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THE measurement of the intensity of a ray of light is a problem the solution of which has been repeatedly attempted, but with less satisfactory results than the endeavours to measure the other radiant forces. The problem is susceptible of two divisions :-the absolute and the relative measurement of light.

I. Given a luminous beam, we may require to express its intensity by some absolute term having reference to a standard obtained at some previous time, and capable of being reproduced with accuracy at any time in any part of the globe. Possibly two such standards would be necessary, differing greatly in value, so that the space between them might be subdivided into a definite number of equal parts; or the same result might perhaps be obtained by the well-known device of varying the apparent intensity of the standard light by increasing and diminishing its distance from the instrument.

II. The standard of comparison, instead of being obtained once for all, like the zero and boiling-points of a thermometer, may be compared separately at each observation; and the problem then becomes somewhat simplified into the determination of the relative intensities of two sources of light.

The absolute method is of course the most desirable; but as the preliminary researches and discoveries are yet to be made before a photometer, analogous to a thermometer in fixity of standard and facility of observation, could be devised, the realization of an absolute light-measuring method appears somewhat distant. The path to be pursued towards the attainment of this desirable object appears to be indicated in the observations which from time to time have been made by Becquerel, Herschel, Hunt, and others on the chemical action of the solar rays, and the production thereby of a galvanic current, capable of measurement on a delicate galvanometer, by appropriate arrangements of metallic plates and chemical baths connected with the ends of the galvanometer wires.

Many so-called photometers have been devised, by which the chemical action of the rays at the most refrangible end of the spectrum have been measured, and the chemical intensity of light tabulated by appropriate methods; and within the last few years Professors Bunsen and Roscoe have contrived a perfect chemical photometer, based upon the action of the chemical rays of light on a gaseous mixture of chlorine and hydrogen, causing them to combine with formation of hydrochloric acid.

But the measurement of the chemical action of a beam of light,

is as distinct from photometry proper as is the thermometric registration of the heat rays constituting the other end of the spectrum. What we want is a method of measuring the intensity of those rays which are situated at the intermediate parts of the spectrum, and produce in the eye the sensation of light and colour; and, as previously suggested, there is a reasonable presumption that further researches may place us in possession of a photometric method based upon the chemical action of the luminous rays of light.

The rays which affect an ordinary photographic sensitive surface, are so constantly spoken of and thought about as the ultra-violet invisible rays, that it is apt to be forgotten that some of the highly luminous rays of light are capable of exerting chemical action. Fifteen years ago the writer was engaged in some investigations on the chemical action of light, and he succeeded in producing all the ordinary phenomena of photography, even to the production of good photographs in the camera, by purely luminous rays of light free from any admixture with the violet and invisible rays. When the solar spectrum, of sufficient purity to show the principal fixed lines, is projected for a few seconds on to a sensitive film of iodide of silver, and the latent image then developed, the action is seen to extend from about the fixed line G to a considerable distance into the ultra-violet invisible rays. When the same experiment was repeated with a sensitive surface of bromide of silver instead of iodide of silver, the result of the development of the latent image showed that in this case the action commenced at about the fixed line b, and extended, as in the case of the iodide of silver, far beyond the violet. A transparent cell, with parallel glass sides one inch across, was filled with a solution of twenty-five parts of sulphate of quinine to one hundred parts of dilute sulphuric acid; this was placed across the path of the rays of light, and photographs of the spectrum were again taken on iodide of silver and on bromide of silver, the arrangements in all cases being identical with those in the first cited experiments, with the exception of the interposition of the quinine screen. The action of the sulphate of quinine upon a ray of light is peculiar; to the eye it scarcely appears to have any action at all, but it is absolutely opaque to the ultra-violet, so called chemical, rays, and thus limits the photographic action on the bromide and iodide of silver to the purely luminous rays. On developing the latent images, it was now found that the action on iodide of silver was confined to a very narrow line of rays, close to the fixed line G, and in the case of bromide of silver to the space between b and G. Designating the spaces of action by colours instead of fixed lines, it was thus proved that, behind a screen of sulphate of quinine, iodide of silver was affected only by the luminous rays about the centre of the indigo portion of the spectrum, whilst bromide of silver was affected by the green, blue, and some of the indigo rays.

It is very likely that a continuance of these experiments would lead to the construction of a photometer capable of measuring the luminous rays; for although bromide of silver behind quinine is not affected by the red or yellow rays, still it is by the green and blue; and as the proportion of red, yellow, green, and blue rays is always invariable in white light (or the light would not be white but coloured), a method of measuring the intensity of one set of the components of white light would give all the information we want; just as, in an analysis of a definite chemical compound, the chemist is satisfied with an estimation of one or two constituents only, and calculates the others.

Method based upon the foregoing considerations would supply us with what may be termed an absolute photometer, the indication of which would be always the same for the same amount of illumination, requiring no standard light for comparison; and pending the development of experiments which the writer is prosecuting in this direction, he has been led to devise a new and, as he believes, a valuable form of relative photometer.

