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Vict. c. 83.

under his or their hands and seals first had and obtained in that behalf, upon such pains and penalties as can or may be justly inflicted on such offenders for their contempt of this our royal command, and further to be answerable to the said


his executors, administrators, and assigns, according
to law, for his and their damages thereby occasioned:
and moreover we do by these presents, for us, our
heirs and successors, will and command all and sin-
gular the justices of the peace, mayors, sheriffs,
bailiffs, constables, headboroughs, and all other
officers and ministers whatsoever of us, our heirs
and successors, for the time being, that they or any
of them do not nor shall at any time during the said
term hereby granted in anywise molest, trouble, or
hinder the said
his executors, ad-
ministrators, or assigns, or any of them, or his or
their deputies, servants, or agents, in or about the
due and lawful use or exercise of the aforesaid in-
vention, or anything relating thereto : Provided
always, and these our letters patent are and shall be
upon this condition, that if at any time during the
said term hereby granted it shall be made appear to
us, our heirs or successors, or any six or more of our
or their privy council, that this our grant is con-
trary to law, or prejudicial or inconvenient to our
subjects in general, or that the said invention is not
a new invention as to the public use and exercise
thereof, or that the said
is not

the true and first inventor thereof within this realm
as aforesaid, these our letters patent shall forthwith
cease, determine, and be utterly void to all intents
and purposes, anything hereinbefore contained to
the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding:
Provided also, that these our letters patent, or any-
thing herein contained, shall not extend or be con-
strued to extend to give privilege unto the said
his executors, administrators,


Vict. c. 83.

or assigns, or any of them, to use or imitate any in- 15 & 16 vention or work whatsoever, which hath heretofore been found out or invented by any other of our subjects whatsoever, and publicly used or exercised, unto whom our like letters patent or privileges have been already granted for the sole use, exercise, and benefit thereof: It being our will and pleasure that the said his executors, administrators, and assigns, and all and every other person and persons to whom like letters patent or privileges have been already granted as aforesaid, shall distinctly use and practise their several inventions by them invented and found out, according to the true intent and meaning of the same respective letters patent and of these presents: Provided likewise nevertheless, and these our letters patent are upon this express condition, [that if the said shall not particularly describe and ascertain the nature of his said invention, and in what manner the same is to be performed, by an instrument in writing under his hand and seal, and cause the same to be filed in within

calendar months next and immediately after the date of these our letters patent;] [and also if the said instrument in writing filed as aforesaid does not particularly describe and ascertain the nature of the said invention, and in what manner the same is to be performed;] and also if the said

his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall not
pay or cause to be paid at the office of our commis-
sioners of patents for inventions the sums following,
that is to say, the sum of
pounds on or be-

fore the

day of



and the stamp duty payable in respect of the certificate of such payment, and the sum of pounds on or before the


day of

and the stamp

duty payable in respect of the certificate of such pay

15 & 16

Vict. c. 83.

ment; and also if the said
, his
executors, administrators, or assigns, shall not sup-
ply or cause to be supplied for our service all such
articles of the said invention as he or they shall be
required to supply by the officers or commissioners
administering the department of our service for the
use of which the same shall be required, in such
manner, at such times, and at and upon such reason-
able prices and terms as shall be settled for that
purpose by the said officers or commissioners re-
quiring the same; that then and in any of the said
cases these our letters patent, and all liberties and
advantages whatsoever hereby granted, shall utterly
cease, determine, and become void, anything herein-
before contained to the contrary thereof in anywise
notwithstanding: Provided that nothing herein con-
tained shall prevent the granting of licences in such
manner and for such considerations as they may by
law be granted: And lastly we do by these presents,
for us, our heirs and successors, grant unto the said
his executors, adminis-

trators, and assigns, that these our letters patent, or
the filing thereof, shall be in and by all things good,
firm, valid, sufficient, and effectual in the law accord-
ing to the true intent and meaning thereof, and shall
be taken, construed, and adjudged in the most fa-
vourable and beneficial sense for the best advantage
of the said
his executors,

administrators, and assigns, as well in all our courts
of record as elsewhere, and by all and singular the
officers and ministers whatsoever of us, our heirs
and successors, in our United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Ireland, the Channel Islands, and Isle of
Man [Colonies to be mentioned, if any], and amongst
all and every the subjects of us, our heirs and suc-
cessors, whatsoever and wheresoever, notwithstand-
ing the not full and certain describing the nature or

Vict. c. 83.

quality of the said invention, or of the materials 15 & 16 thereunto conducing and belonging. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made

patent, this

day of


and to be sealed and bear date as of the said

[blocks in formation]

Whereas her most excellent Majesty Queen Victoria, by her letters patent bearing date the

day of


in the


year of her reign, did for herself, her
heirs and successors, give and grant unto me the
her special licence that I

the said
, my executors, ad-
ministrators, and assigns, or such others as I the said
, my executors, administrators,
and assigns, should at any time agree with, and no
others from time to time, and at all times thereafter
during the term therein expressed, should and law-
fully might make, use, exercise, and vend, within the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the
Channel Islands and Isle of Man, [Colonies to be
mentioned, if any,] an invention for

[insert title as in letters patent]
upon the condition (amongst others) that I the said
by any instrument in writing
under my hand and seal, particularly describe and
ascertain the nature of the said invention, and in
what manner the same was to be performed, and


15 & 16

Vict. c. 83.

cause the same to be filed in


calendar months next and imme-

diately after the date of the said letters patent: Now
know ye, that I the said


hereby declare the nature of my said invention, and
in what manner the same is to be performed, to be
particularly described and ascertained in and by the
following statement; (that is to say,)

[describe the invention.]

In witness whereof I the said A. B. have hereto
set my hand and seal, this




A. B.

15 & 16

16 VICT., c. 5.

An Act to substitute Stamp Duties for Fees on passing
Letters Patent for Inventions, and to provide for
the public use of certain Indexes of Specifications.

[21st Feb. 1852.

WHEREAS it is expedient that the fees payable in
Vict. c. 83. respect of letters patent for inventions under the
Patent Law Amendment Act, 1852, and mentioned
in the schedule to such Act, be converted into stamp
duties: Be it enacted, therefore, by the Queen's
most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and
consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and
commons, in this present parliament assembled, and
by the authority of the same, as follows:

and 53, and

Sections 17, I. Sections seventeen, forty-four, forty-five, forty-
44, 45, 46, six, and fifty-three of the said Patent Law Amend-
ment Act, 1852, and so much of the schedule to the
said Act as relates to fees and stamp duties to be
repealed. paid under the said Act, shall be repealed.

part of

schedule of

recited Act

Letters pa-

tent to be
made sub-

ject to

II. All letters patent for inventions to be granted
under the provisions of the said Patent Law Amend-
ment Act, 1852, (except in the cases provided for in

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