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the symbol of rational order, (or rather, one of the numerous expressions or forms of that spirit,) and due proportion of subordination in arranging the intellectual forces of REASON and TRUTH, or truth-like error. So likewise LOGIC, and RHETORIC, and GEOMETRY, and all MATHEMATICS, are the military discipline and tactics of CARNAL REASON; or the art of arranging its powers in such a regular and connected chain of subordinate union, that the effect of the whole may be concentrated into one irresistible point of attack; or that, in case of supporting a charge, every part may be equally strong and impenetrable.


The wonderful phenomenon of the MAGNET, or LOADSTONE, by which iron is attracted, and The magmade to point towards the NORTH, and consequently to the SOUTH POLE, which are different modes of the same ENERGY, that is to say, MALE and FEMALE, appears to me to be a natural symbol of the power with which human reason is ever attracted by considerations of social and self-love; and from which it can never be entirely separated, because the law of GOD, which is right reason and true wisdom, commands us "to love our neighbour as ourselves." In fact, our own apparent interest, or our opinion respecting our true happiness, as rational and social beings, whatsoever it may consist in, is the great magnet which ever influences our reason upon all


occasions; and still, like the natural loadstone, makes it always point forward to futurity, to a bright and distant point,* which is in our carnal heaven, and is apt to become our idol, the object of our worship.

Hence, in early youth, the needle of our inexperienced reason points generally to manhood, or womanhood, as the polar star of our felicity. When these periods arrive, the star, the rainbow, the butterfly, is not caught; the needle still points forward towards a more advanced

* This may seem to require some explanation; for it is not obvious, at first sight, that the natural magnet always points forward, numerically speaking. We know that it increases in degrees of variation from the equator to the poles, on each side of the line; but in sailing it would seem to be forward only, when we go towards the pole of our hemisphere, and backward when we go towards the equator. This is true; but the computation must not be made from the sailing of any vessel to and fro, but from the gradual increase of the degrees of variation from the equator to the poles, as they are in themselves. Because, from the theory, the equator implies the point of birth, and poles denote points of age and death. Hence, the permanent ascent in degrees of variation is the true mode of computation; but the sailing back of the vessel has no such connexion with the analogy of the subject; for if it had, then the above sailing back should not only signify a childish action in a man, (which it does,) but also it should denote, that the ship had become newer in age, and the man denoted by it, had really become younger in age, from his progress towards the line, which would be absurd and impossible.

age. At this period, and at all periods to right rationals, it points to heaven and eternity. What can be more truly and beautifully expressive of the symbolical nature of IRON, STEEL, and the LOADSTONE, than the variations of the magnetic needle, or the various opinions, or pointings of human reason, in the different latitudes of human nature, and of moral life? What language can be more clear, more forcible, than this, when once the clue, or key, of the cipher is given? It speaks by actions, by symbols, which are much more eloquent than mere words; because they reinforce the mere verbal doctrine by true practical and proportional parallels, which heap demonstrations demonstrations, "until it becomes a river, waters to swim in." (Ezekiel.)


The true explication of this parable (as it appears to me) is only to be found in the nature of man, by the lights of revelation, reason, and nature, or the SUN, the MOON, and the EARTH. For the mind and heart in childhood and youth, are first, animal, and then full of ardent passion, and lively sensibility, mixed with the light water of an abundant and irrational imagination. The mobility, versatility, and volatility, of these early combinations, occasion a similar mutability in the pointing of the human needle, to these various images of fancied happiness, which lie in different points and directions of the hu

man, or moral and animal compass. As, therefore, the more low, or equatorial, latitudes of childhood and youth, in both hemispheres, are perpetually fluctuating, unfixed, and changing, in their opinions concerning happiness, which appears to be sometimes in one carnal object, and sometimes in another, according to the views of imagination, and the attractions of sense; so the needle of their infirm reason must be equally variable, within certain limits; that is to say, the same limits of childish comprehension. This I believe to be the true (or part of the true) though general meaning of the symbol of the variations of the natural compass, which gradually corrects itself, and approaches continually nearer to the point of rational self-love, and intellectual perfection, as we approach to the temperate climes and soils of reason.

Here I am aware that strong objections, difficulties, and apparent contradictions, oppose themselves against the above very general observations; and, truly, the subject is in itself so very intricate, as being a lively symbol of the contradictions and mutability of the human mind and heart, that it is only by degrees, and by approximations which disengage a portion of error in each operation, that we can arrive at a tolerably consistent and distinct view of the whole complicated subject.

It will, or may be said, objectively, that the

variations in the compass, from the common polar index and star, increase pretty gradually from the low equatorial latitudes, to the high northern and southern ones; or, according to Cavallo's Tables, from 4° 27′ to 30° 20′ declination north ; and from 3° 2' to 27° 39′ dcclination south. So that childhood, which, according to my analogy, is typified by the EQUATOR, appears, from physical, experimental matter of fact, to be more rational, and less variable, than ripe manhood, in the above proportion. For the poles of the earth, and the polar star, are the general standard of the whole earth; and yet the low latitudes coincide more closely with, and depart less from, the common axis and poles of the general globe, viz, figuratively speaking, the general reason and judgment of the world at large, than manhood, as symbolized by the high latitudes, does, in that ratio. Hence, in this case it will be supposed that my analogy destroys itself, being diametrically opposite to the actual course and state of nature and experimental science: for men and women are supposed to be more rational than children!

I confess, that in spite of my faith in analogy, I was staggered and alarmed at the sight of this apparent contradiction; yet having often by industry and perseverance, (not without prayer,) succeeded, under Divine Providence, in solving similar difficulties, I redoubled the


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