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opinions, if it were safe to declare going to die! We are fully con them, towards those who have had vinced that a tale like this was the uncontrolled management of never told before in the civilized the affairs of the nation, and who world.. And, at this very moment have long been drawing sixty mil-the measures of the ministry for. lions of pounds sterling a-year from the relief of Agriculture in Engit in taxes. No language could land are bottomed upon the asserfurnish us with words adequate to tion made a hundred times over, the expression of what we ought that, for a series of years, up to to feel, if even a short allowance the present time inclusive, thé of food was all that could be ob- crops have been superabundant, and tained by so large a portion of the that we are suffering the evil of people as make up the population over-production, and that the re of three or four counties of Ire-medy for the farmer is, a dimi land. Of what description, then, nished quantity in the harvest. ought our feelings to be when Sir Oh! unhappy Kingdom! Whose JOHN NEWPORT, standing up in his place in the House of Commons, states as a positive and undeniable fact, not loosely and generally, that` famine is raging in Ireland, but that, in one parish office, and who is now what they `fifteen persons had actually perished call Chief Secretary of Ireland: by famine; that twenty-eight more this Mr. GOULBURN said that, with persons were past all hopes of re- every exertion on the part of Gocovery; that one hundred and vernment; but we must twenty persons, still in the same parish, were ill from fever produced by want; that other parishes were nearly in the same state; that in

people are dying with famine amidst a superabundance of food.!" -Mr. GOULBURN, who has lately had a large pension settled upon him in case he should be out of

take his words; for this is a subject of too much importance to be passed over slightly and to be easily forgotten.

one parish there had been found "Mr. GOULBURN acquitted food only for two days, and, at the" the Right Honourable Baronet date of the letter, they had been of any but the purest motives, without food three days; and that," and assured him that he felt as horrible to relate! in this parish" deeply as the Right Honourable the Catholic parish priest had ac-"Baronet, or any Gentleman, the tually prepared his, parishioners" awful calamity: the more so, for their inevitable death, by abso-" because with every exertions on lution and those other rites used" the part of the Government, and by the catholics to persons just" with all the aid of man much misery

"must take place. He alluded par-“ also a discretion to act upon ther "ticularly to those parts of the "instant, without reference to any "country in which from the state" authority, that no delay might

of communication, the convey "interfere with the efficacy of the 6i ance of provisions was a matter" relief (hear!)."


"of time and difficulty. He had This is very pretty talk; but "that day received accounts to a though no power on earth can "degree confirmatory of the asser-bring the dead to life, Mr. GOUL"tions of the Right Honourable BURN will find it very hard to per"Baronet, as to the extent of suade us, that the same power "the suffering, especially in the which can shut people up in their "county of Galway. Some time houses from sunset to sunrise is "since the accounts from that not equal to the discovering of the "county were so alarming that approaching starvation of that "though he knew the Lord Lieu-same people. He will find it very "tenant was in communication hard to persuade us that those "with the gentry there, he had who possess the former power did "thought fit to ship to two ports not possess the latter, and still "of Galway, cargoes of the most more difficult will he find it to perportable species of provision, suade us that those who could "naval biscuit. In consequence raise a surplus of five millions a-"of the intelligence he had re- year as a Sinking Fund to add to "ceived that day, he had directed the stock of the fundholders, had "further shipments (hear!): and not the power to provide the means of preventing the starvation of those, whose situation they must might have the satisfaction of have known so well, when they had "having done all that was in their the power to watch them so nar(6 power. In addition to what was rowly as to shut them up in their "done on this side of the water, bouses from sunset to sunrise — "the Lord Lieutenant had now As to the giving employment to these "the additional sum of 100,000l. poor creatures; as to the laying "which according to the terms of out of taxes upon public works "the vote, was granted for the em- under an engineer in order to con"ployment of the poor, but which, vey money to the starving crea"where there were no means tures to purchase them food, was "of employing them, would be there ever such a thing heard of "applied to their immediate re-before since man was man? How "lief. The engineer who directed are the people to labour without "the works to be undertaken, had the strength to labour? How are

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though all efforts might be insuf"ficient to avoid the calamity, they

