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miles, and when they again fell in with the then transmuted into a coastguardsman, walkriver it had sunk in level almost a thousand ing up and down on some solitary coastguard feet. Here they met with some Turkish ivory station, such as that of Beechy Head, gazing traders, and bore them company to Gondo- out seaward at night, and as the clear stars, koro, at which place they found their fellow- both fixed and wandering, glittered down countryman, Mr. Baker, who was advancing upon him, led by some native mysticism of in search of them, and who, after supplying them with much that they needed, started off south to make further explorations. Should they be permitted to publish the account of their journeyings, it will doubtless be a work of thrilling interest.

For the present, we may well give the rein to exultation at the thought that two officers of the Anglo-Indian military service have succeeded where the Egyptian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Phoenician, and every modern race of explorers have failed. Whether Commerce shall be able to find her way among the dusky tribes that people the wide shores of Lake Nyanza, we know not. Whether colonies may be founded, and, in ages yet to come, powerful empires rise in the vast regions hitherto unnoticed and unknown," must be left for the future to reveal. Meanwhile, no greater evidence and example of the indomitable energy of the Anglo-Saxon race, and the success which has crowned that energy, has ever been displayed than was afforded by Captains Speke and Grant, as they stood by the long secret source of the river Nile.

his being to watch them, wonder at them, attribute meanings and influences to them, till at last, thoroughly star-smitten and prepared, he thought of following out the clue in books? So, at least, we can fancy that, if not without the intrusion of a grosser element as years went on, the ex-lieutenant of the royal navy might be developed into the British Zadkiel and crystal-seer. But then his constituency of noble ladies, bishops, earls, and baronets? Laugh it off as the culprits may when they are tasked with the folly, there is an amazing amount of fervent or latent Zadkielism, Humism, Howittism, and what not, among the so-called educated classes in England. What shall we say of it? Is it mere lamentable deficiency of education in the doctrines and methods of the positive sciences—a mere craving after gross and vulgar forms of mystery by minds so untaught, so undisciplined by the higher muses, that the one, true, and boundless mystery, which ought to suffice for all sound souls since the world began, thrills them not, and does not exist for them? Or is it a vague, blundering recognition of which science itself may be wise to take cognizance —a coarse, intuitive, almost idiotic popular recognition of certain subtle physiological facts (such as that of a real constant action of inorganic masses far and near, planets or MR. MORRISON Seems to go the whole length crystals, on nervous organisms), the nature of astrology, Judicial as well as Genethliacal. and modes of which are susceptible of farther He is, doubtless, a person with an abnormal and more precise investigation than they have temperament. Does he believe in his own yet received? The late Professor Gregory of nonsense? Allowances being made for the the Edinburgh University wrote a bold, abinfluence of the desire that Zadkiel's Almanac surd book on this class of subjects, which is should have a large sale, we believe that he a standard proof, if such were wanted, that does. It is to lose the true teaching of this a man may have been trained in one of the curious trial to represent the matter other-positive sciences-chemistry was his science wise to suppose anything else than what and yet have an intellect ludicrously superthe jury seemed to conclude from the evidence stitious. So far as we know, Richenbach is -to wit, that here is an aged man, once a the only man of scientific name who has taken lieutenant in the navy, and since then in the the trouble to carry the semblance of a real coastguard service, who has addicted himself inductive method into those alleged classes seriously to astrology and the kindred occult of occult phenomena in which so many foolsciences of amulets, magic crystals, and the ish people all over the world are at present like. There is something even touching in finding the action of angels and devils and his statement that he began his studies in we can learn, his researches are not thought the ghosts of dead grandaunts; and, so far as these sciences after leaving the navy in 1829. worth much. Our scientific men pooh-pooh Shall we suppose the mature naval lieutenant, them.

Part of an article in The Reader.

