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Spleen, its Effects, N. 558.


Stars, a Contemplation of them, N. 565.
Sublime in Writing, what it is, N.
Syncopifts, modern ones, N. 567.

Syracufian Prince, jealous of his Wife, how he ferved
her, N. 579.



EMPER (Serious) the Advantage of it, N. 598.
Tender Hearts, an Entertainment for them.
N. 627.

Tenure, the moft flippery in England, N. 623.
Thales, his Saying of Truth and Falfhood, N. 594.
Theatre, of making Love there, N. 602.

Torre in Devonshire, how unchaft Widows are punished
there, N. 614.

Townly, Frank, his Letter to the Spectator, N. 560.
Tully praifes himself, N. 562.

What he faid of the
Immortality of the Soul, 588. Of uttering a Jeft,
616. Of the Force of Novelty, 626. What he re-
quir'd in his Orator, 633.

. U.

Ubiquity of the Godhead, confider'd, N. 571. Fur

ther Confiderations about it, 580.

Verses by a despairing Lover, N. 501. On Phebe and
Colin, 603. Translation of Verses Pedantick out of
Italian, 617. The Royal Progrefs, 620. To Mrs.-
on her Grotto, 632.

Vice as Laborious as Virtue, N. 624.

Vifion of Human Mifery, N. 604.

Vulcan's Dogs, the Fable of them, N. 579.


W Eft Enborne in Berkshire, a Cuftom there for Wi-
dows, N. 614. What Lord Coke faid of the

Widows Tenure there, 628.


Whichenover Bacon Flitch, in Staffordshire, who intitled
to it, N. 607.

Whole Duty of Man, that Excellent Book turned into a
Satyr, N. 568.

Widows Club, an Account of it, N. 561. A Letter
from the Prefident of it to the Spectator about her
Suitots, 573. Duty of Widows in old Times, 606.
A Custom to punish unchaft ones in Berkshire and De
vonshire, 614. Inftances of their riding the black
Ram there, 623.

Writing, the Difficulty of it to avoid Cenfure, N. 56%.
Work neceffary for Women, N. 606.


Enophon, his Account of Cyrus's trying the Virtue


Emroude, Queen, her Story out of the Perfian Tales,
N. 578.



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