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Freeholder's Companion:


The Laws, Statutes, and Customs relating to Freehold and other Estates, whereby all Country Gentlemen and Freeholders may know their Rights thereto, and Qualifications to be Members of Parliament, Electors, Justices of Peace, and Jurymen; and to kill Game, erect Dovecotes, &c.

In which is compriz'd

The whole Law of Tenures of Lands, and to whom they fall and descend, or otherwise belong, on any Alteration, from the Estate in Fee-fimple, down to Estates for Life, and Years, and also Copyholds; adapted to the Use of all Lords, Landlords and Tenants.

With a full and compleat Abstract of The New Act of Parliament concerning Distresses for Rent, Replevins and Ejectments, &c. and several other late popular Statutes.


Some very useful Precedents of Deeds and Writings, applicable to this Work.

In the SAVOY:

Printed by E. and R. Nutr, and R. GOSLING, (Afsigns of Edward Sayer, Efq;) for Aaron Ward at the King's Arms in Little-Britain. MDCC XL.


To the Right Honourable Sir John Willes, Knt.

Lord Chief Justice of the COMMON PLEAS.

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Humbly presume to dedicate this Treatise to your Lordship, of the Laws, Statutes and Customs concerning Real Estates, as the Suits or Actions for Recovery thereof, are chiefly cognizable in that ancient Court of Record and of great Au

thority, in which your

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Lordship worthily prefides.

I am encouraged in this Address, on Account of the many Excellencies and eminent Virtues, that are unquestionably acknowledged to be your Lordship's; fuch as an uncommon Quickness of Understanding, beyond any of your Contemporaries, a clear and folid Judgment, the most confummate Knowledge of our Laws, great and general Learning, and a just Steadiness, agreeably mixed with good Nature and Humanity; which very commendable Qualities, have



The Dedication.

at length acquired your Lordship the greatest Praife, and shewn you to be Equal to the Highest Employment.

The Gentlemen who have the Honour to plead Causes at your Lordship's Bar, continually reap a double Satisfaction; for they are ever heard in their learned Arguments with Attention and Encouragement, and fure to hear from your Lordship wife and righteous Determinations; wherein you so exactly imitate the excellent Lord HOBART, formerly Poffeffor of your Lordship's high Station,



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