faid T. D. hath made, ordained, constituted and appointed, and by these Presents doth make, ordain, constitute and appoint S. WW. of, &c. and R. D. of, &c. his true and lawful Attornies, jointly and severally, for him and in his Name, to enter into and upon all and fingular the before demised Premisses, or into some Part thereof. in the Name of the Whole, and peaceable Poffeffion and Seifin thereof, or of some Part thereof, in the Name of the Whole to take; and after such Possession and Seisin thereof so had and taken, then the like peaceable Poffeffion and Seisin thereof, or of fome Part thereof, in the Name of the Whole, to deliver over unto the said J. E. or to his certain Attorney or Attornies in that Behalf, to be by the faid J. E. lawfully authorized; To hold to him, his Heirs and Assigns, according to the Purport, true Intent and Meaning of these Presents; hereby ratifying and allowing all and whatsoever his faid Attornies, or either of them, shall do in and about the Premiffes. In Witness whereof the Parties first above named have to these present Indentures interchangeably set their Hands and Seals, the Day and Year above written. The Livery and Seifin indorsed on the Leafe. Memorandum, That the Year, &c. S. W. one of the Attornies within named, did enter into the within mentioned Meffuage or Tenement, and quiet and peaceable Poffeffion thereof take in the Name of the Whole; and after such Poffeffion and Seifin fo had and taken, the like quiet and peaceable Poffeffion did deliver over to the faid J. E. in his own proper Perfon; : Person; to hold to him the said J. E. his Heirs and Affigns, according to the Tenor, Form and Effect of the within written Indenture of Lease. In the Prefence of us, By me S. W. J. W. A Mortgage of a Freehold Leafe for three T Lives. HIS Indenture made, &c. between A. H. of, &c. of the one Part, and N. G. of, &c. of the other Part: Whereas the said A. H. stands seised to him and his Heirs, for his own Life and the Lives of, c. of and in all that Messuage or Tenement, &c. fituate, lying and being, &c. with all Houses, &c. under the yearly Rent of, &c. as by the Lease thereof bearing Date, &c. made and granted by, Oc. may appear: Now this Indenture witnesseth, That the said A. H. for and in Confideration of the Sum of, &c. of lawful Money of Great Britain, to him in Hand paid by the said N. G. at and before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents, the Receipt whereof the said A. Η. doth hereby acknowledge, he the faid A. H. Hath granted, bargained and fold, affigned, released and confirmed, and by these Presents doth grant, bargain and fell, affign, release and confirm unto the faid N. G. (in his actual Poffeffion now being by Virtue of a Bargain and Sale to him thereof made for one whole Year, by Indenture bearing Date the Day next before the Day of the Date of these Presents, and by Force of the Statute for tranfferring A a P ferring of Uses into Pofssession) and to his Heirs and Affigns, All and fingular the said Messuage or Tenement and Premisses above-mentioned, and every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances, and the Rents, Reversions, Remainders and Services thereof, and also all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Claim and Demand whatsoever of him the said A. H. of, in and to the said Messuage or Tenement and Premisses above-mentioned, and of, in and to every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances: To have and to hold all and fingular the said Messuage or Tenement, Lands and Premisses above-mentioned, and every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances, unto the faid N. G. his Heirs and Assigns, for and during the natural Lives of the said, c. and for and during the Life of the longest Liver of them. Provided always and upon Condition, that if the said A. H. his Heirs or Affigns, do and shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid unto the said N. G. his Executors, Administrators or Affigns, the full Sum of, &c. in and upon the Day, Oc. next coming, without any Deduction or Defalcation for Taxes, Afsessinents, or any other Impositions whatsoever, either ordinary or extraordinary; that then and from thenceforth these Presents, and every Thing herein contained, shall cease and be void; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. And the said A. H. for himself, his Heirs and Affigns, doth covenant and grant to and with the said N. G. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, that he the said A. H. his Heirs or Affigns, shall and will well and truly pay, or cause to be paid unto the said N. G. his Executors, Administrators or Afsigns, the faid full Sum of, Oc. in and upon, &c. next coming, without any Deduction as aforesaid, according to the true Intent and and Meaning of these Presents; And also that he the said N. G. his Heirs and Afsigns, shall and may from Time to Time, and at all Times after Default shall be made in Performance of the Proviso or Condition herein contained, peaceably and quietly enter into, have, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy the said Messuage or Tenement and Premisses above-mentioned, with the Appurtenances, without the Let, Suit, Trouble, Hindrance, Molestation, Interruption and Denial of him the said A. H. his Heirs or Afsigns, and of all and every other Perfon and Persons whatsoever. And further that he the said A. H. and his Heirs, and all and every other Person and Persons, and his and their Heirs, any Thing having or claiming in the said Premisses above mentioned, or any Part thereof, shall and will at any Time or Times after Default shall be made in Performance of the said Proviso or Condition herein contained, make, do and execute, or cause or procure to be made, done and executed, all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable Grants, Acts and Assurances in the Law whatsoever, for the further, better, and more perfect Granting and Assuring of all and fingular the said Premisses above-mentioned, and of every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances, unto the said N. G. his Heirs and Afsigns, to the only proper Use and Behoof of the faid N. G. his Heirs and Afsigns, for and during all the Rest and Residue of the said A. H.'s Term and Interest therein, which shall be then to come and unexpired, as by the faid N. G. his Heirs or Affigns, or his er their Counsel learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised or advised and required. And lastly, it is covenanted and agreed upon, by and between the said Parties to these Presents, and the true Meaning hereof also is, and Aa 2 : it is hereby so declared, that until Default shall be made in Performance of the Proviso or Condition herein contained, he the faid A. H. his Heirs and Afsigns, shall and may hold and enjoy all and fingular the said Premisses above-mentioned, and receive and take the Rents, Issues and Profits thereof, to his and their own proper Use and Benefit; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. In Witness, &c. N. B. A Freehold Lease for three Lives, may be also mortgaged by way of Demise for 99 Years, if the Lives on the Lease live so long; and then the Security will be a Chattel Interest, and go to the Executors and Administrators of the Mortgagee. A Chattel-Lease for Ninety-nine Years, if three Lives live so long, with Exception of Timber, and Reservation of Heriots, &c. T HIS Indenture made, &c. between B. C. of, c. Esq; of the one Part, and D. F. of, &c. of the other Part, Witneffeth that the said B. C. as well for and in Confideration of the Surrender of a former Lease, granted by, Oc. unto the said D. F. of the Messuage or Tenement and Premisses herein after demised for the Term of Ninety-nine Years determinable on the Deceases of, Oc. as also for and in Confideration of the Sum of, &c. to him the said B. C. in Hand paid by the faid D.F. at and before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents, the Receipt whereof he the faid B. C. doth hereby acknowledge, and thereof doth ac |