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you have been the founder I cannot fend you the names of those who have diftinguished themfelves, I may fay they are the whole army. I fhall not enter into thefe details until the papers of general Kleber are arranged. I fhall confine myself to request, of you, citizen conful, to confirm the promotions that have been made; thefe are the generals of divifion, generals of brigade, and all the fubordinate ranks. Many brave men have been killed and many wounded; they are all worthy of your attention. You know my refpect and devotion: both the one and the other are unbounded.

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[IS majesty the emperor of the

Bohemia, and his majefty the king of Great Britain, have judged that it was conformable to the intereft of their crowns, and to the good of the common caufe, to concert with each other on the best manner of giving effect to the union of their efforts against the common enemy in the prefent campaign. In confequence of which the baron de Thugut, grand crofs of the order of St. Stephen, his Imperial majefty's minifter of conferences, and commiffary general and minifter plenipotentiary in his provinces of Italy, Iftria, and Dalmatia, &c. and the right honourable Gilbert lord Minto, peer of Great Britain, one of his Britannic majefty's moft honourable privy council, and his envoy extra

ordinary and minifter plenipotentiary to the court of Vienna, being furnished on the part of their aforefaid Imperial and Britannic majel ties, with the powers requifite for difcuffing and arranging this important object; the faid plenipotentiaries, after having refpectively exchanged their full powers, have agreed upon the following articles: I. In order to relieve the preffing neceffities of the finances of his Imperial majefty under the enor mous expenfes already incurred, and which remain to be incurred during the prefent campaign, his Britannic majefty fhall advance to his abovementioned Imperial majefty by way of loan, the fum of 2,000,000l. fterling. This fum fhall be divided into three parts, and paid at three different periods, preferably in fpecie: fo that the first third of 666,6661. 13s. 4d. fhall be paid in the first days of the month of July; the fecond third of the like fum in the first days of September; and

of the month of December.

II. During the whole continuance of the war, and during the fix months which fhall follow the conclufion of a peace between Auftria and France, his Imperial majefty fhall not be bound to pay any intereft upon the fum of two millions advanced, as ftipulated in the preceding article, Great Britain confenting to take this charge upon her own account until the period above mentioned. But on the expiration of the term of fix months after the conclufion of peace, his Imperial majefty fhall pay for the future to the British government, or to the individuals who fhall be pointed out by the British government, an annual rent or annual rents, making altogether

altogether the amount of the intereft of the two millions advanced, which interest shall be calculated at the fame rate as the interest of the loan made on account of the British government in the present year. His Imperial majefty fhall moreover pay annually to the British government the fum of 20,000l. fterling at two periods, that is to fay, 10,000l. every fix months, which fum shall be employed in the fucceffive purchafe and reduction of the principal of the two millions, according to the method adopted by the British government in its own loans.

III. Their Imperial and Britannic majefties mutually promife each other to carry on the war against the French republic, during the prefent campaign, with all poffible vigour; and to employ in it all their respective means by land and fea, concerting together, as occafion fhall require, on the most advantageous manner of reciprocally employing their forces by land and fea to the fupport of their operations against the common enemy. His Imperial majefty fhall be careful to complete his armies of Germany and of Italy in proportion to the lofles which they have fuftained, in order always, as far as poffible, to act against the common enemy with the fame number of effective men, conformably to the statements which his Imperial majesty caused to be confidentially communicated to the British government on the opening of the campaign.

IV. The Bavarian troops, thofe of Wurtemberg, and the Swifs regiments in the pay of Great Britain, fhall be at the difpofal of his Imperial majefty, to form a part of his army in Germany, and to be employed there in operations against

the enemy, in conformity to the conventions and capitulations concluded on this fubject by the king of Great Britain. His Britannic majefty fhall take the neceflary meafures for the farther reinforcement of the army of his Imperial majefty in Germany, by as great a number as poffible of German and Swifs troops.

V. Their Imperial and Britannic majefties engage, during the whole continuance of the present convention, not to make a feparate peace with the French republic, without the previous and exprefs confent of of each other. They engage like wife not to treat with the enemy, nor to receive from him any overtures either for a private peace, or for a general pacification, without ma king, mutually, communications of them with openness, and acting in every respect in perfect concert.

