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against him. You, of all men, should judge-Jemmy Bates was knocked down by some him as he now is."

one standing by. It was George Nugent." She had risen from her seat while he was speaking. As if she had been blind, she held

"I do," said Tom, solemnly. "Letitia, I have seen him." "You have seen him!" she exclaimed, in by one piece of furniture after another till astonishment. she reached the door,-Tom not daring to approach her, or call for assistance. He held his breath as she ascended the staircase, and with uncertain steps reached the room above. A moment afterwards he heard her fall heav

"Yes; immediately on his return; but I could not bring myself to tell you. You would not know him as he now is."

"If he were altered by sickness, by old age even, I should know him," she said; " any-ily on the floor. where in the world, if I saw his face, I should recognize it again. You have broken your promise to me, Mr. Morland. You have let him go without a word. He does not know I have loved him all these long years."

Tom was wounded by her words.

"I would have laid down my life to have brought him back," he said. "I do not wish to speak against him, or to urge his faults as a reason for your ceasing to regret him. Think of him as leniently as you will. Only have patience with yourself, Letitia. You have made too many happy around you to fail to find 99 peace now.'

"If I could have seen him!" she said, weeping bitterly. "It was cruel of you not to let me see him."

"You have seen him," he said, scarcely knowing what he was saying in his distress. She looked breathlessly in his face. "On the day of the school-feast," he said, "when you were playing with the children,

Six years have passed since Tom's May-day feast, the results of which have tended to make the Beauchamp corner of the world a happier one. Mr. Thorpe has married Jane Wortleby, and she has never ceased from her kindly endeavors to promote the welfare of her sisters. Three of them she has already disposed of in matrimony, and she has strong hopes and cheering prospects for the rest. Tom has lost none of his interest in the parish. By his side runs a bright-eyed boy, with his small hand always locked in that of his father, to whom he is companion and playmate during the greater part of the day. Tom laughs when the school-children even now address his wife as Miss Letitia, for he has called her so himself many times since their marriage; and Letitia has grown a happy, comely looking matron,-but, certainly the reverse of thin.

PROFESSOR LANE, in his preface to his Arabic-| stopped by illness-and once, when I devoted English Lexicon, makes, the following remarks as to the labor expended on that work :

"Nearly twenty years have now elapsed since I commenced this work. Had I foreseen that the whole labor of the composition must fall upon me, or the project be abandoned, and had I foreseen the length of time that it would require of me, unaided, I should certainly not have had the courage to undertake it.

For seven years, in Cairo, I prosecuted my task on each of the work-days of the week, after an early breakfast until within an hour of midnight, with few and short intervals of rest (often with no interruption but that of a few minutes at a time for a meal, and half an hour for exercise) except on rare occasions when I was

three days to a last visit to the Pyramids. I
seldom allowed myself to receive a visitor, ex-
cept on Fridays, the Sabbath, and leisure day
of the Muslims, and more than once I passed a
quarter of the year without going out of my
To convey a due idea of the
difficulties of my task would be impossible.
While mainly composing from the Taj-el-Aroos,'
I have often had before me, or by my side,
eight or ten other lexicons (presenting three
different arrangements of the roots, and all of
them differing in the order, or rather in the dis-
order of the words explained), requiring to be
consulted at the same time; and frequently
more than a day's study has been necessary to
enable me thoroughly to understand a single

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From the Saturday Review, 18 Aug.


