| Giles Jacob - 1715 - 556 lehte
...aftual Poflbfil^h now being of the faid Prebend, Parfonage and Premifles above nrentioned, by Vertue of a Bargain and Sale to him thereof made for one whole Year, by, ladentiire bearing Date the Day next before 'the Day of the Dace of thefe Prefents, and by •Force... | |
| Giles Jacob - 1716 - 614 lehte
...Mefluages, Clofes, Lands and Heneditaments herein-after mentioned by virtue of a bargain and fale to them thereof made for one whole Year, by Indenture, bearing Date the Day next before the Day of the Date hereof, and by force of the Statute for transferring of Ufes into Pofleflion) and to their... | |
| 1725 - 396 lehte
...confirm, R- R- and unto the faid K O. and RR (by Virtue of a Bar- their H«"* gain and Sale to them made, by Indenture bearing Date the Day next before the Day of the Date of thefe Prefents, and by Force of the Statute made for transferring Ufes unto Poileffion in their adual Poffeflion... | |
| 1725 - 396 lehte
...and every other the Mefluages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments whatsoever, which in and by one Indenture, bearing Date the Day next before the Day of the Date of thefe Prefenrs made or mentioned to be made between the faid G. Marquifs of H. of the one Part, and the faid... | |
| Giles Jacob - 1750 - 646 lehte
...Prefents do, and every and either of them doth grant, fcfc. unto the laid AB (in his a&ual Pofleflion now being, by Virtue of a Bargain and Sale to him thereof made by the faid BD and C. his Wife, by Indenture bearing Date the Day next before the Day of the Date of... | |
| Giles Jacob - 1750 - 656 lehte
...(in their adtual Pofleffion being by Virtue of a Bargain and Sale to them thereof made for one Year, bearing Date the Day next before the Day of the Date of the faid Indenture) and to their Heirs and Afilgns for ever^ one Moiety or half Part of the Mills and... | |
| Great Britain - 1765 - 490 lehte
...the children of the faid Charles Radcliffe. HEREAS by indentures of leaf e and releafe, the leaf e bearing date the day next before the day of the date of the releafe, the releafe being quadripartite, bearing date the twenty fourth day of March, Anno Domini... | |
| Giles Jacob - 1764 - 576 lehte
...the one Part, and RD of; fcfc, and 7-D. of, &c. of the other Part. Wfyetettf by Indenture Tripartite, bearing Date the Day next before the Day of the Date of thefe Prefcnts, made or mentioned to be made between lV. S. of, &c. of the firft Part, the faid MS by the... | |
| Great Britain - 1765 - 506 lehte
...and he'try became carl of Derwentwater : and whereas by indentures of leafeaid rele-.ife, the leafe bearing date the day next before the day of the date of the relfafc ; and the releafe being fextipartite, bearing date the •twenty fourth day «/"June, Anno... | |
| 1776 - 240 lehte
...(in their actual pofleffion, now being by virtue of a bargain and fol>e to them thereof made for one year by indenture bearing date the day next before the day of the date of thefe prefents, and by force of the ftat. for transferring ufes into pofleffion) and to their heirs and adigns... | |
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