Richmond's Book of Legal Forms and Law Manual: For the Legal Transaction of ... - Page 452
by Wellington Harrison Richmond - 1854 - 600 lehte
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Statutes at Large ...: (29 v. in 32) Statutes or the United Kingdom, 1801 ...

Great Britain - 1828 - 756 lehte
...Enactments shall extend to all Contracts for the Sale of Goods of the Value of Ten Pounds Sterling and upwards, notwithstanding the Goods may be intended...completing thereof, or rendering the same fit for Delivery. VIII. And be it further enacted, That no Memorandum or other Writing made necessary by this Act shall...
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A Practical Treatise on the Commercial and Mercantile Law of England

Humphry William Woolrych - 1829 - 616 lehte
...and the Irish Act, 7 Win. 3, c. i •:. " of goods of the value of ten pounds sterling and up" wants, notwithstanding the goods may be intended " to be delivered at some future time, or mat/ not at the " time of such contract be actually made, procured or " provided, or fit or ready for...
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The Law Magazine Or Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence, 1. köide

1830 - 202 lehte
...the said acts shall extend to all contracts for the sale of goods of the value of ten pounds sterling and upwards, notwithstanding the goods may be intended...delivered at some future time, or may not at the time of cuch contract be actually made, procured or provided, or fit or ready for delivery, or some act may...
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A Digest of the Law of Evidence on the Trial of Actions at Nisi Prius

Henry Roscoe - 1831 - 776 lehte
...statute of frauds " shall extend to all contracts for the sale of gooda of the value of 101. sterling and upwards, notwithstanding the goods may be intended...time of such contract be actually made, procured, or proTided, or fit or ready for delivery, or some act may be requisite for the making or completing thereof,...
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A Digest of the Law of Evidence on the Trial of Actions at Nisi Prius

Henry Roscoe - 1832 - 658 lehte
...statute of frauds " shall extend to all contracts for the sale of goods of the value of Wl, sterling and upwards, notwithstanding the goods may be intended...completing thereof, or rendering the same fit for delivery. To bring the contract within the statute, the value of the goods must be upwards ofl0/., and where...
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The Practice of the Law in All Its Departments: With a View of ..., 1. köide

Joseph Chitty - 1833 - 1020 lehte
...lawfully authorized ;" and that provision has been extended to all contracts for the sale of goods, notwithstanding the goods may be intended to be delivered...completing thereof, or rendering the same fit for delivery; but the memorandum need not be stamped. (a) When the contract is in writing, and there is a warranty,...
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Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Pleas & Exchequer ...

John Bayly Moore, Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas, John Scott - 1833 - 812 lehte
...goods may be intended to be deliverHOADI Y ed at some future time, or may not at the time of such v. contract be actually made, procured, or provided,...thereof, or rendering the same fit for delivery." In effect, it extends to executory contracts the provision that had before been confined to contracts...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common ..., 10. köide

Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas, Peregrine Bingham - 1834 - 652 lehte
...the said enactments shall extend to all contracts for the sale of goods of the value of K)/. sterling and upwards, notwithstanding the goods may be intended...thereof, or rendering the same fit for delivery." The passing of that statute has rendered it necessary to introduce into the memorandum of executory...
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Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Pleas & Exchequer ...

John Bayly Moore, Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas, John Scott - 1834 - 784 lehte
...all contracts for the sale of goods of the value of 10/. sterling and upwards, IN THE COMMON PLEAS, notwithstanding the goods may be intended to be delivered...thereof, or rendering the same fit for delivery." In effect, it extends to executory contracts the provision that had before been confined to contracts...
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A Practical Treatise on the Law of Contracts: Not Under Seal; and Upon the ...

Joseph Chitty - 1834 - 850 lehte
...expressed from tend to Scotland, til., sec. 9. the sale of goods, of the value of ten pounds sterling and upwards, notwithstanding the goods may be intended...contract, be actually made, procured, or provided, or Jit or ready for delivery, or some act nay be requisite for the making or completing thereof, or rendering...
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