revived the habitual declamations against English perfidy and selfishness. It is well Ir the vanity of Englishmen requires a known that England is disinclined to permit corrective, they have only to ascertain the the extension of the French dominions in feelings with which their country is regarded Europe, and perhaps there is a sincere disby neighboring and rival nations. Wise men belief in the enthusiasm of Englishmen for are content to know, and, if possible, to for- the independence of Poland. In this case, get, that they are the subjects of censorious also, the immediate pretext of offence is but comment to their friends and to strangers. the symbol and utterance of a long standing Good breeding and good feeling forbid un- prejudice. For centuries French opinion has favorable criticism in the presence of its ob- been, on the whole, unfriendly to England, ject; but nations are compelled to be listeners, and the Continent habitually looks through and England, at least, never hears any good the eyes of France. It has been lately stated of herself. At present, the discordant cho- that the Russians consider it natural that rus of abuse has swelled into an unprece- France should protect the Poles, but that dented volume, and it seems worth while to they are bitterly offended by the diplomatic inquire why a community which seems to it-interference of England. In the same manself peaceable and inoffensive has become, ner, they attributed to England their misforeven more conspicuously than in ordinary tunes in the Crimean war, while they hastimes, the victim of universal calumny and tened, as soon as peace was restored, to vituperation. The furious hatred of Federal cement a fresh alliance with France. The America to England is, perhaps, the most Poles, while they are soliciting the aid of discreditable instance on record of a prevail- England, are unable to suppress the hatred ing and malignant delusion; but there is, which they have been taught by their French unfortunately, no doubt that it is at present patrons to feel for the country which is falsely the dominant feeling of the North. The accused of complicity with the infamous parcomplaints which are founded on the doubt-titions of the last century. In one of the ful case of the Alabama are mere excuses for most plausible of their recent pamphlets, the gratification of animosity. The Ameri- the Polish writer asserts that the centre of can press was as hostile before a Confederate the Russian conspiracy is in London; and vessel had sailed from Liverpool as in its he repeatedly declares that England is the hundredth reiteration of the false assertion worst enemy of his cause. There is too that the laws of neutrality have been wilfully much reason to fear that in Germany, and violated. From the beginning of the war, especially Prussia, English policy is regarded the Federals have been alternately taught that with suspicion and dislike. The alliance of England was determined to assist the South, the Western Powers has always been unpop and that she was deterred by selfish coward- ular among the Germans; and the Governice from even dreaming of recognition. The ment which is denounced in Paris as backEmperor of the French has scarcely become ward and illiberal is held responsible at Berlin unpopular in the United States, although and Hanover for half the revolutionary dehe has urged recognition on the English Gov- signs which originate in Europe. The former ernment, and although he has taken advan- hatred of the Austrian Government to Engtage of the Secession to establish a monarchy land had some excuse in the strong sympathy in Mexico. Whatever is unpalatable in his which had been felt for the Hungarian cause acts is systematically attributed to English and for the independence of Italy. The offiinfluence, because the anger which has been cial antipathy has, perhaps, recently relaxed, increased by the war is but a flame blown up but the antagonism of policy and sentiment from the ashes of pre-existent and causeless may at any moment revive. In Italy, except animosity against England. among the ecclesiastical and democratic facThe dislike which is felt for the English tions, the hearty good will of England to the name and character in France is perhaps less national cause may have produced a favorable outrageous, as it is modified by self-respect, impression. Greece has recently shown an but it is unfortunately equally genuine. The unexpected appreciation of the English charhesitation of the English Government in sup-acter, and the Turks can scarcely be wantporting the Emperor's policy in Poland has ing in a certain respect for their only friend

and protector. With these exceptions, the opinion of Europe is mortifying to a patriotic Englishman. The greedy vanity which is gratified even by dislike may find some consolation in the belief that hatred partakes largely of envy; but, on the whole, it would be far more agreeable to meet with good will and appreciation among foreigners.

licly discussed even by a friendly neighbor; nor can it be denied that members of Parliament, and even ministers, have often been imprudently forward in the expression of unpalatable criticisms. Yet if the press were to silence all foreign correspondence, and to impose on itself a total ignorance of foreign affairs, the chief causes of prejudice and misunderstanding would still be untouched. As long as the religion and institutions of the country remain the same, England will be hated by Roman Catholic priests, and by

