360 Great idol of mankind! we neither claim To follow virtue e'en for virtue's fake. 365 And live there men, who flight immortal fame? Who then with incense shall adore our name? But, mortals! know, 'tis ftill our greatest pride To blaze those virtues, which the good would hide. Rife! Mufes, rife! add all your tuneful breath, 370 These must not fleep in darkness and in death. She faid in air the trembling mufic floats, And on the winds triumphant fwell the notes; So foft, tho' high, fo loud, and yet fo clear, Ev'n lift'ning Angels lean from heav'n to hear: 375 To furtheft shores th'Ambrofial fpirit flies, Sweet to the world, and grateful to the skies. IMITATIONS. (Quoth fhe) thou Eolus, I hote, And ring these folkes workes by rote, Through the world went the foune, 1 380 Next thefe a youthful train their vows exprefs'd, With feathers crown'd, with gay embroid❜ry drefs'd: Hither, they cry'd, direct your eyes, and fee The men of pleasure, drefs, and gallantry; Ours is the place at banquets, balls, and plays, Sprightly our nights, polite are all our days; Courts we frequent, where 'tis our pleasing care Το pay due vifits, and addrefs the fair: 385 In fact, 'tis true, no nymph we could perfuade, 390 Pleas'd with the ftrange fuccefs, vaft numbers prest Around the shrine, and made the fame requeft: 395 What you (the cry'd) unlearn'd in arts to please, Slaves to yourselves, and ev'n fatigu'd with ease, IMITATIONS. VER. 378. Next these a youthful train, etc.] The Reader night compare these twenty-eight lines following, which contain he same matter, with eighty-four of Chaucer, beginning thus: Tho came the fixth companye, And gan faft to Fame cry, etc. being too prolix to be here inferted. P. Who lofe a length of nndeserving days, Would you ufurp the lover's dear-bought praise ? The people's fable, and the scorn of all. 400 Straight the black clarion sends a horrid found, 405 411 Of these a gloomy tribe furround the throne, This having heard and feen, fome pow'r unknown Strait chang'd the scene, and snatch'd me from the throne. IMITATIONS. VER. 406. Laft, those who boast of mighty, etc.] Tho came another companye, That had y-done the treachery, etc. P. VER. 418. This having heard and seen, etc.] The Scene here changes from the temple of Fame to that of Rumour, which is almost entirely Chaucer's. The particulars follow. Before my view appear'd a structure fair, 420 Than leaves on trees, or fands upon the fhores; 425 Which still unfolded stand, by night, by day, Pervious to winds, and open ev'ry way. IMITATIONS. Tho faw I ftonde in a valey, As flames by nature to the skies afcend, As weighty bodies to the centre tend, 430 And the touch'd needle trembles to the pole; 435 All various founds from earth, and feas, and skies, Wide, and more wide, the floating rings advance,440 445 There various news I heard of love and ftrife, Of peace and war, health, fickness, death and life, IMITATIONS. VER. 428. As flames by nature to the, etc.] This thought is transferred hither out of the third book of Fame, where it takes up no less than one hundred and twenty verfes, beginning thus, Geffray, thou wott eft well this, etc. P. VER. 448. There various news I heard, etc.] Of werres, of peace, of marriages, Of reft, of labour, of voyages, |