T To Mr. POPE. NO praife, and still with just respect to praise O might thy Genius in my bofom shine! Horace himfelf wou'd own thou dost excell How flame the glories of Belinda's Hair, 10 15 20 But But know, ye Fair, a point conceal'd with art, Peeps o'er their head, and laughs behind the scene. In Fame's fair Temple, o'er the boldest wits Thinks he deferves, and thou deferv'it the Prize. Here in the cool my limbs at ease I spread, 25 30 35 40 Still flide thy waters, foft among the trees, Thy afpins quiver in a breathing breeze! Be hush'd, ye winds, while Pope and Virgil fing. Himself unknown, his mighty name admir'd; 45 59 His His language failing, wrapt him round with night; 55 So wealthy Mines, that ages long before 60 How vaft, how copious, are thy new defigns! How ev'ry Mufic varies in thy lines! 65 Still, as I read, I feel my bosom beat, And rise in raptures by another's heat. Thus in the wood, when fummer drefs'd the days 79 Our ears the lark, the thrush, the turtle bleft, The fhades refound with fong-O foftly tread, This to my Friend- -and when a friend inspires, 75 My filent harp its master's hand requires, Shakes off the duft, and makes these rocks refound; Far from the joys that with my foul agree, From wit, from learning- -very far from thee. 80 Rocks at their fides, and torrents at their feet; Or Or lazy lakes, unconscious of a flood, T. PARNELL. L To Mr. POPE. ET vulgar fouls triumphal arches raise, Or speaking marbles to record their praise; 'Tis thine, on ev'ry heart to grave thy praise, If aught on earth, when once this breath is fled, i With human transport touch the mighty dead, Shakespear, rejoice! his hand thy page refines; Now ev'ry fcene with native brightness shines; Juft to thy Fame, he gives thy genuine thought; So Tully publish'd what Lucretius wrote; Prun'd by his care, thy laurels loftier grow, And bloom afresh on thy immortal brow. 20 25 30 Thus when thy draughts, O Raphael! time invades, And the bold figure from the canvass fades, A rival hand recalls from ev'ry part Some latent grace, and equals art with art; Transported we furvey the dubious ftrife, While each fair image ftarts again to life. How long, untun'd, had Homer's facred lyre Jarr'd grating difcord; all extinct his fire? This you beheld; and taught by heav'n to fing, Call'd the loud mufic from the founding string. Now wak'd from flumbers of three thousand years, Once more Achilles in dread pomp appears; Tow'rs o'er the field of death; as fierce he turns, Keen flash his arms, and all the Hero burns; With martial stalk, and more than mortal might, He strides along, and meets the Gods in fight: Then the pale Titans, chain'd on burning floors, Start at the din that rends th' infernal fhores, Tremble the tow'rs of heav'n, earth rocks her coafts, And gloomy Pluto shakes with all his ghofts. To ev'ry theme refponds thy various lay; Here rowls a torrent, there Meanders play; 35 40 Sonorous |