From The Saturday Review.


we can say is, that the gypsies are hardly dealt with. They are not Christians; they do not pretend to be able to calculate an eclipse; they do not write books or sign themselves Zadkiel-Tao-Sze; they do not attend dinners and soirées, or consort with earls, viscountesses, and bishops; but, if it comes to a matter of honesty, they are quite as much entitled to the defence urged by the chief justice in behalf of unconscious impostors as is Lieutenant Morrison. They take sixpences for expounding the mystic lines of life; the learned lieutenant receives pounds for an

with the untold profits of a work, the in-
creased circulation of which in a single year
is reckoned at eleven thousand, the whole cir-
culation being fifty-five thousand. No gallant
admiral may say that the gallant lieutenant
has ever been guilty of imposture, at least of
wilful imposture for the purposes of profit;
but any police constable may arrest,
and any
magistrate may convict to fine and imprison-
ment, the poor Pagan under the hedge whose
belief in necromancy and stellar influences
has descended to her through the traditions
of two thousand years. We trust that the
day is not distant when the great principle
of immunity from censure and criticism laid
down in Campbell v. Spottiswoode will be ap-
plied to the case of every thief and rogue
and vagabond, whom society has hitherto
called by these apparently appropriate, but
in law most libellous, names.

THE Bishop of London is now making a fervid appeal to the wealth and intelligence of the country in behalf of the ignorance and spiritual destitution of what are called the masses of London. The bishop, of course, uses sombre tints when he describes the irreligion and crime and foul ignorance, which are sweltering in the lanes and alleys and suburbs of the capital; and he proposes to raise a million of money and to send an army of missionaries bearing the lamps of truth and knowledge into the murky corners of the me-nouncing the aspects of the stars, together tropolis. This great work must, however, be supplemented and expanded. A recent trial in the Queen's Bench shows that missions to high life are quite as much needed as missions to the slums. The case of Morrison v. Belcher seems to display the existence among fashionable and educated people of an amount of credulity and superstition which we thought was confined to servantmaids and village crones. Occasionally, a gypsy fortune-teller is sent to the house of correction as a vulgar rogue and vagabond for only a moderate use of palmistry; and though the sordid Egyptian may be suspected of a desire to appropriate the spoons, she is imprisoned merely for appropriating the handmaiden's loose silver. But a professor of the art of Horary Astrology, if he calls himself Lieutenant Morrison, R.N., author of "The Solar System as it is," by virtue of his science and philosophy becomes a companion of peers, peeresses, bishops, archdeacons, and leaders of fashionable society, and is taken under the protection of the law. The Chief Justice of England lays it down that Lieutenant Morrison is not to be denounced as a wilful impostor. It may be proved by his own evidence that Lieutenant Morrison "answered questions as to nativities, and received money from the wealthy, that he gave advice to those who were uneasy in their minds, ' when the mind is truly anxious on any subject,' and that the aspects of the stars would be taught at £1 a head." But though all this may be essentially imposture, the man who profits by it is not to be called an impostor, at least not a fraudulent impostor; for, as Lord Chief Justice Cockburn remarks, with admirable subtlety, "it is one thing to be an impostor, and another thing to be a fraudulent impostor." All, therefore, that

This is a matter of serious interest to society. The essence of the alleged libel was Sir Edward Belcher's specific charge that Lieutenant Morrison had exhibited a certain crystal ball in public for money, and that, in so exhibiting it, and in accrediting certain wonderful visions said to have been seen in the crystal ball, Lieutenant Morrison was guilty of a wilful imposture for purposes of gain. As to the matter of fact, it was shown that no money was taken at the séances of the Magic Crystal; and as to the allegation of conscious imposture, the chief justice, as on another occasion, ruled that no writer or speaker had a right to attribute motives, or could be justified, under any pretext of public duty, in attempting to read the human heart. Morrison, like Maohmet, or Joe Smith, or Cagliostro, might be an unconscious impostor; and though he might be living by the black art, and selling his knowledge of the

but must be assumed fully and candidly to believe in his own predictions, and to publish them only for the benefit of mankind, and in the interests of humanity and science. This is what we must say according to law. This is the result to which social interests and the necessity for restraining malicious comment have brought what is oddly called the liberty of the press, and the duty of public instructors.

