IV. COWLE Y. The GARDEN. AIN would my Mufe the flow'ry Treafures fing, And humble glories of the youthful Spring; Where opening Roses breathing fweets diffuse, And foft Carnations show'r their balmy dews; Where Lilies fmile in virgin robes of white, The thin undrefs of fuperficial Light, And vary'd Tulips fhow fo dazling gay, Blushing in bright diverfities of day. Each painted flouret in the lake below ΤΟ 15 Surveys its beauties, whence its beauties grow ; 20 Where Daphne, now a tree as once a maid, 25 Still turns her beauties from th' invading beam, WEEPING. WHILE Celia's Tears make forrow bright, Proud grief fits fwelling in her eyes; The Sun, next those the fairest light, Thus from the Ocean firft did rife: These filver drops, like morning dew, So from one cloud foft fhow'rs we view, The Baby in that funny Sphere So like a Phaeton appears, That Heav'n, the threaten'd World to fpare, Elfe might th' ambitious Nymph aspire, 35 40 45 V. E. of ROCHESTER. On SILENCE, I. ILENCE! coeval with Eternity; Thou wert, ere Nature's felf began to be, "Twas one vaft Nothing, all, and all slept faft in thee. II. Thine was the fway, ere heav'n was form'd, or earth, Ere fruitful Thought conceiv'd creation's birth, Or midwife Word gave aid, and spoke the infant forth. III. Then various elements, against thee join'd, And fram'd the clam'rous race of bufy Human-kind. IV. The tongue mov'd gently firft, and speech was low, 'Till wrangling Science taught it noise and show, And wicked Wit arofe, thy moft abufive foe. WEEPING. WHILE Celia's Tears make forrow bright, grief fits fwelling in her The Sun, next those the fairest light, These filver drops, like morning dew, So from one cloud foft fhow'rs we view, And blafting lightnings burft away. The Stars that fall from Celia's eye, Declare our Doom in drawing nigh. The Baby in that funny Sphere So like a Phaeton appears, eyes; That Heav'n, the threaten'd World to fpare, Elfe might th' ambitious Nymph afpire, 35 40 45 |