VI. The duration of the prefent convention is fixed for the term of one year, to be computed from the 1ft of March, 1800, until the end of February, 1801. From the month of December, and immediately after the acquittal of the last payment of the ftipulated advances, the two high contracting parties fhall enter into deliberation and confidential explanation upon the determinations that they may think necessary to adopt for the future, according to circumftances, and their mutual convenience.

VII. The prefent convention fhall be ratified in due form by their Imperial and Britannic majefties, and the refpective ratifications fhall be exchanged at Vienna in the space of fix weeks, or fooner, if poffible,

In witness whereof, we, the underfigned, furnished with the full powers of their Imperial and Bri

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tannic majefties, have in their names figned the prefent convention, and have affixed thereunto the feal of

our arms.

Done at Vienna the 20th of
June, in the year 1800.
(L. S.) Le baron de Thugut.
(L S.) Minto.

Treaty between the King of Great
Britain and the Elector of Mentz.

E it known to all whom it may

France), inviting his majefty to as fift his electoral highness in the execution of these measures, in a manner that might be thought the most effective. As his Britannic majetty on his part entertains fimilar fentiments with his electoral highness, and wishes to give him a proof of his friendship, and of his defire to promote the juft and falutary object he has in view, his majefty has nominated Mr. Wickham his minif ter plenipotentiary and commitfioner, to adjust the points relating to

BE it equal this important object; and his elec

highness of Mentz, as a member of the empire, and agreeably to his attachment to its conftitution, participates in the war which the German empire has been forced to declare against France, for defending and maintaining its conftitution, and the integrity of its territory; and as his highnefs is convinced of the neceflity for gaining this falutary purpose, not only of employing all the forces which the laws of the empire require of every state under the title of contingents, but alfo of ufing ftill greater means, the fooner to procure an honourable and dafting peace, which the occupation of a confiderable part of the electoral territories on the fide of France, and the repeated invasion of the remaining territories of his electoral highnels by the fame power, as well as the exhausted state of his refources, effected by his extraordinary exertions for the good of the armies fighting in Germany for the general caufe, did not allow his electoral highnefs to do to the extent he might have wished, his electoral highness has applied to his Britannic majefty (likewife engaged in war with the fame enemy, in confequence of the attack made by

toral highnefs, on his part, has nominated count Spaur his privy counfellor, for the fame purpose, who, having exchanged their full powers, have agreed on the following articles:

Art. 1. His electoral highnefs of Mentz offers to form a corps of 3464 men, infantry as well as cavalry (but fo that the latter fhall not constitute above one-eleventh part of the whole corps), which is to be left at the difpofal of his Britannic majefty, to be employed by him in any part of Europe he should with it; and that for fo long as his majefty fhall take an active thare in the war at prefent carrying on ou the continent, and for three years, if after the expiration of that time, or fooner, fortunate events should procure to Europe the enjoyment of a folid and lafting peace. In the latter cafe, viz. if a continental peace fhould be effected before the expiration of the three years, his Britannic majefty fhall be at liberty to difpenfe with the fervice of that corps, having made known to his electoral highnels his refolution, three months beforehand, during which period the falary and other wages of the troops thall continue

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to be paid on the fame footing, and in the fame manner, as ftipulated in the fubjoined articles.

Art. 2. The whole corps, as well as the general appointed by his electoral highnefs for its command, fhall be under the orders of that generalin-chief of the united armies whom his Britannic majefty fhall mention for that purpose. They fhall, in every particular, be treated upon the fame footing as the troops of the power in whofe army they fhall act. The faid corps fhall be entirely independent of thofe troops which his electoral highness has befides to furnish to the army of the empire as a contingent.

Art. 3.12. To defray the expenfes of raifing and equipping them, his Britannic majefty pays for every exercised and equipped horfeman 80 dollars banco, and for every equipped and exercised foot foldier 30 dollars banco, the banco dollar at 4s. 94d. The corps fhall march eight days after it fhall have been requested.

