See, a long 18 race thy fpacious courts adorn And feeds of gold in Ophyr's mountains glow. 90 95 100 The thoughts of Ifaiah, which compofe the latter part of the poem, are wonderfully elevated, and much above thofe general exclamations of Virgil, which make the loftieft parts of his Pollia. Magnus ab integro faclorum nafcitur ordo !, -incipient magni procedere menfes ! Afpice, venturo lætentur ut omnia fæclo! &c. The reader needs only turn to the paffages of Ifaiah, here cited. O'erflow thy courts: The Light himself shall shine The 22 feas fhall wafte, the skies in smoke decay, 105 22 Ch. 51..6. and Ch. 54. ✯. 10. WINDSOR WINDSOR-FOREST. To the Right Honourable GEORGE Lord LANSDOWN. Non injuffa cano: Te noftræ Vare myrica VIRG, |