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find out all the good that is among || of God. Cases may occur, that will require publick and cutting reproof: but, as I hinted before, in all such cases copy the example of our blessed Lord to the seven Asiatick churches. There you have an infallible directory. May God help you to follow it!

5. On this head I will venture to give you another piece of advice, to which you will seriously attend, if you regard your own peace, and the good of the people.

them; and, copying Christ's conduct towards the seven Asia ick churches, preface all that you have to say on the head of their backsliding, with the good that remains in them; and make that good, which they still possess, the reason why they should shake themselves from the dust, take courage, and earnestly strive for more. If you ground your exhortations to increasing diligence and zeal on what they have lost, instead of on what they yet possess, and may speedily gain, you miss your way, and lose your labour. I tried the former way, and did no good: I abandoned it, and adopted the latter, and God blessed it. Mr. Wesley used to give the significant appellation of Croakers, to those who were always telling the people, "Ye are fallen! ye are fallen!" and he observed that such injured the work of God wherever they came. I have in general found, that those who are most frequent in the above cry, are such as have suffered loss in their own souls; and taking a prospect of what is without, from a retrospect of what is within, they imagine that all they see are in the same apostate con-proach is it to your understanding dition with themselves.

4. Man is naturally prone to act in extremes: therefore, take good heed that while you avoid the above evil, you fall not into that other of slightly passing by the transgressions of the wicked, or the backslidings of the people

Avoid the error of those who are continually finding fault with their congregations because more do not attend. This is both imprudent, and unjust.—Imprudent, for as people do not like to be forced in what should be a freewill-offering, so they are infallibly disgusted with those who attempt it: unjust, it being contrary both to reason and equity, to scold those who come, because others do not attend. I have known this conduct scatter a congregation, but I never knew it gather one. Indeed, it savours too much of pride and self-love. It seems to say, "Why do you not come to hear ME? Am I not a most excellent preacher? What a re

that you keep away when I am here!"-Bring Christ with you, and preach his truth in the love thereof, and you will never be without a congregation, if God have any work for you to do in that place.




Calcutta, Feb. 16, 1826.

peace with Burmah, which was announced by the firing of guns and the beating of drums in this place. We were soon Rev. and dear Sir, saddened by hearing that Rangoon, and Four weeks ago we were gladdened,|| Ava, and Prome, were to be retained by for a few moments, by the news of the Burmans, and that probably many


We have much to say of

of the poor creatures who had put them- || If they have written so, they were probselves under the protection of the Brit-ably compelled to do it by the Burmans. ish, would fall a prey to the more stub- Since I wrote last, the friends here born Burmans, as soon as their protec- have been called to weep over the grave tors should leave the country. Still as of another Missionary. The Rev. J. B. the articles of the treaty sent by Sir Warden of the Independent Mission SoArchibald, to his Burman Majesty, stip-ciety died of the dysentery one month ulated that the prisoners at Ava should since. His race was short, but his death be delivered forthwith, we hoped to hear was triumphant. He left a disconsolate from our dear friends Judson and Price widow and child. But our cup is not in a few days, and ere long to see them unmingled. in Bengal. But there was not time for divine mercy. The Lord is reviving his a message to be sent from Ava to Cal- work in several places. At several stacutta, before our ears were again saluted tions in Ceylon there is a very considerwith the din of war. The Burmans did able excitement. Mr. Winslow of Oonothing towards performing their part of dooville is now here. Not long since he the treaty, and in 'fifteen days after received letters from his colleagues in the articles of the treaty were pre-Jaffna, that in one of their schools there pared by Sir Archibald, he found it was not a single boy but was anxious for necessary to recommence hostilities, || his soul, or had found mercy; and in the which he did on the 19th ultimo. College only three. That several other He attacked Melloon and captured it, stations were blessed, particularly among with considerable booty, and among oth- the Church people, and that Christians er things the very articles of the treaty in general appeared to be very much enwhich he had prepared for his Bur-gaged in religion. man Majesty to ratify. The Woongyees (chief ministers of State) had concealed them in an old chest, and his Burman majesty was not probably aware that any proposals for peace had been made. Indeed, some suppose he may not have been apprised of the fall of Rangoon and Prome. It is very dangerous to announce any bad news to the golden ears, so that his majesty should be led to suspect that he is not omnipotent. It is reported that Mr. Lausago, who has been in high repute among the Burmans was prevailed on not long since, to propose to his Majesty to make peace with the English; and that his proposal implied such a suspicion of the weakness of the Burman cause, that it cost him his life. Sir Archibald, when we last heard from him, was on his way from Melloon to Ava, where he expected to arrive about this time, to propose terms to his Majesty in person at his capital. What the event We have lately removed from Chitwill be, we cannot foretel. We feel ex- pore into Calcutta; the reasons for our ceedingly anxious about our friends at removal we intend to state in a joint Ava. Not one word from them yet,|| letter to Dr. Bolles next week. The letthough it is said some of the prisoners at ter will probably be sent by the Asia of Ava, have written to Sir Archibald advising him to make peace on any terms. SEPT. 1826.

