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And further Licence is granted to the said E. T.

the Father and E. his Son to let the aforesaid Mefsuage or Tenement and Close of Pasture above granted, with the Appurtenances, to J. G. of, Oc. in the County of W. Yeoman, his Executors, Administrators or Affigns, (or to any Under-tenant or Under-tenants) for the Term of twentyone Years now next coming or ensuing, if he the faid E. T. the Father, E. the Son, and M. T. or either of them shall so long live; provided that the Houses, Hedges, Ditches, and other Inclosures, be from Time to Time kept well and sufficiently repaired and amended, and the Rents, Burdens, Works, Suits, Customs and Services therefore due to the Lord, be well and truly paid, rendered and performed: Otherwise this Licence shall be void.

An Admittance to a Copyhold in Fee.


O this Court A. B. of, &c. came in his pro

per Person, and humbly defired of the Lord to be admitted Tenant to one customary Messuage or Tenement known by the Name of, &c. and two Closes or Parcels of customary Land, with the Appurtenances, containing by Estimation four Acres, more or less, to him lately forfeited, or fallen, &c. Whereto the Lord by the Steward aforesaid hath consented, and hath delivered him Seisin thereof by the Rod or Verge; To have and to hold the same to the said A. B. his Heirs and Affigns for ever, by the Rod, at the Will of the Lord, according to the Custom of the Manor aforesaid, by the Rent and Services therefore formerly due and of Right accustomed; and he gives to the Lord for a Fine, &c. and is admitted Tenant thereof.

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A Surrender and Admission of a Copyholder


in Fes.

T this Court C. D.

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this Manor surrendred into the Hands of the Lord, by the Hands of the Steward aforesaid, all that customary Tenement, c. called, Oc. To the Use and Behoof of E. F. his Heirs and Affigns for ever; which said E. F. being present here in Court, humbly defired to be admitted to the Tenement aforesaid, with the Appurtenances, whereupon the Lord by his Steward aforesaid hath granted to him Seisin thereof by the Rod: To have and to hold the Tenement aforesaid to the faid E. F. his Heirs and Assigns, at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the Manor aforesaid; and he giveth to the Lord for a Fine, &c. Is admitted Tenant thereof, and doth his Fealty, &c..

The Admittance of a next Heir on the Death of a Tenant, and Surrender by a Man and his Wife.

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T this Court it is presented by the Homage aforesaid, that A. B. late a customary Tenant of the Manor aforesaid, who held to him and his Heirs of the Lord of the faid Manor, by Copy of Court-Roll, according to the Custom of the Manor, one Cottage or Tenement, &c. with the Appurtenances, by the Rent, &c. Suit of Court and Services therefore due and accustomed, since the last Court died so seised thereof, and that E. D. Wife of L. D. of, &c. is Sister and next Heir of the faid A. B. by Discent; which faid E. being prefent present here in Court, desired to be admitted Tenant to the Premisses aforesaid, with the Appurtenances; whereto the Lord by his Steward aforesaid hath consented, and hath granted her Seisin thereof by the Rod: To have and to hold all and fingular, the Premisses aforesaid, with the Appurtenances, unto the faid E. D. her Heirs and Assigns for ever, of the Lord by the Rod, at the Will of the Lord, according to the Custom of the Manor aforesaid; by the said yearly Rent of, &c. Fealty, Suit of Court, and other Services therefore formerly due, and of Right accustomed; and she gives to the Lord for a Fine for such Entry, Oc. and doth Fealty, and is admitted Tenant thereof.

And afterwards at the same Court came the said L. D. and E. his Wife, (the said E. being first solely and secretly examined and consenting) and furrendered all the Premisses aforesaid, with the Appurtenances, into the Hands of the Lord of the faid Manor, by his Steward aforesaid; To the Use and Behoof of such Person and Perfons, and to and for such Uses, Intents and Purposes, as she the faid E. by any Deed or Writing whatsoever, either with or without Power of Revocation, by her executed in the Presence of two credible Witnesses, or by her Last Will and Testament (which he the said L. hath given and granted, and by this Surrender gives and giants to the faid E. Power to make, and which he will at all Times hereafter consent to and confirm) by her in the Presence of three credible Witnesses executed, or to be executed, shall limit, direct, devise or appoint.

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A Surrender of a Copyhold in Fee, out of Court, upon Condition in Nature of a Mortgage.


T this Court the Homage present, that A. B. a customary Tenant of this Manor, since the last and before this Court, that is to say, the Day, &c. furrendered into the Hands of the Lord of the said Manor, by the Hands of C. D. and E. F. two other customary Tenants of the Manor aforesaid, all that customary Messuage or Tenement, with all and fingular its Appurtenances, fituate, lying and being, óc. within the Manor aforesaid, now in the Tenure of, &c. To the Use and Behoof of T. H. of, &c. his Heirs and Afsigns for ever. Provided always and under this Condition, that if the said A. B. his Heirs, Executors, Administrators or Assigns do and shall pay or cause to be paid to the said T. H. his Executors, Adminiftrators or Afsigns the full Som of One hundred Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, in or upon the Day of, &c. next ensuing the Surrender aforesaid, at the House of him the said T. H. fituate, &c. without Fraud or Delay, That then the Surrender aforesaid shall be void and of no Effect; otherwise to remain in full Force.

Another Surrender on Condition recited, and the Condition perform'd, and a fresh Surrender upon Condition.


Hereas at the Court held for this Manor the Day, &c. it was found by the Homage, that T. A. a customary Tenant of the faid Manor, Manor, out of Court, that is to say, on the Day of, &c. Surrendred into the Hands of the Lord, by the Hands of D. G. Bailiff, and in the Presence of H. T. and R. S. two customary Tenants of the Manor aforesaid, according to the Custom of the said Manor, All that customary Messuage or Tenement called, &c. or by whatsoever other Name the same is known, with all Orchards, Gardens, Houses, and Appurtenances, and also three Acres of customary Land to the said Messuage belonging, now in the Occupation of R. J. and the aforesaid T. A. together with one other customary Cottage with the Appurtenances, now in the Tenure of L. A. To the Ufe and Behoof of S. K. of, &c. and his Heirs for ever; under a Condition, that if the faid T. A. should pay to the said S. K. the Sum of One hundred twenty-seven Pounds, and four Shillings, upon the Day, c. which should be in the Year, &c. then the said Surrender to be void, otherwise to remain in full Force and Virtue : Now at this Court came J. A. of, &c. aforesaid, by the Consent and Appointment of the said S. K. and acknowledged that full Satisfaction was made according to the Form and Effect of the conditional Surrender aforesaid. And afterwards to this same Court came the aforesaid T. A. in his proper Person, and in open Court surrendered into the Hands of the Lord, by the Hands of his Steward aforefaid, all and singular the Premisses aforesaid, with their Appurtenances, To the Ufe and Behoof of the faid J. A. and W. A. of, &c. and their Heirs for ever: Upon Condition nevertheless, that if the faid T. A. his Heirs, Executors, Administrators or Assigns shall pay or cause to be paid to the said J. A. and W. A. their Executors, Administrators or Affigns, the full Sum of One hundred and five Pounds of good and lawful Money of Great BriZ3


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