DRYOPE IN ARBOREM. IXIT: et, D niftrae, admonitu veteris commota mi Ingemuit; quam fic nurus est adfata dolentem: que Impediunt, prohibentque loqui. fuit unica matri Oechalidum Dryope: quam virginitate carentem, NOTES. 10 DRYOPE.] Upon occafion of the death of Hercules, his Mother Alcmena recounts her misfortunes to Iole, who answers with a relation of those of her own family, in par : THE FABLE OF DRYOPE. From the NINTH Book of OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. S HE faid, and for her loft Galanthis sighs, No Nymph of all Œchalia could compare Her tender mother's only hope and pride, That pleas'd a God, succeeded to her arms. NOTES. 5 10 ticular the Transformation of her sister Dryope, which is the subject of the ensuing Fable. P. VOL. II. N 15 Est lacus, acclivi devexo margine formam Haud procul a stagno, Tyrios imitata colores, 20 25 30 Nescierat foror hoc; quae cum perterrita retro 35 Ire et adoratis vellet difcedere Nymphis; 40 20 A lake there was, with shelving banks around, 15 Whose verdant summit fragrant myrtles crown'd. These shades, unknowing of the fates, she sought, And to the Naiads flow'ry garlands brought; Her smiling babe (a pleasing charge) she prest Within her arms, and nourish'd at her breast. Not distant far, a watry Lotos grows, The spring was new, and all the verdant boughs Adorn'd with blossoms promis'd fruits that vie In glowing colours with the Tyrian die : Of these she crop'd to please her infant fon, And I myself the same rash act had done : But lo! I saw (as near her fide I ftood) 25 The violated blossoms drop with blood; The trembling tree with fudden horror fhook. 30 Lotis the nymph (if rural tales be true) As from Priapus' lawless lust she flew, Forsook her form; and fixing here became This change unknown, astonish'd at the fight 35 My trembling sister strove to urge her flight, And first the pardon of the nymphs implor'd, And those offended fylvan pow'rs ador'd: But when she backward would have fled, she found Her stiff'ning feet were rooted in the ground: 40 Nec quidquam, nisi summa, movet, succrefcit ab imo, Fronde manum implevit: frondes caput omne tene bant. 45 50 At puer Amphissos (namque hoc avus Eurytus illi Adfufique suae radicibus arboris haerent. 60 Irrorant foliis: ac, dum licet, oraque praeftant 65 Vocis iter, tales effundit in aëra questus: |