ODE for MUSIC ON St. CECILIA's Day. D I. Efcend ye Nine! descend and fing; In a fadly-pleafing strain The fhrill echo's rebound: While in more lengthen'd notes and flow, Now louder, and yet louder rife, And fill with spreading founds the skies; Exulting in triumph now fwell the bold notes, By Mufic, minds an equal temper know, 20 25 Or when the foul is prefs'd with cares, Warriors fhe fires with animated founds; Pours balm into the bleeding lover's wounds: Melancholy lifts her head, Morpheus rouzes from his bed, Sloth unfolds her arms and wakes, Lift'ning Envy drops her fnakes; Inteftine war no more our Paffions wage, And giddy Factions hear away their rage. III. But when our Country's cause provokes to Arms, So when the first bold veffel dar'd the feas, 30 35 40 En Enflam'd with glory's charms: IV. 45 But when thro all th' infernal bounds Love, ftrong as Death, the Poet led To the pale nations of the dead, What founds were heard, What scenes appear'd, O'er all the dreary coafts! Dismal screams, Fires that glow, Sullen moans, 50 55 60 Hollow groans, And cries of tortur'd ghosts! But hark! he strikes the golden lyre; See, fhady forms advance! Thy ftone, O Syfiphus, ftands ftill, And the pale spectres dance! The Furies fink upon their iron beds, And snakes uncurl'd hang lift'ning round their heads. 65 V. 4 |