The Rev. Mr. Trawin's native congregation at Kidderpore, five miles below Calcutta, is very solemn, and many heathen are seeking Christ. At one of the Church stations, near Madras, and at another up the country, the Spirit of the Lord is poured out, and many are interested for the salvation of their souls.

Mr. Yates, who now officiates as Pastor in the place of our lamented Mr. Lawson, told me this week that six persons stood as candidates for baptism in Circular Road. I know four of them. They are young men of great promise. Three of them are sons of Missionaries. Seven were baptized at Serampore last ordinance day.

We have heard from the faithful Moung Shwa-ba, that he adorns his profession at Rangoon, and has laid up in the course of a year, 150 rupees, as the avails of making shoes.


We have reason for much gratitude to


God for the good state of health we enjoy. The weather hitherto has been remarkably fine, but the hot season is creeping on apace. That will probably try our strength.

We hope you are enjoying the smiles of the Redeemer in your family, and in your church and people, and especially in your own heart; and we rest assured that we are not forgotten in your prayers. Yours, &c.



Calcutta, Feb. 17, 1826.

Rev. and very dear Sir,

We feel great pleasure in complying with your instructions, by uniting in a joint letter. At present, however, only two of your Missionaries can unite in such a communication, brother Hough being in Rangoon.

We have heard from him by three dif ferent letters since his arrival there.

Jan. 9th he wrote, "it is expected peace will be concluded on the 15th inst. The English do not retain Rangoon, but they retain Arracan, Mergui, and Tavoy."

much encouragement.
"I am doing
nothing, (he says) at repairs or improve-
ments, on the premises, feeling that I am
a stranger and pilgrim :" and he advises
us by no means to think of coming to
Rangoon at present.

Jan. 26, he writes that "war is renewed; a great battle was fought on the 19th, and the Burmese driven from a strong position at Maloon, with great loss. It is quite uncertain what the future government in Rangoon will be; if the Peguers have it, they will be as bad as the Burmese."

This is the amount of information which we have received respecting the present state of things, and our future prospects as Missionaries in Rangoon.

We feel great need of advice from the Committee, but it is highly probable, the scene will be changed before we can hear from you. Our eyes are unto Him in whose hands are all hearts, and who directs all events, particularly those which are connected with the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom, and the fulfil. ment of the prophecies respecting the conversion of the heathen.

We beg leave to inform the Committee, that we have removed from the Bungalow at Chitpore, and taken a small house having three rooms in Calcutta. Our reasons for doing so, were, in the first place, to obviate the difficulty of procuring our outfit at so great a distance from Calcutta, if Providence should open the way for our speedy return to Rangoon; but if otherwise, the Bungalow was so much out of repair, that we thought with our friends in Circular Road, it would be imprudently exposing our health to continue in it during another hot or rainy season. These considerations, connected with the expense, and frequently the impossibility of obtaining a conveyance to chapel on the Sabbath, or to Calcutta or any business, were reasons which we thought would,

In another letter dated Jan. 17, he remarks, "We are all anxiously waiting for the events of to-morrow, as that is the day appointed for the solemn ratification of the treaty of peace at Head Quarters. The inhabitants of Rangoon are exceedingly distressed in view of the prospect of being restored to his Burman Majesty. For a year past, they have tasted the blessings of liberty, and have conducted their business without being oppressed or molested. Many of the inhabitants have already begun to prepare for flight. Tavoy and Mergui, will probably be a refuge for many; they all perfectly understand the danger of attempt-in the minds of the Committee, justify ing to escape after the English governus in removing into the city. The rent ment shall cease. He thinks the prosof the house which we now occupy is pects for a missionary will be very bad fifty rupees per month. We began to in Rangoon, if the place is given up as occupy it on the 16th ult. expected, but that Tavoy will hold out

Since our removal, we have been busi

ty employed in furnishing ourselves with
articles necessary for us to carry to Ran-
goon, or any other place where divine
Providence may cast our lot. Also, in
business relative to the Dictionary, and
in studying the Burman language.
The Dictionary, we are happy to say,
is now out of press, and two hundred
copies are put up in boards. We have



Calcutta, Feb. 26, 1826.

Rev, and very dear Sir,
I have the pleasure of forwarding six
copies of the Burman Dictionary, to you
by Mr. of Philadelphia, who is
about to leave this port for America in
the ship Asia. I have the pleasure also

just sent to Government, the 100 copies of informing the committee, that I have

subscribed for by them, but have not yet received any return. We have some prospect of selling 100 more, for 1000 rupees, on condition that we shall sell no more in Calcutta.

