NATURE DISPLAYED IN HER MODE OF Teaching Language to Man: BEING A NEW AND INFALLIBLE METHOD OF ACQUIRING LANGUAGES WITH UNPARALLELED RAPIDITY; DEDUCED FROM THE ANALYSIS OF THE HUMAN MIND, AND CONSEQUENTLY SUITED TO EVERY CAPACITY: ADAPTED TO THE SPANISH; BY DON MARIANO VELASQUEZ DE LA CADENA, L. HARGOUS, Professor of Universal Grammar ; AND DON MANUEL DE TORRES, Late Minister Plenipotentiary from the Republic of Colombia to the United States. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, A Development of the Author's Plan of Tuition; SO POWERFUL IN ITS OPERATION, AND SO VERY ECONOMICAL, THAT A LIBERAL EDUCATION CAN BE AFFORDED EVEN TO THE POOREST OF MANKIND; By which is obtained, THE GREAT DESIDERATUM OF ENABLING NATIONS TO ARRIVE VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR; AND SOLD BY HIS AGENTS, J. AND C. ADLARD, BARTHOLOMEW-CLOSE; ALSO BY 1826. THE profound admiration which I have conceived for your character has emboldened me to dedicate this production to you. It is an application of the true System of Education to the tuition of a language which is becoming more and more useful to those who have transactions with the rich countries where it is spoken. Under your auspices, this Work will become the more acceptable to British commerce, the valuable interests of which you have, on all occasions, so eloquently maintained, and, at the same time, so successfully promoted. The enlightened principles adopted by the Administration, of which you form so efficient a member, entitle you and your illustrious colleagues to the gratitude of mankind; as, by those principles, the noblest lessons in the science of government have been given to the world, and, what must be very grateful to your feelings, they have already produced the happiest effects in both hemispheres. I was allowed the signal favour of dedicating the Parent Work to his most Gracious Majesty, George the Fourth, and I consider it a peculiarly happy circumstance in my life that I am enabled to inscribe this production (which is a most important application of the new system,) to one of the greatest statesmen that ever adorned the annals of his country. With every ardent wish for your happiness, I have the honor to remain, Your very devoted humble Servant, N. G. DUFIEF. : |