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they to have the strength without |“ strong enough to bear the buffirst having the bfood? And then" feting of the waves, swam off to again, why not give them the the boat, clinging to it till he demoney and let them employ the livered them the tickets for the labour upon the land; why, when" relief of their families. (Hear, they are in a state of famishing" hear.)" Such is the picture for want of food, erect public woke which the Irish Members themout of which no food can come; selves give of the state of their why draw away the food that is to country. In such a case all laws be got with the money and employ and usages ought to give way; all it in a way from which no creation maxims of policy; all rules; all of new food can proceed? Vain, general principles. Ships, boats, however, is it to put questions like vessels of every description ought these to those who have the sup- to be sent off, and from every port. port of an unreformed Parliament. If money were wanted there are -Mr. VESEY FITZGERALD, who troops, and they should be sent to called Mr. GOULBURN his Right seize the food wherever it is to be Hon. Friend, vouched for the fact, found until the shocking scene be stated by Sir JOHN NEWPORT, of put an end to. If we had been the preparation for death by the Ministers, we would long ago have Catholic priests. He eulogised ascertained the facts, and bacon the patience with which the famished should have been a crown a pound creatures had borne their suffer in London before a Catholic priest ings; and he was loudly cheered! in Ireland should have been called We know not well what to say on upon to prepare his parishioners the subject of this patience, and for death from starvation. But shall therefore hold our tongues. what a horrible reflection that the This gentleman related that an people of only two or three counties aged clergyman having received a in Ireland should be suffered to be donation for the famishing people, in this state. If Herefordshire, he was afraid to attempt the dis- Gloucestershire, and Monmouthtribution lest his frame should be shire were even approaching such unable to sustain the pressure of a state, would Kent or Norfolk, or the raving applicants. He, there- in short, any other county, enjoy, fore, "moored a boat at some dis- we will not say a moment's hap"tance from the shore, whence he piness, but a moment's peace, until "sent the tickets for provisions the distressed counties were as " from the store; but such was the well off as themselves? Where "earnestness of the unfortunate are all the other counties in Ire"claimants, that those who were land? What are they at? Where

are all the landlords and all the food is there; for since this famine has been declared in Parliament, thousands of quarters of corn have been imported every week from Ireland into England! It is the money, then, that the poor creatures want, and that they cannot have, except a part of that is restored which has been taken away from them in taxes. To this point we always come at last; here is the immediate cause of all the evils that afflict the country.—In going downward, we next find the debt and other consequences of the war; and at the bottom we find the root of the whole, the want of a real Reform in the Commons' House of Parliament. The evil is radical, that is to say, belonging to the root; and the cure must be radical or there can be no cure at all. We have never yet heard what are the means to make this starvation cease; and we are firmly convinced that it will not cease with this season nor with next season, nor with any season until the interest of the Debt be reduced, and the taxation lowered. There is no scarcity except scarcity of money, amongst those who labour. To talk, therefore, of sending seed potatoes, and to amuse ourselves with other expe

clergy of that country? Are we told that the Catholic priests are preparing whole parishes for death, and do we see amongst the means of relief à Ball at the Opera House in London! One thing it is necessary always to bear in mind; and that is, that Ireland has not been governed by jacobins and radicals. Let what may have been the cause of these calamities, we, the jacobins and radicals, have had no hand in producing them, to which we have only to add, show us, loyal men, if you can, that jacobins and radicals could have produced a worse state of things. Mr. WILBERFORCE said, that whatever money was wanted on this occasion, ought to be given, HOLME SUMNER thought an Address to the Crown was the proper measure, authorising any expenditure that might be necessary.-We, for our parts, are for relieving the people, cost what it may. But, at the same time, pray let us make this observation. Money, it seems, is wanted in Ireland. Now people do not eat money. No, but the money will buy them something to eat. What, the food is there, then, it seems! Pray observe this, reader. Pray observe this, and let the par-dients, such as are put forth by ties get out of the concern if they can. THE FOOD IS THERE; but those that have it in their possession will not give it without the money! And we know that the

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the stupid press of London, can only serve to push things on to a state, to get out of which there will be only one way.

[Sent with the Author's hope, that

But that the dread of something from repeal,

The paper-money ocean; from whose rocks!
No Government escapes,-puzzles our pates;

it may serve as a piece for reci- And makes us rather drain the country's

station, to form part of the en

tertainments at the Feast of the


Than crush muckworm which we love so well ?

Gridiron. It is accepted, as Thus Cash-bill does make cowards of us all;

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For in that dread repeal what storms may hardly worth the trouble, my


When we have shuffled off this kated bill,
Must give us pause: There's the respect,
That makes Resumption-bill of so long life:
For who would bear the suffering nation's

The Landlord's sigh, the Corn-dealer's groan,
The Farmer's clam'rous tongue, the law's

readers will say; but, the Lawyer

may afford us some sport yet, if we can get him fairly out in full chase, and clear of all his covers. -I now inform my readers 'most

positively, that all the stories that

The prayers of frightened Bankers, and the we have heard about American

dismal tales

Which we must from the ruin'd borrower hear,
When we ourselves might our quietus make

distress, are pure unmixed lies, fa

bricated for the vile



With a bare "question!" Who would office deceiving the burthened and in


To cant and lie about this cursed bill;

sulted people of this Kingdom.

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