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Testament, which she sent to her sister the Lady Catherine Gray.

"I have here sent you, my dear sister Catherine, a book, which, although it be not outwardly trimmed' with gold, or the curious embroidery of the artfullest needles, yet inwardly it is more worth than all the precious mines which the vast world can boast of. It is the book, my only best and best loved sister, of the law of the Lord. It is the Testament and last will which he bequeathed unto us wretches and wretched sinners, which shall lead you to the path of eternal joy. And if you, with a good mind read it, and with an earnest desire follow it, no doubt it shall bring you to an immortal and everlasting life. It will teach you to live, and to die. It shall win you more, and endow you with greater felicity than you should have gained by the possession of our woful father's lands; for as, if God had prospered him, you should have inherited his honours and manors; so if you apply diligently to this book, seeking to direct your life according to the rule of the same, you shall be an inheritor of such riches, as neither the covetous shall withdraw from you, neither the thief shall steal, neither yet the moths corrupt. Desire, with David, my best sister, to understand the law of the Lord your God; live still to die, that you, by death may purchase eternal life, and trust not that the tenderness of your age shall lengthen your life; for, unto God, when he calleth, all hours, times and seasons are alike, and blessed are they whose lamps are furnished when he cometh; for as soon will the Lord be glorified in the young as in the old.

"My good sister, once again, let me intreat thee to learn to die; deny the world, defy the devil, and despise the flesh, and delight yourself only in

* We have taken the liberty of copying this exhortation from the "Christian Remembrancer."

the Lord, be penitent for your sins, and yet despair not, be strong in faith yet presume not, and desire, with St. Paul, to be dissolved and to be with Christ, with whom even in death there is life. Be like the good servant, and even at mid-night be waking, lest when death cometh and stealeth upon you like a thief in the night, you be with the servants of darkness found sleeping, and lest for lack of oil you be found like the five foolish virgins, or like him that had not on the wedding garment, and then you be cast into darkness, or banished from the marriage. Rejoice in Christ, as I trust you do; and, seeing you have the name of a Christian, as near as you can, follow the steps, and be a true imitator of your master Jesus Christ, and take up your cross, lay your sins on his back, and always embrace him.

"Now, as touching my death, rejoice, as I do, my dearest sister, that I shall be delivered from this corruption, and put on incorruption; for I am assured that I shall, for losing of a mortal life, win one that is immortal, joyful and everlasting; the which I pray God grant you, in his most blessed hour, and send you his all-saving grace to live in his fear, and to die in the true christian faith. From which in God's name I exhort you that you never swerve, neither for hope of life, nor fear of death; for if you will deny his truth to give length to a weary and corrupt breath, God himself will deny you, and by vengeance make short what you by your soul's loss would prolong; but, if you will cleave to him, he will stretch forth your days to an endless comfort and to his own glory. To the which glory, God bring me now, and you hereafter, when it shall please Him to call you. Farewell, once again, my beloved sister, and put your only trust in God, who only must help you. Amen. Your loving sister,



The Address of the Catechist before the Lord's Prayer.

WHEN the commandments have been repeated, and their meaning, in a christian sense, explained in "The duty towards God," and the "Duty to our Neighbour," we cannot help seeing the excellent and perfect state of heart and character, which must belong to every one who can live in complete and constant obedience to these commands. We cannot help seeing, then, that of our own unassisted powers, we can never live according to the real spirit of these holy, and heavenly directions, This seems to have instantly come into the minds of the writers of the catechism, and they therefore direct the person who asks the questions (who is called the Catechist) to make this address to the scholar; "My good child, know this, that thou art not able to do these things of thyself, nor to walk in the commandments of God, and to serve Him, without his special grace; which thou must learn, at all times, to call for by diligent prayer. Let me hear, therefore, if thou canst say the Lord's prayer." The Lord's prayer is, indeed, truly excellent; it was given, by Christ himself, to his dis ciples, and, through them, to all Christians, as the best guide for their devotions.

As our Saviour said "When ye pray, say, OUR FATHER &c. we conclude that we are required to use this very form of words: but, as in another place we read, "after this manner, pray ye," we learn that we are not to confine our prayers to this form alone, but that, whatever other prayers we use, they are to be according to the manner and meaning of this prayer. This delightful and comprehensive prayer does contain, in itself, those very things which a true Christian will most desire and wish for. We should, however, first of all, see that we understand it, and

then consider whether we offer it up with a sincero and anxious wish for the things we ask for. Without such sincerity, all our prayers are vain. The longest prayer, if the heart does not go with it, is no better than "vain repetition," and useless "babbling.” Many persons, think that they avoid this error by making their prayers short; but, let them remember, that a short prayer, too, is "vain babbling,” if it does not come from the heart. The short prayer of the Publican was more acceptable than the long one of the Pharisee, but it was not because it was short, but because it was sincere. The prayer of the Pharisee was not rejected because it was long, but because it was insincere, hypocritical, and boastful. Let us not judge one another in these things, but let us each judge ourselves, and let us see that our prayers be according to the spirit of the prayer which our Lord hath taught us, and let us seek to offer them up in sincerity and earnestness. The meaning of the Lord's prayer is explained in the catechism in the answer to the question "What desirest thou of God in this prayer." In carefully considering the Lord's prayer, and then examining this explanation of it, few people who are devout and earnest in their enquiries, will fail to see the meaning of the things which they ask for. We intend, however, to consider the Lord's Prayer more particularly, in our next Number.

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It is very common for persons, who hear children repeat their catechism, to leave out the "Address before the Lord's prayer." This is a great pity. This address was not put there without good reason. We ought to consider well those words which teach us that we "cannot walk in the way of the Commandments of God without his special grace," and we ought to know, that we "must, at all times, learn to call for this grace by diligent prayer." If, indeed, by God's blessing "our hearts are inclined to keep his law," we shall be glad to pray earnestly for his help to give us the power.

To the Editor of the Cottager's Monthly Visitor.


IF you think the following letter likely to be of use to young persons on their first going out to service, perhaps you will have the goodness to give it a place in your monthly publication.

I have the honor to be

N. L. H.



I AM very glad to hear that you have got a place, after being so long out of work, I fear you will meet with a great many temptations in your new situation; but you must not give way to them; you will probably see many bad examples among your fellow servants but you must not fall into their ways. Bad company leads many a young person to ruin. Do you remember your former companion J. M.? he worked for Farmer G. who had several bad men amongst his labourers. J. M. was a very clean civil lad, at first, but, by living all day with these men, he got into their ways. A kind friend gave him a great deal of good advice and he promised to go on better; and so he did for some time, but he got into bad company again, and forgot all his good resolutions; and a melancholy end he came to at last.

Remember the Bible says "Be not a partaker of other men's sins," and "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil." Be always kind and civil to your fellow servants, but do not let them lead you to do what you know to be wrong. You cannot, by yourself, keep in the right way, but, if you pray to God to assist you, He will enable you to do what is right. And when you pray to God to assist you, you must also use your own endeavours; for you are not

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