stars every day of the week, yet, as he did | ing with farmers and old folk, and the 13th not take money for showing the crystal for planting and building-moreover, if he (though he did for ruling the planets), he can allege, in the case of his 1862 prophecy was entitled to damages. It is curious enough (we mean prediction) for the August of that that both in this case and in Campbell v. year, "there would be great destruction to Spottiswoode, the libellous word should be fish," that this was exactly fulfilled, because the same. It had better be expunged from the seal fishery had failed in Newfoundland" the dictionary, as it certainly will be from all-then such a man, in publishing such trash, newspapers. Henceforth there is no such is not guilty of the least intention to deceive, thing as an "impostor." Imposture may survive and flourish and enjoy its income; but impostors are impossible. The accidents still live and make fortunes-the substance is annihilated. Abstract imposture may cozen, lie, cheat, and deceive-it may do all that the concrete impostor has hitherto been supposed to do. But the concrete is not. The subjective lives and moves, and goes into society, eats and drinks, writes books, keeps a No doubt there is much to justify this state brougham and a gig, takes fees, reads the of the law. Society does not want astrolostars, and gets into a witness-book; but the gers and wizards to be put down, because so objective is impossible. It is the old story ciety believes in astrology and witchcraft. of Crambe's abstract Lord Mayor. Sir Ed- The copies sold of Moore's Almanac are six ward Belcher has got to pay his own costs, hundred thousand; those of Partridge, two and twenty shillings to boot, for an undoubted hundred and ninety thousand; of Zadkiel, misstatement of facts, that Zadkiel Morrison fifty-six thousand, and of other prophetic anexhibited his ball for hire; but Zadkiel Mor-nuals fifty thousand, making in all close upon rison will get swinging damages against any-one million of astrological almanacs sold in body who presumes to impute motives and to say that he writes his Almanac for purposes of profit, knowing all the time that the publication, now in its thirty-third yearly edition, is, and has been from first to last, a tissue of absurdities and profanities.


this country alone. These numbers imply perhaps eight millions of readers, of whom it is charitable to suppose that only one in eight puts any confidence in the soothsayers. But, without much doubt there are a million of English people who have some sort of confiThe conclusion is not unimportant. If a dence in Zadkiel, and the like of him. man but believes, or says that he believes, certainly there is ample encouragement to that at some time last year (say in October, them in the countenance afforded to Zadkiel when Zadkiel is published) he was able to by the many great and wise and learned of predict, by reading the stars, that in this the land, who at least feel curious as to the month just past, of June, 1863, "there will revelations found by the adepts in the crystal be warlike doings against France on the sphere. If Earl Wilton and the Bishop of 19th, that the Emperor of Austria at the Lichfield, the Master of the Temple, and Lady same time will have a grievous loss, which Harry Vane, amongst a multitude of other may be the decease of his wife, and that idle and fashionable folks, can spend an imSaturn, stationary on the 2d, within the mid-proving evening of "scientific amusement,” heaven of the natal figure of the Prince of Prussia, afflicts him and injures his credit" —moreover, that in the same month, the 2d, 6th, 15th, 20th, and 25th days, are lucky days for trading, the 9th, 14th, 20th, 25th, and 29th, for wooing, and hiring female servants, the 5th, 10th, 21st, and 26th, for asking favors, the 6th, 15th, 20th, and 25th for dealing with lawyers, printers, and booksellers, the 4th, 13th, 18th, and 28th for deal

in asking, or listening to others asking, questions of Judas Iscariot, Eve, Titania, Sir John Franklin, and St. Luke, talking out of a glass ball, or appearing on it with labels in their mouths, all written in English, Turkish, Hebrew, and Latin, then the million purchasers of prophetic almanacs have a solid justification of their credulity. No doubt the temptation to have a glance into the unseen was great. If the consecrated crystal displays

From the Reader.