As from the interrupted communication between England and the continent, the negociations of the prefent treaty have been greatly protracted, the pay of the troops fhall commence from the 29th of January of the prefent year. The whole maintenance of the corps fhall be on the fame footing as that of the imperial armies. In cafe his Britannic majefty fhould think it advilable to difpenfe with the fervice of this corps, he will pay the fubfidies for the remaining time of the duration of the treaty, on the bafis of the treaty of fubfidies with HeffeCaffel, of the 10th of April, 1793, and over and above one month's pay and emoluments. The deferters from the troops of Mentz fhall

be delivered up, and fuch of the troops as fhall be made prifoners of war are to be exchanged in the fame manner as other troops in English pay. His electoral highnefs will always keep the number of the troops complete. The British commiffary may frequently review the troops, and demand reports of their ftate. His Britannic majefty pays 30 rix-dollars banco for every recruit, to recomplete the corps, deferters excepted. Artillery, and other warlike ftores, that fhall be loft before the enemy, are to be replaced at the expenfe of his Britannic majefty.

Art. 13. His electoral highness promifes not to enter into negociations with France, as long as the prefent treaty fall be in force, unknown to his Britannic majefty, but fhall communicate to his majefty, or to the commiffioners authorized by him for that purpose, all communications and propofals made to him on that head.

In cafe the prefent article should not be obferved, his Britannic majefty fhall no longer confider himself bound to full tuch other engagements which would fill remain to be executed, and will be fully authorized to confider as null and void every thing agreed upon in the prefent treaty. His Britannic majesty, on his part, promifes, during the term of the prefent treaty, not to conclude a peace with France, without including in it his electoral highnels, and regulating his intereft by means of it.

Art. 14. His Britannic majefty promifes to be mindful of the fecurity of the territories and poffeffions of his electoral highness, and as fat as depends on him, and the circum ftances of the war and the good of


the general caule fhall allow it, to direct military operations in fuch a manner that the ftates of his electoral highness, at prefent occupied by his own troops, or thofe of the united armies, be covered, and, as much as poffible, pared. Should, nevertheless, notwithstanding the measures taken for that purpole, any part of the above-mentioned ftates of his electoral highnefs be attacked by the enemy, in confequence of the prefent treaty, his Britannic majefty, conjointly with his allies, will concert measures to procure his electoral highnefs an indemnification proportionate to the lofs which one or other of the provinces may have fuffered by fuch attack.

Art. 15. To give to his electoral highnefs a ftill greater proof of his friendship, and of his fincere participation in the welfare of the electorate, his Britannic majefty will proceed in the fame manner with refpect to the other poffeflions of his electoral highnefs, fo as the fame fhall be re-conquered and wretted from the hands of the enemy; and will, conjointly with his allies, actively intercede, on the conclufion of a general peace, that the electoral house be reftored to the poffeffion of the ftates which it enjoyed at the commencement of the prefent war, fuch as they were at that time.

Art. 16. The corps ftipulated in the present treaty may be increafed to 6000 men, by means of an augmentation of the expenses for raifing and equipping the troops, as well as the pay and other emoluments, to be calculated on the bafis of the prefent treaty, in proportion to the increase of men which the high contracting powers may agree upon.

Art. 17. The conditions and arti

cles of the prefent convention flial! be communicated to his imperial and royal majefty, the Roman emperor. He hall be at liberty to join in it, as far as the nature of the different articles agreed upon fhail permit, as well as in all alterations and additions that might hereafter be made by the high contracting parties.

Art. 18. The ratifications of the prefent treaty fhall be exchanged within four weeks, or fooner, if poffible. In teftimony thereof, the underwritten have figned, and affixed their feals to the prefent treaty.

(Signed) W. Wickham,

Henry count Spaur. Done at Pfora, near Donauefchingen, April 30, 1800.

Copy of a Letter from Mr. Merry, the British Minifter at Copenhagen, to Count Bernstorff.

Danih court muft neceffarily Copenhagen, April 10, 1800. HE importance which the attach to the event which happened in the month of December laft, in the neighbourhood of Gibraltar, between fome frigates of the king and the frigate of his Danifh majefty, named Hauferfen, commanded by captain Van Dockum, and the orders which, in confequence, have been fent me by my court upon this point, impofe upon me the painful duty of repeating to you, in writing, the complaint which I had the honour to make to you upon this point by word of mouth, in the audience which you had the goodness to grant me for this purpose three days ago.

The facts of this affair are in themselves very fimple, and I think


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