In order to save the Board expense, and ourselves much time and trouble in hiring carpenters for every little repair or piece of work, which will need to be done when we return to our station, and to provide ourselves with a little bodily exercise which is so necessary to our health, we have purchased a few tools for the Mission, the expense of which does not exceed 35 rupees. This sum, we are fully persuaded, the Committee will approve of our expending, under the circumstances we have mentioned. The bills for the tools, and other extra expenses, we shall send at the close of the year.

Earnestly desiring to be employed as soon as Divine Providence shall allow, in labours of love among the Burmans, to whom we are sent, we wish to commend ourselves to the protection and guidance of our covenant-keeping God, and to the advice and intercessions of the Committee. Our hearts and those of our beloved companions are bound up in the cause, and we hope we may so live and act, as to show ourselves worthy of the confidence which the Committee have reposed in us, and to obtain the testimony which Enoch did, 'that he pleased God.'

We remain yours in the service of Jesus Christ.



Rev. Lucius Bolles, D. D.
Assist. Cor. Secretary. S

just received the sum of two thousand rupees from government, being the full

amount of the bill for the one hundred copies subscribed for by its order. In subscribing this sum, it must be remarked, that according to my particular request, the government took into consideration the importance of my having the assistance of a competent Burman teacher, in order to do justice to the work, and the expense of obtaining such a one in Calcutta, at a time when on account

of the war few Burmans were in the

place, and in order to defray this expense, exceeded in their subscription the mere cost of printing. This was particularly stated in the correspondence with government. I afterward found this allowance as I had expected, a very necessary one; for in order to obtain a competent teacher, I was obliged for several months to pay

20 rupees, then 14, and at length I sucin the whole a bill of more than 200 ceeded in reducing it to 10, making rupees.

I remain very sincerely and respectfully
Rev. Lucius Bolles, D. D.

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We had a long passage to Madras, where I found a letter waiting me from Mr. Boardman, in which he states that letters were received from Rangoon, that Dr. Price had been deputed by the Bur

mans to sue for peace; that he had given || information of the others belonging to the mission being alive and well, but not at perfect liberty. At Madras, later accounts were received confirming the news, and that a treaty of peace was ratified at the British camp a little below Ava. The terms were the same, or nearly so, as the former unratified treaty, giving up some territory and paying one hundred lacks of rupees. One article in the treaty is said to be that no foreigner shall be allowed to remain in the Burman empire without consent of the company. Probably these accounts may be new in America, and I hasten to give you the pleasing information.

Yours, &c.


rey at whose house I have resided ever since I came to the Colony, attended me with the affection and constancy of a brother. I have not yet recovered more than half my usual strength, but have preached twice since my sickness: the the last time, however, brought on a slight fever. All the sick, as well as myself, who are recovering or recovered, have experienced much delay in their recovery, from the want of suitable provisions. Here there is no medium between salted and fresh provisions. To eat the former, even for one day, predisposes one to have the fever, or brings on cramp in the stomach, and if persisted in, is almost certain death.

We have some things of interest to communicate to our friends in America; not indeed any revival of religion, but the recapture of more than 150 slaves, the burning and blowing up, with 250 barrels of powder, of Trade Town, one of the principal slave factories on this coast,

EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM REV. CAL- together with the capture of three



Monrovia, (Cape Mesurado,)
April 24, 1826.

By the good Providence of God, while many have been taken, I have been left. Of the colonists that came out in the Vine, eleven or twelve are removed to the land of silence, among whom were Mr. Force, the printer, the two deacons of the Union Church formed in Parkstreet, as well as several other aged and youthful members. The death of most was, however, owing to old age, or imprudence, or want of suitable stores. The fever brought me very low; so that my life was despaired of by some. For a week or two I was weak as an infant. But prayer was made for me by the Baptist Church here almost without cessation, and a number have since stated to me that, at particular seasons, they were enabled to plead with the Lord of Hosts for my recovery, so as to rest entirely assured of an answer to their petition. From the first of my sickness I felt a very good degree of confidence that God would preserve my life in answer to the prayers of these dear brethren. Dr. Ca

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Spanish Slavers by two Colombian their prizes in our harbour, the imprivateers which are now lying with possibility of any slave traders landing their goods for the purchase of slaves from Gallinas to below Trade Town, may be considered as giving a deadly blow to the horrible traffick in this vicinity.

Much, under present circumstances, can never be done in the Missionary cause, in my opinion, till a school house be built, of proper size, and with desks for writing, &c. and the children be where their deportment can be looked after, in some such way as the Cherokee youth are at the Valley Towns, little need be expected. A vigorous Missionary establishment here will be attended, at first, with considerable expense. know not what can be done without a dwelling-house for one Missionary or more residing in this Colony. Emigrants come out so frequently as to occupy every space which can be occupied as shelter. Mr. Ashmun, governing Agent of the Colonization Society, has thus far endeavoured in vain to procure for me a room, convenient either to me


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