LAW RELATING TO CONTRACTS BETWEEN AUTHORS, AND THE LAW OF LIBEL. WITH THE STATUTES RELATING THERETO, AND FORMS OF PLEADINGS. BY JOHN SHORTT, LL.B., OF THE MIDDLE TEMPLE, ESQ., BARRISTER-AT-LAW.; Joint Editor of The Law of Railway Companies," and "The County Courts Acts, "Ut monitus caveas, ne forte negoti LONDON: HORACE COX, 10, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. PREFACE. ABOUT four years ago it was proposed to the author that he should collect in one book the various branches of law relating to works of literature and art, with a view of supplying not only the legal profession with such a work, but also those engaged in literary and artistic pursuits, whether as authors, editors, or publishers, with a complete statement of the law bearing on the subjects of their important labours. The work then begun has from time to time occupied the author's attention ever since, and the present volume is the result of labours which other business has frequently and for long periods interrupted. It was originally not the intention of the author to deal with the subject of Copyright in Designs; but, in order that the book might contain a complete treatise on the law of copyright, a supplementary chapter has been added. (pp. 602-628), in which this department of law is fully treated. Special attention has been paid to the collection, in the appendix, of a number of precedents in pleading, the utility of which can hardly fail to be appreciated, more particularly by junior members of the profession; and the index has been compiled with a view of furnishing, to a considerable extent, an analysis of the entire work. 3. ESSEX COURT, TEMPLE, July 18, 1871. |