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Raamatud Books
" ... make it. For, if land be given to a man and his wife, and the heirs of their two... "
The General Laws of Estates: Or, Freeholder's Companion: Containing the Laws ... - Page 56
by Giles Jacob - 1740 - 402 lehte
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The Accomplish'd Conveyancer: Containing, the Nature and Kinds of Deeds and ...

Giles Jacob - 1714 - 528 lehte
...inherit the Land. Special is, when it is certainly fet down, of whom the Iflfue fhall come ; as when Lands are given to a Man and his Wife, and the Heirs of their two Bodies ; when only the Ifliie of that Wife may inherit the Land. This Word [Body] making the Tail, may be...
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The New Natura Brevium of the Most Reverend Judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert ...

Sir Anthony Fitzherbert - 1718 - 680 lehte
...Sifter and her Heirs} and one of the Coparceners grants the Reverfion of her Part and ten Acres Co a Man and his Wife, and the Heirs of their two Bodies begotten, and afterwards the Tenant for Life dieth, and a Stranger doth enter and abate in the L.ni-1...
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The Student's Law-dictionary: Or, Compleat English Law-expositor

1740 - 486 lehte
...inhetiting in their. Turns: But Tail /pedal is quite the Reverie, it being where Lands, &c. are limited to a Man and his Wife, and the Heirs of their two Bodies begotten ; and it is fo called, becaufe if the Husband bury his Wife before Iffue, and takes another,...
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The Accomplish'd Conveyancer: Containing the Nature and Kinds of Deeds and ...

Giles Jacob - 1750 - 580 lehte
...his Body begotten. Special is, when it is certainly fet down of whom the Iflue fhall come ; as when Lands are given to a Man and his Wife, and the Heirs of their two Bodies j when only the Iffiie of that Wife may inherit the Land. And is either General, or Special: Fee-Tail...
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Precedents in Chancery: Being a Collection of Cases Argued and Adjudged in ...

Great Britain. Court of Chancery, Thomas Finch - 1786 - 632 lehte
...the hufband and wife, and the furvivor, and the land to be fet- fettied on hufded on the hufband and wife, and the heirs of their two bodies, the remainder to the heirs of the body of the wife, remainder to the remainder lo • .-. {^e |lclrs Of ^cu •wife's brother, We. and...
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A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown; Or, A System of the Principal Matters ...

William Hawkins - 1787 - 888 lehte
...eflatcs in fee-fimple were forfeited before. Alio it hath been (и) adjudged, That where lands are giren to a man and his wife, and the heirs of their two bodies, the intail is forfeited by his attainder, and the heir is as much difabled as ¡f the gift had been made...
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Ignoramus: comoedia

George Ruggle - 1787 - 470 lehte
...Tail fpecial he thus delcribes : ' Tail fpecial is ' that whereby lands or tene' ments he limited unto a man ' and his wife, and the heirs ' of their two bodies begotten, ' becaufc if the man bury his ' wife before ifiue, and take an• other, the ifliic by the...
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An Essay Upon the Learning of Devises: From Their Inception by Writing, to ...

John Joseph Powell - 1788 - 770 lehte
...wrong done to make him here a qualified heir. And in that ftatute it was faid, " when " lands were given to a man and his wife, and " the heirs of their two bodies begotten," fo that the ftatute, itfelf, took notice of fuch fpecial heir. Vide Robinfim So> the caf"e...
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A General Abridgement of Law and Equity: Alphabetically Digested ..., 7. köide

Charles Viner - 1791 - 700 lehte
...may have the land as heir to the uncle, for that he is of the •whole blood to him. Litt. S. 8. 44. If lands are given to a man and his wife and the heirs...their two bodies, the remainder to the heirs of the hufband, and thev have iílue a fon and the wife dies, and he takes another wife and has ilTuc a fon,...
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Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books, 2. köide

William Blackstone - 1791 - 566 lehte
...iflue was to fpring j for no limitation, conveyance, or other human a£l can make it. For, if land be given to a man and his wife, and the heirs of their two bodies begotten, and they arc divorced a vinculo matrimotiii, they fhall neither of them have this eftate,...
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