| Joseph Shaw - 1753 - 438 lehte
...; which faid Sums they, and each of them acknowledged to owe to the faid Lord the King, and granted to be made and levied of their Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tenements, ta the Ufe and Behoof of the faid Lord the King, his Heirs anj Succejfors, if the aforefaid NT Jhall... | |
| Caleb Parfect - 1758 - 66 lehte
...of io/. and the faid CD and and EF the Sum of 5 /. each, of good and lawful Money of GreatBritain, to be made and levied of their Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tenements, refpectively to the Ufe of our faid Sovereign Lord the King,his Heirs and Succeffors, if the faid AB... | |
| Richard Burn - 1797 - 720 lehte
...king; that is to fay, the faid AF toe jam of aid the laid AS the fum of • tf %cod and invful mtnev of Great Britain, to be made and levied of their goods and chat tils, lands and tenemtnts refpcctivrly to the u/e of our faid lor d the king, his heirs and fucctjfar.,,... | |
| 1805 - 276 lehte
...of dollar», lawful money of the faid ftatr, and the faid EF the fura of dollars, like lawful money, to be made and levied of their goods and chattels, lands and tenements refpeabcly, to the ufe of the faid people, if default Ihall be made in the condition following. Whereas... | |
| William Waller Hening - 1810 - 710 lehte
...of and the said AS and BS each the sum of separately, of good and lawful money of this commonwealth, to be made and levied of their goods and chattels, lands and tenements, respectively, to the use of the said commonwealth, if the said AO shall make default in the condition hereon endorsed (or hereunder... | |
| Paraclete Potter - 1814 - 276 lehte
...dollars, and the TS and SS the sum of 25 dollars, separately, of good and lawful money of the said state, to be made and levied of their goods and chattels, lands and tenements respectively, to the use of the said people, if the said OO shall make default in the condition following [or hercon indorsed,... | |
| William Dickinson - 1815 - 488 lehte
..."for the said county, and acknowledged him" self to owe to our said Lord the king the sum *' of 101. of good and lawful money of Great " Britain, to be made and levied of his goods " and chattels, lands and tenements, to the use " of our said Lord the King, his heirs and... | |
| Henry Potter - 1816 - 474 lehte
...said AS, apd BS, each the sum of ten pounds separately, of good and lawful money of the said State, to be made and levied of their goods and chattels, lands and tenements respectively, to the use of the said State, if the said AO, shall make default in the condition hereon endorsed [or hereunder written.]... | |
| Joseph Chitty - 1819 - 644 lehte
...that is to say, the said JD the sum of 2OO/. and the said Jo. D. and JT the sum of 100/. respectively, of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be made...goods and chattels, lands and tenements respectively, by way of recognizance, to the use of our said lord the king, his heirs, and successors, if the said... | |
| Abraham John Valpy - 1820 - 574 lehte
...the peace in the said county, and acknowledged himself to owe to our said lord the king, the sum of of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be made and levied on his goods and chattels, lands and tenements, to the use of our said lord the king, his heirs and... | |
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