A relative photometer is one in which the observer has only to determine the relative illuminating powers of two sources of light, one of which is kept as uniform as possible, the other being the light whose intensity is to be determined. It is therefore evident that the great thing to be aimed at is an absolutely uniform source of light. In the ordinary process of photometry the standard used is a candle, defined by Act of Parliament as a "sperm candle of six to the pound, burning at the rate of 120 grains per hour." This is the standard from which estimates of the value of illuminating gas are deduced, hence the terms "12-candle gas," "14-candle gas," &c. In his work on Gas Manipulation, Mr. Sugg gives a very good account of the difficulties which stand in the way of obtaining uniform results with the Act of Parliament candle. A true sperm candle is made from a mixture of refined sperm with a small proportion of wax, to give it a certain toughness, the pure sperm itself being extremely brittle. The wick is of the best cotton, made up into three cords and plaited. The number of strands in each of the three cords composing the wick of a six-to-the-pound candle is seventeen, although Mr. Sugg says there does not appear to be any fixed rule, some candles having more and others less, according to the quality of the sperm. Sperm candles are made to burn at the rate of one inch per hour, and the cup should be clean, smooth, and dry. The wick should be curved slightly at the top, the red tip just showing through the flame, and consuming away without requiring snuffing. To obtain these results, the tightness of the plaiting and size of the wick require careful attention; and as the quality of the sperm differs in richness or hardness, so must the plaiting and number of strands. A variety of modifying cir

cumstances thus tend to affect the illuminating power of a standard sperm candle. These difficulties, however, are small, compared with those which have resulted from the substitution of paraffin, &c., for part of the sperm; and Mr. Sugg points out that candles can be made with such combinations of stearin, wax, or sperm, and paraffin, as to possess all the characteristics of sperm candles, and yet be superior to them in illuminating power; while, on the other hand, candles made from the same materials otherwise combined are inferior. When, in addition to this, it is found that candles containing paraffin require wicks more tightly plaited and with fewer strands than those suitable for the true sperm candle, our readers will be enabled to judge of the almost unsurmountable difficulties which beset the present system of photometry.

But assuming that the true parliamentary sperm candle is obtained, made from the proper materials and burning at the specified rate, its illuminating power will be found to vary with the temperature of the place where it has been kept, the time which has elapsed since it was made, and the temperature of the room wherein the experiment is tried.

The Rev. W. R. Bowditch, in his work on The Analysis, Purification, &c., of Coal-gas, enters at some length into the question of test-candles, and emphatically condemns them as light-measurers; one experiment quoted by this author showed that the same gas was reported to be 14.63 or 17.36 candle gas, according to the way the experiment was conducted.

The present writer has taken some pains to devise a source of light which should be at the same time fairly uniform in its results, would not vary by keeping, and would be capable of accurate imitation at any time and in any part of the world by mere description. The absence of these conditions seems to be one of the greatest objections to the sperm candle. It would be impossible for an observer on the continent, ten or twenty years hence, from a written description of the sperm candle now employed, to make a standard which would bring his photometric results into relation with those obtained here. Without presuming to say positively that he has satisfactorily solved all difficulties, the writer believes that he has advanced some distance in the right direction, and pointed out the road for further improvement.

Before deciding upon a standard light, experiments were made to ascertain whether the electric current could be made available. Through a coil of platinum wire, so as to render it brightly incandescent, a powerful galvanic current was passed; and its strength was kept as constant as possible by a thick wire galvanometer and rheostat. To prevent the cooling action of air-currents, the incandescent coil was surrounded with glass; and it was hoped that by employing the same kind of battery and by varying the resist

ance so as to keep the galvanometer needle at the same deflection, uniform results could be obtained. In practice, however, it was found that many things interfered with the uniformity of the results, and the light being much feebler than it was advisable to work with, this plan was deemed not sufficiently promising, and it was abandoned. The method ultimately decided upon is the following:Alcohol of sp. gr. 0·805, and pure benzol boiling at 81 C., are mixed together in the proportion of 5 volumes of the former and 1 of the latter. This burning fluid can be accurately imitated from description at any future time and in any country, and if a lamp could be devised equally simple and invariable, the light which it would yield would, it is presumed, be invariable. This difficulty the writer has attempted to overcome in the following manner.

A glass lamp is taken of about two ounces capacity, the aperture in the neck being 0.25 inch diameter; another aperture at the side allows the liquid fuel to be introduced; and by a well-known laboratory device, the level of the fluid in the lamp can be kept uniform. The wick-holder consists of a platinum tube 1.81 inches long and 0.125 inch internal diameter. The bottom of this is closed with a flat plug of platinum, apertures being left in the sides to allow free access of spirit. A small platinum cup 5 inches diameter and 1 inch deep is soldered round the outside of the tube 0.5 inch from the top, answering the threefold purpose of keeping the wick-holder at a proper height in the lamp, preventing evaporation of the liquid, and keeping out dust. The wick consists of 52 pieces of hard-drawn platinum wire, each 0.01 inch in diameter and 2 inches long, perfectly straight and tightly pushed down into the platinum holder until only 0-1 inch projects above the tube. The height of the burning fluid in the lamp must be sufficient to cover the bottom of the wick-holder: it answers best to keep it always at the uniform distance of 1.75 inches from the top of the platinum wick; a slight variation of level, however, has not been found to influence the light to an extent appreciable by our present means of photometry. The lamp with reservoir of spirit thus arranged, with the platinum wires parallel and their projecting ends level, a light is applied, and the flame instantly appears, forming a perfectlyshaped cone 1.25 inches in height, the point of maximum brilliancy being 0.56 inch from the top of the wick. The extremity of the flame is perfectly sharp, without any tendency to smoke; without flicker or movement of any kind, it burns when protected from currents of air at a uniform rate of 136 grains of liquid per hour. The temperature should be about 60° F., although moderate variations on either side exert no perceptible influence.

There is no doubt that this flame is very much more uniform than that of the sperm candle sold for photometric purposes. Tested against a candle, considerable variations in relative illumi

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