the county of, do hereby certify that A. B. of in the said county, yeoman, is a person of good fame and reputation, and of sober life and conversation. Witness our hands, this day of Certificate for the General Licensing Day. to wit. We, the minister, churchwardens, overseers, and other substantial householders and inhabitants of the parish of in the said county, do hereby certify the good behaviour of A. B. who keeps the house known by the sign of the in the said parish, and that we have heard of no disorderly behaviour or unlawful games being suffered in the said public house, since the last general licensing day of victuallers for this division, and believe him to be a person of good fame, and sober life and conversation, and therefore we have no objection to his having a license to the said house, if your worships so please. Given under our hands, this day of 1817. Allowance of Certificate. Division of We, two of His Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of acting in and for the division of — in the said county, having this day granted a continuance of the license to the above house, do hereby attest that the above certificate was at the same time produced unto and allowed by us. Dated this 1817. day of Victualler's Recognizance taken at the General Licensing Day. Division, to wit. At a general meeting of His Majesty's justices of the peace for the said county of acting in and for the division of · in the county afore in day said, holden at the house known by the sign of the of September, 1817. the A. B. of victualler, acknowledges to owe to our sovereign Lord the King, the sum of £10. C. D. of baker, acknowledges to owe to our sovereign Lord the King, the sum of £5. E. F. of gardener, acknowledges to owe to our sovereign Lord the King, the sum of £5. to be levied of their several goods and chattels, lands and tenements respectively, to the use of our said sovereign Lord the King, his heirs and successors, if the said A. B. shall make default in the condition underwritten. Whereas the said A. B. is this day licensed to keep a common inn, alehouse, or victualling-house, and to utter and sell bread and other victuals, beer, ale, and other exciseable liquors, in the house wherein he now dwelleth, being the sign of the in the parish of within the division aforesaid, for one year, to commence on the twenty-ninth day of September instant. Now the condition of this recognizance is such, that if the said A. B. do and shall keep the true assize in uttering bread and other victuals, beer, ale, and other exciseable liquors, in his said house, according to the tenor, purport, and true meaning of the said license, so to him granted; and shall not have, permit, or suffer any playing at cards, dice, skittles, tables, bowls, or any other game or games, in his house, out-house, yard, garden, or backside, or other place or places, nor use any means or instruments for gaming or unlawful pastime, nor suffer any person to become drunk, or remain there tippling or drinking, contrary to law, nor suffer any disorder to be committed therein, but do maintain and keep good order and rule in the same, according to the laws of this realm, in that behalf made and provided, then the said recognizance to be void, otherwise to remain in full force. Taken and acknowledged the day and year first above written, before us, W. S. J. C, Victualler's License. to wit. At a general meeting of His Majesty's justices of the peace, for the said county of - holden at within the said county, on the day of September, for the purpose of authorizing and empowering persons to keep common inns, alehouses, or victualling houses. We, His Majesty's justices of the peace, for the division of do hereby authorize and empower A. B. at the sign of the in the parish of in the county aforesaid, to keep a common inn, alehouse, or victualling house, and to utter and sell in the house in which he now dwelleth, and in the premises thereunto belonging, and not elsewhere, victuals, and all such exciseable liquors as he shall be licensed and empowered to sell under the authority and permission of any excise license which shall be duly granted by the commissioners of excise, or persons to be appointed or employed by them for that purpose, or by any collector and supervisor of excise respectively, provided that the true assize in bread, in beer, ale, cyder, and all other liquors, be duly kept, and that no unlawful game or games, or any drunkenness or other disorder, be suffered in his house, yard, garden, or premises, but that good order and rule be maintained and kept therein, according to the laws of this realm in that behalf made: The authority and power hereby granted to continue in force for one whole year from the twenty-ninth day of September, and no longer. Signed, W.S. J. C. Victualler's Certificate for continuing the License granted at the general Licensing Day to a Person coming in after the death or removal of the late Occupier, by Stat. 48 Geo. III. c. 143, s. 6. to wit. Whereas at a general meeting of His Majesty's justices of the peace, acting in and for the division of in the county of — holden within the said county, in the month of September last, for the purpose of authorizing and empowering persons to keep common inns, alehouses, or victualling houses within the said division, A. B. of the parish of within the said division, was duly authorized and empowered to keep a common inn, alehouse, or victualling house, and to utter and sell in the said house, known by the sign of the - in the said parish of in which he then dwelt, and in the premises thereunto belonging, and not elsewhere, victuals, and all such exciseable liquors as he should be licensed and empowered to sell under the authority and permission of any excise license which should be duly granted by the commissioners of excise, or persons to be appointed and employed by them for that purpose, or by any collector and supervisor of excise respectively; provided that the true assize in bread, in beer, ale, cyder, and all other liquors should be duly kept, and that no unlawful game or games, or any drunkenness or other disorder should be suffered in his said house, yard, garden, or premises; but that good order and rule should be maintained and kept therein, according to the laws of this realm in that behalf made: The authority and power thereby granted to continue in force for one whole year, from the twentyninth day of the said month of September, and no longer. And whereas it has been made appear unto me that the said A. B. duly obtained an excise license for the purposes and time aforesaid, and that the said A. B. is now removed from the said house: These are to certify, that I, being one of the justices of the peace acting within the said division, do approve of C. D. the person to whom this certificate is given, as a fit person to be authorized and empowered to sell beer and ale by retail, or cyder and perry, to be drank and consumed in the said house and premises where the said A. B. carried on his trade, during the residue of the term for which his license was originally granted. Given under my hand, this day of 1817. Information for selling Ale and Beer without a License. day of to wit. Be it remembered, that this 1817, A.B. of-yeoman, in his proper person, as well for His Majesty as for himself, maketh and exhibiteth to me, S. P. Esq. one of His Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, his complaint and information, that on the day of now last past, and at divers times between that day and the time of exhibiting this information and complaint, one C. D. of yeoman, at in the said county, did sell ale and beer, and other exciseable liquors, by retail, without being duly licensed so to do, whereby the said C. D. hath forfeited the sum of £20. and also the costs and expenses of convicting the said C. D. for the said offence, and that E. F. of - is a material witness to be examined concerning the premises; whereupon the said A. B. who, as well for His said Majesty as for himself exhibiteth this information, prays judgment of me the said justice, in the premises, and that he may have one moiety of the said sum of £20. and also the costs and expenses of convicting the said C. D. of the said offence, according to the form of the Statute in that case made and provided, and that the said C. D. may be summoned to answer the said complaint and information, and the said E. F. to testify his knowledge of the premises. Taken before me, S. P. Summons to the Party. To the Constable of · to wit. Whereas complaint and information hath this day been made before me, S. P. Esq. one of His Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county, by A. B. of yeoman, stating, that on the day of last past, and at several times between the said day of now and the time of exhibiting his said complaint, one C. D. of in the said county, yeoman, at aforesaid, in the county aforesaid, did sell ale and beer, and other exciseable liquors, by retail, without being duly licensed so to do, and that E. F. of in the said county, is a material witness to be examined concerning the said premises: These are therefore, to require you forthwith, on receipt hereof, to summon the said C. D. personally to be and appear before me, at in the said county of the day ofthe hour of in the forenoon of the same day, to answer the said complaint of the said A. B. who is likewise directed to be there, to make good the same. And be you then and there to certify what you have done in pursuance hereof. Given under my hand and seal, this on day of 1817. at |