Political influence is widely though unequally distributed in England, and every educated man who concerns himself with politics may contribute a share to the formation of public opinion. Those who find their those whom they can influence, and by demopinions and habits of thought approximately ocrats throughout the world. As the classes represented in Parliament and in the Govern- which determine the opinion and poliey of ment are certain that they are themselves ex- England belong, with few exceptions, to the empt from the vices which foreigners attrib- Established Church, they are not compensated ute to their country; and, to the best of their by the support of Protestant sects for the hos judgment, their neighbors appear to be as tility of Rome. The late Count Nesselrode well-meaning as themselves. It is impossible was, perhaps, the only foreign member of to persuade them that Lord Palmerston, Lord the Anglican communion on the continent of Russell, or Lord Derby spend their lives in Europe. There is, therefore, no ccclesiastiplotting against the greatness of allied na- cal sympathy with foreigners, and the polititions, and against the happiness and tranquil- cal characteristics of England are almost lity of the world. In modern times, all Eng- equally insular and remarkable. The combilish parties are sincerely desirous of peace, nation of unlimited freedom with general inand they are firmly convinced that the pros-equality is revolting to the European demoperity of other nations is advantageous to crat, and unintelligible to the American. their own country. Notwithstanding the The "principles of 1789" have never found mendacious rant of Federal speakers and writ-acceptance in a country which possessed older ers, almost all Englishmen regretted and dis- and sounder principles of its own. The great approved the Secession; nor have they at any truth that all men are born free and equal time grudged the extraordinary advance of requires much correction or limitation before the United States in wealth and population. it can become an available truth in England. Englishmen wish to see France increasing in When all the Roman Catholics, all the exmaterial prosperity, and not engaged in waste- treme Protestants, and all the Democrats are ful wars. They would rejoice in the estab- deducted, the possibly friendly residue of the lishment of a great and united Germany, as population is reduced within narrow limits. they cordially welcomed the regeneration of It is remarkable that Italy, which but imperItaly. The rapid progress of Spain has in fectly reflects the general hostility to Engno country been so readily appreciated as in land, also stands alone in the antagonism to England. The emancipation of the Russian Romish usurpation which has been an insular serfs was unanimously applauded, and the characteristic for a thousand years. Statesgeneral interest in the cause of the Poles is men and scholars of the order of Cavour and wholly unconnected with any hostile feeling Ricasoli have a fellow-feeling with the politito Russia. Among all the populations which cal supporters of the English Church. They are taught to detest England, not one is re- wish that priests should be citizens and memgarded in turn with unfriendly feelings, ex-bers of society, though they may be unable cept in consequence of some positive cause of offence.

Some portion of the unpopularity of. England is undoubtedly occasioned by the freedom of the press, and by the unreserved discussion which expresses a warm interest in foreign affairs. It is not agreeable to be pub

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to secure the object, as in England, by establishing a clerical order of gentlemen. They are probably also aware that political freedom is identical with the government of an elastic and undefined minority. A few Frenchmen and Germans are beginning to understand that the only alternative of administrative

despotism is the gratuitous discharge of pub- | infant for the bosom of its mother, and that too, long after a further stay had become dangerous. Of all the Tories, he was most obnoxious to the ardent Whigs; and when, by common consent, a cessation of active hostilities took place, individual enterprise had made more than one effort to carry him off. From some of these attempts he had narrowly escaped; but the British outposts in Westchester were now about to be withdrawn, and personal safety compelled him to seek another abode.

lic duties by the wealthier classes. It is not likely, however, that their teaching will reach the multitude, or that despotism will cease to rely on the congenial institution of universal suffrage; and it may, therefore, be feared that the English Government and nation will continue to be disliked and abused, especially as all European foreigners read French, while the Americans feed their angry passions even more fully by the use of a common tongue. As it is not convenient, even for the sake of conciliating general good will, to abolish Church and State, it may be respectfully suggested to foreign censors that they should make some little inquiry into the character and customs which they habitually misrepre


From The Historical Magazine.

It was on a brilliant morning, in one of the last days of April, that Colonel James Delancey took his final departure from West Farms. A bright vernal sun gilded hill and plain, birds sang their matin hymns, and early flowers were beginning to bloom. All nature seemed to revel in the freshness of infancy. Under such circumstances the youthful heart beats high. Even the weary

COLONEL DELANCEY'S FINAL DEPARTURE pilgrim of life, while approaching his jour



[Read before the New York Historical Society, 1861]. Ir had now long been evident (A.D. 1783) that the war was drawing to a close, and those Whigs whom civil strife had driven into voluntary exile, had been for some time returning. The refugees from above, and the loyalists in general who had been active supporters of the crown, were busied with preparations to leave their native country, for the purpose of seeking new homes in the wilderness of Nova Scotia. Although to these the Government of Great Britain lent its aid with no stinted hand, yet when they came to abandon the land of their fathers, it was with saddened spirits and "lingering looks behind," like those who underwent the primeval banishment from Eden.



ney's end, can sometimes pause to look upon a scene like this, and for a moment fancy himself rejuvenated. But the welcome sounds and cheerful sights that move in the pageant of spring, awakened no responsive feelings in the "Outlaw of the Bronx," who, with a heavy heart mounted his horse, and riding to the dwellings of his neighbors, bade them each farewell. The last upon whom he called, though much his senior in years, had been a friend and associate from early life, and was just returned to the farm, which civil dissension had compelled him for awhile to abandon. "Hunt," said the colonel, “I have called to bid you good-by. I hope you may prosper. "" "I don't know how that will be," answered the husbandman. Peace, it is true, has come at last, but I am now a poor man with a large family to provide for. My Among the most reluctant of the exiles, cattle have all been stolen, my negroes have was the celebrated commander of the "West-run away, my fences are burnt up, and my chester Refugees." The Commonwealth of New York, by a formal act of her Legislature, had withdrawn from him her protection, had declared his estate, real and personal, to be forfeited to the people; had banished him forever, and in case of his return to the State at any future time, declared him thereby guilty of felony, and sentenced him to death without benefit of clergy. Yet notwithstanding his attainder and the approaching relinquishment of royal authority, he had clung to his early home with all the fondness of an

