The General Laws of Estates: Or, Freeholder's Companion: Containing the Laws, Statutes, and Customs Relating to Freehold and Other Estates ... in which is Compriz'd the Whole Law of Tenures of Lands ... With a Full and Compleat Abstract of the New Act of Parliament Concerning Distresses for Rent, Replevins and Ejectments, &c. and Several Other Late Popular Statutes. Likewise Some Very Useful Precedents of Deeds and Writings, Applicable to this WorkE. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, 1740 - 402 pages |
From inside the book
Results 1-5 of 47
Page 6
... special Custom ) in Favour of Trade and to encourage Industry : But after the Term , they become a Gift in Law to him in Reversion , and are not removable . That there was a Difference between what the Sope - boiler did to carry on his ...
... special Custom ) in Favour of Trade and to encourage Industry : But after the Term , they become a Gift in Law to him in Reversion , and are not removable . That there was a Difference between what the Sope - boiler did to carry on his ...
Page 7
... special Custom ) in Favour of Trade and to encourage Industry : But after the Term , they become a Gift in Law to him in Reversion , and are not removable . That there was a Difference between what the Sope - boiler did to carry on his ...
... special Custom ) in Favour of Trade and to encourage Industry : But after the Term , they become a Gift in Law to him in Reversion , and are not removable . That there was a Difference between what the Sope - boiler did to carry on his ...
Page 25
... Special Juries are directed by Rule of Court : And none shall be re- turn'd to serve on any Jury at the Assises , Gaol- Delivery , or Sessions of the Peace for the said County of York , above once in four Years . The Inhabitants of the ...
... Special Juries are directed by Rule of Court : And none shall be re- turn'd to serve on any Jury at the Assises , Gaol- Delivery , or Sessions of the Peace for the said County of York , above once in four Years . The Inhabitants of the ...
Page 27
... Special Jury shall be struck by Rule of Court ) annex a Panel to the Writ , containing the Names , Additions and Places of Abode , of a competent Number of Jurors , named in such Lifts , not less than Forty - eight in each County , nor ...
... Special Jury shall be struck by Rule of Court ) annex a Panel to the Writ , containing the Names , Additions and Places of Abode , of a competent Number of Jurors , named in such Lifts , not less than Forty - eight in each County , nor ...
Page 29
... Special Juries are usually struck in those Courts , upon Trials at Bar : But the Perfon who shall apply for such Jury , shall pay the Fees for striking it , and have no Allow- ance for the fame . And where a Special Jury shall be ...
... Special Juries are usually struck in those Courts , upon Trials at Bar : But the Perfon who shall apply for such Jury , shall pay the Fees for striking it , and have no Allow- ance for the fame . And where a Special Jury shall be ...
Common terms and phrases
Action Adminiſtrators admitted Affigns aforesaid alſo altho Appurtenances becauſe Cafe Caſe Cattle Cauſe Common Law Copyhold Coſts County Court Covenant Cuſtom cuſtomary Danv Daughter Deceaſe Deed demiſed deſcend Deviſe Diſcent diſtrained Diſtreſs doth Dower Dyer Eliz Eſtate-tail Executors faid fame Father Fee-ſimple Feoffment firſt Freehold fuch granted hath Iſſue Heirs and Aſſigns hereby Houſe Husband ibid Inft Inheritance Inst Intereſt Iſſue Jointenants Jointure laſt Leaſe Leffee Leffor Leſſee Leſſor Lord Manor ment Meſſuage or Tenement muſt Nuſance Parcel particular Eſtate Party paſs Perſon Plaintiff Poffeffion Poſſeſſion Premiſſes Purchaſe Reaſon Releaſe Remainder Rent Replevin reſerved Reverſion Right ſaid ſaid Meſſuage Salk ſame ſay ſecond ſeiſed ſerve ſeveral ſhall Sheriff ſhould ſo long ſome ſpecial ſtand Statute ſuch ſuffer ſufficient Surrender Tenant in Tail Tenants in Common Term thereof theſe Preſents thoſe Treſpaſs unto the ſaid Uſe void Warranty Waſte whoſe Wife ſhall Writ
Popular passages
Page 349 - Post (in his Actual Possession now being by Virtue of a Bargain and Sale to him thereof made by the said George Welsh for one whole year by Indenture bearing date the day next Before the day of the date of these Presents and by force of the Statute for Transferring uses into Possession...
Page 384 - ... all other persons claiming or to claim the premises, or any part thereof by, from or under him, them or any of them. 4. Mortgagor to keep buildings insured. A covenant " that the mortgagor will keep the buildings on the said premises insured against loss by fire, for the benefit of the mortgagee.
Page 353 - James, their executors, adminiftrators, and afligns, from the day next before the day of the date of thefe prefents, for and during, and unto the full end and term of...
Page 374 - Brook and his heirs and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by, from or under him, them or any of them Shall and Will Warrant and forever Defend by these presents.
Page 48 - Blades in 1716 devifed certain lands to his wife for her life, and, after her death, to his nine .children ; the wife enters, but does not regifter the will.
Page 56 - ... make it. For, if land be given to a man and his wife, and the heirs of their two...
Page 384 - And lajlly it is covenanted, granted, concluded and agreed upon, by and between the faid Parties to thefe Prefents, and the true Meaning hereof alfo is, and it is hereby...
Page 191 - Except nevertheless all leases not exceeding the term of three years from the making thereof, whereupon the rent reserved to the landlord, during such term, shall amount unto two third parts at the least of the full improved value of the thing demised.
Page 360 - Day next before the Day of the Date of thefe Prefents, for and during, and unto the full End and Term of, one whole Year from thence next enfuing and fully to be complete and ended : "JJttiwlig Raldcndnm.
Page 367 - ... all and singular the said tract of land and premises ; with their, and every of their appurtenances, and every part...