THE HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE. WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE DECLINE AND FALL THE ROMAN EMPIRE, AND A VIEW OF THE PROGRESS OF SOCIETY. FROM THE RISE of the MODERN KINGDOMS то THR PEACE of PARIS, in 1763. IN A SERIES of LETTERS from a NOBLEMAN to his SON. A NEW EDITION, carefully corrected. VOL. III LONDON, Printed for G. G. J. and J. ROBINSON, Paternofter-row; and A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THE THIRD VOLUME A.D. O F THE History of Modern Europe. PART I. From the RISE of the MODERN KINGDOMS, to the A general View of the Tranfactions of Europe, from the Death of Charles IX. in 1574, to the Acceffion of Henry IV. the firft King of the Branch of Bourbon, to the Throne of France, in 1589; including the Rife of the Republic of Holland, the unhappy Catastrophe of Don Sebaftian King of Portugal, the Execution of Mary Queen of Scots, and the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, CCESSION of Henry III. of France Page 2 1574 A He attempts to reftfore the royal authority by, acting as umpire between the Protestants and Catholics ibid. 1575 The king of Navarre places himself at the head of the protef tants. 1570 They obtain advantageous conditions 3 ibid. 1577 Are threatened by the famous Catholic League, which is headed by the Duke of Guise 4 Phillip II. of Spain declares hiufelf protector of that league ib.. Retrofpective view of the Civil wars in the Low Countries ibid. 5 The A 2 39X377 1 A.D. Page The provinces of Holland and Zealand throw off the Spani yoke; and William prince of Orange, by forming the re- volted towns into a league, lays the foundation of the repub- The duke of Alva, repulfed before Alcmaer, petitions to be He is fucceeded in the government of the Low Countries by Requefens, Commandator of Caftile Middleburg taken by the Zealanders [A. D. 1574] ibid. The fiege of Leyden; which the Spaniards are compelled to ibid. The conferences at Breda [A. D. 1575] 8 The revolted provinces reduced to great diftrefs, offer their fo- ibid. 1578 Queen Elizabeth engages to fupport the revolted provinces ib. He is fucceeded in the command of the Spanish army in the Netherlands by the famous Alexander Farnefe, duke of Parma His death ibid. 1581 Philip II. makes himself mafter of the kingdom of Portugal 15 1582 Attempt against the life of the prince of Orange He is oppofed to the duke of Parma Distracted state of affairs in Scotland James, the young king, is made prifoner at Ruthven 1583 The Spaniards invade Ireland A.D. Page 1583 Plot against the life of Elizabeth 1584 It is difcovered Affaffination of William prince of Orange The Duke of Parma invests Antwerp 1585 The citizens agree to acknowledge the authority of Philip Rapid decay of that city 19 20 ibid. 21 ibid. 22 ibid. The United Provinces offer their fovereignty to Henry III. of France 23 He is obliged to reject it, on account of the distracted state of his kingdom ibid. Queen Elizabeth fends over an army of fix thousand men, under the earl of Leicester, to the affiftance of the States 24 And dispatches Sir Francis Drake, with a fleet of twenty fail to diftrefs the Spaniards in the West Indies 1536 Succefs of Drake Misconduct of Leicester He is recalled Babington's confpiracy aganst the life of Elizabeth Trial of Mary Queen of Scots Her fpirited defence She is condemned to suffer death Examination of the evidence against her 1587 Affecting circumstances attending her execution Her gallant behaviour Her character Hypocritical forrow of Elizabeth James VI. king of Scotland feems determined to revenge the death of his mother 31 He is induced to live on good terms with the court of England ibid. Naval exploits of Drake and Cavendish 32 The failing of the Spanish Armada is retarded ibid. 1588 Philip II. makes new and great preparations for invading Eng Defeated by the English fleet, under the earl of Effingham and Sir Francis Drake 36 It is attacked by a violent ftorm and wrecked on the western |