A WINTER'S CRUISE ON THE NILE. Four Months in a Dahabëéh; or, Narrative of a Winter's Cruise on the Nile. By M. L. M. Carey. (L. Booth.)

such visions as that of Judas Iscariot, who, | emonies with which peasants worship the old like Le Sage's devil, was only too happy to Baal are venial compared with the attention, get back to hell, finding earth and the master if not worship, which is paid by the intelof the crystal much hotter and more unpleas- lectual society of London to Zadkiel's crystal ant than the devil and his demesnes- -or if or the séances of Home and Forster, Morrithe crystal is such a firm Protestant as to set- son's almanac or Morrison's pills, judicial astle Mariolatrous Christendom by a single trology or the Spiritual Magazine. twinkle, and so skilled in Scriptural exegesis as to decide the question of St. Luke's knowledge of the English language, the dialect talked in Paradise, and the scenery of all the New Testament miracles-we can quite understand the Episcopal and clerical interest displayed in this portable expositor, and the apparent blasphemy of the proceeding may Ir was on Saturday, the 17th of Novembe pardoned for its convenience. Such a con- ber, 1860, when a boat, displaying in its densed Summa Theologica deserves to be pop-distinguishing flag the figure of a crocodile, ular with the clergy. A Urim and Thum- might be seen leaving the busy port of Cairo, mim so ready and so infallible would certainly and slowly making her way against the excuse even bishops for consulting the oracle, stream. The boat, known on the Nile by the which was at once orthodox and gratuitous in generic name of a dahabëéh, was one of the its answers. To be sure, bishops and arch-largest of its class-measuring ninety-seven deacons might have been expected to have feet in length, from bow to stern, and fourheard of Dr. Dee, and Kelley and Lilly, the teen feet in width. It was one of those Sidrophel of Butler; and they might have built specially for carrying excursionists up known that Dee's showstone, which Lieuten- the Nile, being provided with a saloon of ant Morrison thinks that he purchased out twelve feet, with divans on either side and of Lady Blessington's effects, is not a crystal large drawers, with locks and keys, under sphere, but a piece of polished coal, and is them, two looking-glasses, four book-shelves, said to be now in the British Museum, and and a table in the middle, at which six pertherefore not in Zadkiel's hands at all; and sons might dine under difficulties. There they might have heard that necromancy and were, besides, four sleeping-cabins; and a auguries and soothsaying are forbidden, not stern-cabin, twelve feet in length, for dressalone by common sense and common feeling, ing. Plenty of windows all round- probut especially by religion. But probably the vided with curtains, shutters, and venetians clergy who were present at these exhibitions-insured the necessary ventilation and light, could

"Prove the saints have freedom To go to sorcerers when they need 'em ; and that

"The godly may allege For anything their privilege,

And to the devil himself may go, If they have notions thereunto." Anyhow, the dupes who believe in Zadkiel are not more culpable than the fools who countenance him by their presence at his exhibitions. The curious thing to consider is, that this little revelation and the roaring trade which "mediums" drive in England and America show that an age of reason and knowledge is also an age of abject credulity and stupid superstition. It is said that, in the wild West of Ireland and in Brittany, Paganism and its rites still linger; but the cer



or admitted the mosquitoes, the flies, and the dust. Over all this was the "quarterdeck," with divans on either side, a table, a chair or two, and an awning to be spread in calm weather. At the further end of the boat might you observe a large filter for purifying the pea-soup-like Nile water for drinking, and the cook-boy's primitive kitchen-apparatus for the crew. Beyond, in the bow, was "the kitchen" for the excursion party. The large mast and lateen yard was fixed towards the bow of the boat the smaller one in the stern. Twelve oars were provided for rowing, and a number of long poles for pushing off from the sandbanks. The whole dahabëéh-to give a little local coloring, we had better keep to that name - the oars, and the small rowboat were gaily painted in green, red, and

