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niftrators, doth covenant, promise and grant to and with the said R. D. and J. D. their Executors, Administrators and Assigns, by these Presents, That for and notwithstanding any Act, Matter or Thing at any Time heretofore by him had, made, committed, done or suffered to the contrary, he the said W. S. hath in himself full Power, good Right, true Title, and lawful and absolute Authority, to grant, bargain, sell, demise, set and to farm let the before demised Premisses, and every Part and Parcel thereof, with the Appurtenances, unto the faid R. D. and J. D. their Executors, Administrators and Affigns, in Manner and Form aforesaid; And that for and notwithstanding any such Act, Matter or Thing as aforesaid, they the faid R. D. and J. D. their Executors, Administrators and Assigns, shall and may from Time to Time, and at all Times, during the said Term hereby granted, lawfully, peaceably and quietly have, hold, use, occupy, poffefs and enjoy all and singular the before demised Premisses, with their and every of their Appurtenances, and every Part and Parcel thereof; To the several and respective Uses, Intents and Purposes, and upon the Trusts abovementioned, without the Let, Suit, Trouble, Denial, Interruption, Molestation, or Disturbance of the faid W. S. his Heirs or Affigns, or any other Perfon or Perfons whatsoever claiming or to claim, by, from or under him, them, or any of them; Free and clear, and freely and clearly acquitted and *difcharged, or otherwise by him the said W. S. well and sufficiently kept harmless, of and from all and all Manner of former and other Gifts, Grants, Leafes, Surrenders, Mortgages, or any other Titles, Troubles and Incumbrances whatsoever had, made, committed, done or fuffered by him the said W. S. In Witness, &c.

A Lease

A Lease of a large Farm in the Country, at a Rack-Rent, for seven Years, with great Variety of Special Covenants and Agreements, between the Landlord and Tenant.


HIS Indenture made, &c. between E. B. of, &c. Esq; of the one Part, and T. W. of, &c. Husbandman, of the other Part, Witnesfeth, that the faid E. B. for and in Consideration of the yearly Rent and Covenants herein after reserved and contained, which on the Part and Behalf of the faid T. W. his Executors and Administrators, are and ought to be paid and performed, hath demised, granted, and to farm letten, and by these Presents doth demise, grant, and to farm let, unto the faid T. W. All that Messuage, Tenement and Farm, commonly called or known by the Name of, &c. lying and being in the Parish, c. in the faid County of, &c. and late in the Poffefsion of, &c. together with all Barns, Stables, Outhouses, Closes, Grounds, Lands, Meadows, Pastures, Feedings, Commons, Profits, Ways, Waters, Easements and Appurtenances whatsoever to the faid Meffuage, Tenement and Farm, belonging or in any wife appertaining; (excepting and always referving out of this present Demise and Grant unto the said E. B. his Heirs and Afsigns, the Close, &c. and also except all Timber-Trees, Woods and Under-woods, now standing, growing, or being, or which at any Time during the Term hereby granted shall stand, grow, or be, in or upon the said demised Premisses, or any Part thereof, with Liberty to fell, cut down, take and carry Bb 3 away


away the same); To have and to hold the said Messuage, Tenement and Farm, and all and fingular the faid Premisses hereby demifed, with the Appurtenances, (except before excepted) unto the faid T. W. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, from the Five and twentieth Day of March next coming, for and during the Term of seven Years thence next ensuing and following, and fully to be compleat and ended; Yielding and paying therefore yearly, and every Year, during the faid Term hereby granted, unto the faid E. B. his Heirs and Affigns, the yearly Rent of One hundred and twenty Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, in and upon the Nine and twentieth Day of September and the Five and twentieth Day of March, by even and equal Portions: And also yielding and paying, and the said T. WW. for himself, his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, doth covenant and grant to and with the said E. B. his Heirs and Affigns, to yield and pay at and upon the Days and Times of Payment of the said yearly Rent above reserved, and over and above the fame Rent, according to the Rate of five Pounds of lawful British Money the Acre, and so proportionably for every greater and lesser Quantity of the Meadow or Pasture Ground hereby demised, which he the said T. W. his Executors, Administrators or Affigns, shall at any Time during the said Term hereby granted, ear, plough, spit up, dig or convert to Tillage, or cause or procure, permit, or fuffer to be eared, ploughed, spitted up, digged or converted to Tillage; the first Payment thereof, to begin at that Day of Payment of the faid yearly Rent above reserved which shall next happen, after any Part of the faid Meadow or Pasture Ground shall be so as aforesaid eared, ploughed, spitted up, digged, or converted to Tillage. And if it shall haphappen the said yearly Rent above reserved, or any Part thereof, to be behind and unpaid, in Part or in the Whole, by the Space of Eight and twenty Days next after either of the said Days or Times whereon the same should, or of Right ought to be paid as aforesaid, being lawfully demanded, that then and from thenceforth it shall and may be lawful to and for the said E. B. his Heirs and Affigns, into the said demised Premisses, or into any Part thereof, in the Name of the Whole, to reenter, and the fame Premisses, and every Part thereof, to have again, repossess and enjoy, as in his and their first and former Estate, Right, Title and Degree; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. And the faid T. W. for himself, his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, doth covenant and grant to and with the said E. B. his Heirs and Affigns, in Manner and Form following, that is to say, That he the said T. W. his Executors, Administrators or Afssigns, shall and will well and truly pay, or cause to be paid unto the said E. B. his Heirs or Afsigns, the said yearly Rent above referved, at the Days and Times, and in Manner above expressed, according to the Purport and true Meaning of these Presents; And also that he the faid T. W. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, shall and will keep in good and sufficient Repair during the faid Term, all the Glass Windows belonging to the Dwelling-house, and all the Walls, Gates, Stiles, Bounds and Fences belonging to the faid demised Premiffes, (being allowed Timber and Frith for the doing thereof by the faid E B. his Heirs and Affigns) and scour and cleanse all the Ditches and Water-courses on the faid Premisses; and shall and will leave the same well and sufficiently repaired, scoured, and cleansed at the End of the faid Term; Bb 4 And

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And shall and will in a Husband-like Manner spend and imploy in and upon the said Premisses, all the Hay, Straw, Fodder, Dung, Muck and Soil, which mall happen to be made, or arise there at any Time during the faid Term; and will permit and fuffer, Oc. the present Tenant to take off his Crop of Corn at the next Harvest, which shall or may be sown this Year on the said demised Premifles ; And also that he the said T. W. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, shall and will fow twenty Acres of the arable Land to Clover every Year during the faid Term, and leave twenty-five Acres of the said Land sufficiently sowed with Clover at the End of the said Term; and shall and will also leave yearly, and every Year, during the faid Term, one Half of the faid arable Land summer Fallow unsown: And that the said T. W. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, shall not nor will mow any Part of the Down Ground during the said Term, nor do or commit, or permit or suffer to be done or committed, any Waste, Spoil or Destruction, in or upon the said Premisses, or any Part thereof. And further, that he the T. W. shall and will from Time to Time during the said Term, discharge and bear the Offices of Overseer of the Poor, Church-warden, Constable, Tithingman, and all such like personal Offices wherewith the said Premisses shall be charged, when and as often as they shall happen. And the faid E. B. for himself, his Heirs and Assigns, doth covenant and grant to and with the said T. W. his Executors, Administrators and Affigns, That he the faid E. B. his Heirs and Affigns, shall and will at all Times during the said Term hereby granted, well and fufficiently repair, uphold and keep, the faid Meffuage and other the Houses hereby demifed, (except the Glass-Windows thereof) in all needful

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