| Giles Jacob - 1715 - 556 lehte
...Perfons wharfoever. /W/»rf£«r,Thathe the faid SirGK. and his Heirs, and all and every other Perfon and Perfons, and his and their Heirs, any thing having or claiming in the (aid Premifles above mentioned, or any Part thereof, fhall and will at any Time or Times, after Default... | |
| Giles Jacob - 1716 - 614 lehte
...his Heirs and Afligns,Thatthey the faid ABCD and EF and their Heirs,and all and every Other Perfon and Perfons, and his and their Heirs, any thing having or claiming in the faid Mefluages, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Premifles above mentioned, or any Part thereof, by,... | |
| Gentleman of the Inner Temple, Sir Bartholomew Shower - 1735 - 402 lehte
...jball or may hereafter lawfully claim any Eftate, Right, 'title or Intereft, of, in or to the fame, or any Part thereof, by, from or under him, them, or any of them. And alfo that he the faid AB his Executors, Adminiftrators and Afligns, or fame of one of them,... | |
| Giles Jacob - 1750 - 656 lehte
...them, or any of them. And further, That he the faid AS and his Heirs, and all and every other Perfon and Perfons, and his and their Heirs, any Thing having...above-mentioned, or any Part thereof, by, from or under him, fhall and will from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, upon the reafonable Requeft, and at the... | |
| Giles Jacob - 1750 - 646 lehte
...of the faid A. £) And alfo, That he the feid l¥. L. and his Heirs, and all and every other Perfon and Perfons, and his and their Heirs, any Thing having or claiming m the laid Manor and PremifTea above-mentioned, •r any Part thereof, by, from or under him, them,... | |
| Giles Jacob - 1764 - 576 lehte
...of them, or of any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoerer, lawfully claiming the faid demifed Premifles or any Part thereof, by, from or under him, them, or any or either of them, or by his or their Means or Procurement. jtlttD the faid CS for himfelf, his Executors... | |
| 1776 - 240 lehte
...heirs or afligns, or any other perfon or perfons whatfoever lawfully claiming or to claim the fame or any part thereof, by, from, or under him, them or any, or cither of them ; And a/fo t that he the faid TD hath not made, done or committed, or wittingly or... | |
| Thomas Walter Williams - 1788 - 474 lehte
...adminiftrators, and all and every other perfon and perfons lawfully claiming or to claim the premifles, by, from or under him, them, or any of them, fhall and wiU from time to time and ac all times hereafter, during the remainder of the faid term of forty 3... | |
| Edward Wood - 1792 - 706 lehte
...them, or any of them. And further, that he the faid AB and his heirs, and all and every other perfon and perfons, and his and their heirs, any thing having or claiming in the faid premifles above mentioned, or any part thereof, by, from or under him, the faid AB dial! and will at... | |
| Edward Wood - 1792 - 664 lehte
...ihall or may have, &c. any ella te or mtereft of, in or to the prcmilTes by thefe prefents affigned, or any part thereof, by, from or under him, them or any of them, or by, from or under the faid AW or T. IV. or either of them, (except the leflees named in the... | |
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