I still preserve the original paper ; its title was not very magnificent, though it exceeded the most sanguine wishes of my heart; it ran thus, "A subscription for purchasing the remainder of the time of William Gifford, and for enabling him to improve... The Book of the Feet: A History of Boots and Shoes - Page 190by Joseph Sparkes Hall - 1847 - 216 lehteFull view - About this book
 | Juvenal - 1802 - 574 lehte
...however, was collected to free me from my apprenticeship, (the sum my master received was six pounds,) and to maintain me for a few months, during which I assiduously attended the Rev. Thomas Smcrdon. At the expiration of this period, it was found that my progress (for I will speak the truth... | |
 | Juvenal - 1803 - 354 lehte
...however, was collected to free me from my apprenticeship, (the sum my master received was six pounds,) and to maintain me for a few months, during which I assiduously attended the Rev. Thomas Smerdon. At the expiration of this period, it was found that my progress (for I will speak the truth in modesty),... | |
 | 1803 - 614 lehte
...however, was collected to free me from my apprenticeship, (the sum my master received was six pounds,) and to maintain me for a few months, during which I assiduously attended the Rev. Thomas Smerdon. At the expiration of this period, I found that my progress (for I will speak the truth in modesty)... | |
 | 1803 - 598 lehte
...free me from my apprenticeship, (the sum my master received was six pounds,) and to maintain me tor a few months, during which I assiduously attended, the Rev. Thomas Smerdon. At the expiration of this period, I found that my progress (for I will speak the truth in modesty)... | |
 | Juvenal - 1806 - 586 lehte
...English Grammar." Few contributed more than five shillings, and none went beyond ten-and-sixpence : enough, however, was collected to free me from my...which I assiduously attended the Rev. Thomas Smerdon. At the expiration of this period, it was found that my progress (for I will speak the truth in modesty)... | |
 | Juvenal - 1806 - 578 lehte
...English Grammar." Few contributed more than five shillings, and none went beyond ten-and-sixpence: enough, however, was collected to free me from my...which I assiduously attended the Rev. Thomas Smerdon. At the expiration of this period, it was found that my progress (for I will speak the truth in modesty)... | |
 | John Nichols, John Bowyer Nichols - 1831 - 952 lehte
...however, was collected to free me from my apprenticeship (the sum my master received was six pounds), and to maintain me for a few months, during which I assiduously attended the Rev. Thomas Smerdon. " At the expiration of this period, I found that my progress (for I will speak the truth in modesty)... | |
 | Perse, Juvénal - 1817 - 596 lehte
...English Grammar." Few contributed more than five shillings, and none went beyond ten-and-sixpence : enough, however, was collected to free me from my apprenticeship,* and to maintain me for a few * The sum my master received was six pounds. bi months, during which I assiduously attended the Rev.... | |
 | 1830 - 340 lehte
...English grammar." Few contributed more than five shillings, and none went beyond tenand-sixpence : enough, however, was collected to free me from my...which I assiduously attended the Rev. Thomas Smerdon. At the expiration of this period it was found that my progress (for I will speak the truth in modesty)... | |
 | 1827 - 330 lehte
...and English grammar." Few contributed more than five shillings, and none went beyond tenand-sixpence: enough, however, was collected to free me from my...which I assiduously attended the Rev. Thomas Smerdon. and when he learned that I had made it in circumstances of peculiar discouragement, he became more... | |
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