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house and barn in ruin. Of all my prop-
erty, nothing now remains but naked fields;
I don't know how I shall get along.' Say
no more," replied Delancey.
"Look at me.
You can remain here and cultivate your
lands in quiet, while I must leave my native
country, never to return!'
As he spoke
these prophetic words, he turned in the sad-
dle and gazed once more on Bronxdale, which
in all its beauty, lay full before him. His
paternal fields, and every object presented to
his view, were associated with recollections of

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early life. The consciousness that he beheld | ancholy one-that this political consummathem all for the last time, and the uncertain- tion is yet so far off and requires so much to ties to be encountered in the strange country to which banishment was consigning him, conspired to awaken emotions, such as the sternest bosom is sometimes compelled to entertain. It was in vain that he struggled to suppress feelings which shook his iron heart. Nature soon obtained the mastery, and he burst into tears. After weeping with uncontrollable bitterness for a few moments, he shook his ancient friend by the hand, ejaculated with difficulty, the words of benediction: “God bless you, Theophilus! " and spurring forward, turned his back forever upon his native valley.



be done for its fulfilment, that ample scope will be given in the meantime for the removal of many of those difficulties with which they now invest the subject. They are troubled, for instance, with the thought of either continuing slavery or abolishing it in a State which shall voluntarily return to the Union, expecting to save her "peculiar institution." Now, no such case has arisen, nor is there any immediate probability of seeing such. On the contrary, the probability rather is, that the rebellion will have to be so ground out of each State that slavery will go with it, according to the actual experience of the war. This would remove the whole practical difficulty.

And herein is the great lesson derived from our national experience during the last two THE problems of the rebellion, all along, years, which we cannot overlook when we sit have proved rather in imagination than in down to think of the future. Before reunion, fact. It has been with us as a nation-to use slavery will have totally disappeared, or have an old comparison-as it often is with the been put in a recognized course of extinction. traveller in a mountain region. As he looks This does not result actively from the Presiahead, his course at no great distance seems dent's emancipation proclamation, but from to be absolutely barred from all further ad- the necessary operation of the war, which But steadily going on, he finds the the proclamation recognized and applied. path as steadily unlocking itself, leaving this The national troops advance, slavery disaphill on the right, that on the left, crossing the pears-that has been the law of our whole stream by a bridge before unperceived, and military progress. If we are to overrun penetrating a gorge, until the tourist arrives and occupy the whole South, as we have at his destination with no more difficulty than large parts of it, the result is obvious. if he had been journeying on a plain. In the On the other hand, if this result should be same way, we have already left behind us anticipated by several States and they should many of the obstacles which, at the outbreak yield in advance, and thus close up the rebelof the rebellion, seemed well nigh insur- lion, it is possible that the institution, almountable. It was, for instance, a very puz- though morally condemned as the cause of zling question as to what we should do with the conspiracy, and irretrievably shattered by the swarms of negroes that we encountered in the national victory, might be allowed its the early invasion of Virginia. After a while choice of gradual extinction, as is now the Gen. Butler suggested the term "contra- case in Missouri. But this is not a probable band," and thus earned the public gratitude, | event, as compared with the other—that is, for he turned the first corner in the dark the substantial disappearance of slavery in labyrinth. Then came the organizing plans, the progress of the war. This will preclude the plans for employment, and finally the sys- all difficulties at the North, and will leave no tem of arming, until now the whole question lasting enmity at the South. It will there, is felt to be disposed of. sooner or later, be felt to be one of the ineviAnd yet, in spite of this satisfactory expe- table effects of the war, one of the penalrience, realized in so many respects, there are ties which the leaders of the rebellion delibthose who are laboriously distressing them-erately took the risk of when they began the selves over the future condition of slavery, war. The Government, if it destroys the rethat is when the rebellion shall have been bellion, cannot repair the ruin of slavery if it subdued and all the States restored to the would. As well might it covenant with Gen. Union. It surely ought to afford some satis- Lee to replace in a season the great oaks faction to these gentlemen-although a mel- which grew about Arlington Heights, and

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