white; and, with the flags flying aloft, the to hear once more tidings from all their old whole presented altogether a pretty appear


friends and favorite haunts. The panorama unfolded is so grand and picturesque that it bears repeated inspection. The moment Alexandria heaves in sight-with its busy shipping, Pompey's pillar, and innumerable windmills, seeming to crawl like so many huge spiders over the sand-hills

we seem

The "Cairo," for such was the name of the boat on this occasion on a former it had been the " Fairy Queen," famous in Nilotic waters for herds of rats- has twentyfive souls on board: four passengers, a dragoman and waiter, a reis or captain, steers- to dream a delightful dream, to breathe the man, fourteen men as crew, a cook and a air of the "Arabian Nights' Entertaincook-boy. The passengers were English, ments." The noisy donkey-boys, the waterand the cldest a gentleman of "seventy- carriers, the long strings of camels with the five years of age; he is crippled and para- dust of the desert upon them, the strange lyzed, but still hale and hearty," and "is houses, and forests of date-palms waving unable to move without crutches, or a stick their graceful foliage in the air-all are on one side and the arm of his faithful ser- features never to be forgotten. Then there vant Thomas on the other." He is accom- is the first sight of the Nile, the pyramids, panied by "two charming young ladies". and Cairo with its innumerable minarets, to use an expression applied to them on quickly followed by the actual ascent of board the P. O. Steamer-whose "Euro- Cheops, a visit to the Sphinx, the tombs, the pean costume, surmounted by the knowing obelisks of Heliopolis, the petrified forest, little felt hat and scarlet-tipped black feather, and the place where Moses is said to have contrasts strangely with the flowing robes" been put in the bulrushes. Finally, there of the Arabs. One of the ladies is Selina, is the actual navigation of the Nile in a the old gentleman's daughter-" she is very dahabëéh, and the continued succession of delicate, and the M.D.'s have said that she some of the grandest works of man, supplymust be kept warm ; ' "the other his cousin, ing an endless source of study and speculawhose Christian name can only be guessed tion to the learned few, and being a never from the initials on the title-page of her re- failing cause of surprise and wonder to the cently written "Winter's Cruise." The vulgar many. two are waited upon by Sarah, the ladies' When we say that the party, whose excurmaid - a regular treasure" on such a sion Mrs. Carey has described, saw all that trip, when washing and mangling and iron- was to be seen as far as the second cataracts, ing had to be done on board. The party, and that she made copious notes and sketches bent upon going as high up as the second on the spot, now published by desire of her cataracts, had placed itself under the guid- friends, our readers will have a fair idea ance of an Egyptian Dragoman, Mahomet of what they may expect in this volume. el Adleéh—"a stout, strong-looking man," Phil," her cousin, and Selina are very with handsome bronzed features, who spoke English tolerably well and knew every inch of the ground to be explored.


much kept in the background; and our authoress and the dragoman are the principal talking and acting figures. The lady does Such were the boat and its inmates, whose not seem to have very distinct opinions on four months' winter cruise on the Nile one anything; but she shows a good deal of inof the ladies with "the knowing little felt tolerance in the terms in which she speaks hat and the scarlet-tipped black feather" has of the Mahometans. We may regret that just published. From the very composition other monotheistic beliefs do not agree with of the party, and the familiarity of the our own in points we consider essential; but country they visited, no new facts could be we should not forget that half a loaf is better expected; and the work can therefore rank than no bread at all, and that proselytists no higher than the ephemeral production of would do much better to reserve their enera tourist. There is not a scene that has not gies for the millions of benighted heathens been described before either in works of than perhaps to at least waste them on peotravel or regular guide-books. Yet such is ple already acknowledging the existence of the strange fascination of the subject that a supreme Creator and Controller of the even those most familiar with Egypt are glad world. Mrs. Carey does not seem to have

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