A dissertation on the prophecies, that have been fulfilled, are now fulfilling, or will hereafter be fulfilled, 1. köide |
From inside the book
Page xxxiv
... Macedon and in the East , as those two commentators have attempted to prove . p . 238 . ( 1. ) Because it is improbable , that the same power , which in the former vision was represented under the image of a great and terrible beast ...
... Macedon and in the East , as those two commentators have attempted to prove . p . 238 . ( 1. ) Because it is improbable , that the same power , which in the former vision was represented under the image of a great and terrible beast ...
Page 21
... had previously represented the second little horn as the Roman Empire invading the East by way of Macedon . Mr. Kett , agreeably to his favourite plan of double accomplish- ments ( 2. ) The period , assigned both by Daniel [ 21 ]
... had previously represented the second little horn as the Roman Empire invading the East by way of Macedon . Mr. Kett , agreeably to his favourite plan of double accomplish- ments ( 2. ) The period , assigned both by Daniel [ 21 ]
Page 229
... Macedon , Greece , Thrace , " Asia Minor , Syria , and Egypt , are still the third ; " and those of Europe , on this side Greece , are still " the fourth . Seeing therefore the body of the third " beast is confined to the nations on ...
... Macedon , Greece , Thrace , " Asia Minor , Syria , and Egypt , are still the third ; " and those of Europe , on this side Greece , are still " the fourth . Seeing therefore the body of the third " beast is confined to the nations on ...
Page 230
... Macedon , Greece , Thrace , Asia Minor , Syria , and Egypt : for he affirms , that these regions form the body of the third beast , in the same manner as those westward of Greece form the proper body of the fourth beast and constitute ...
... Macedon , Greece , Thrace , Asia Minor , Syria , and Egypt : for he affirms , that these regions form the body of the third beast , in the same manner as those westward of Greece form the proper body of the fourth beast and constitute ...
Page 231
... Macedon and Greece ; and the body of the Roman beast , with- in those of Italy ; in which case it will be a vain labour to look either for the four heads * of the third beast , or for the ten horns of the fourth beast . The truth is ...
... Macedon and Greece ; and the body of the Roman beast , with- in those of Italy ; in which case it will be a vain labour to look either for the four heads * of the third beast , or for the ten horns of the fourth beast . The truth is ...
Common terms and phrases
angel Antichrist Antiochus Epiphanes apocalyptic Apostasy Apostle atheism beginning Bishop of Rome character Christ Christian chronological Church commencement computed consequently daily sacrifice Daniel and St declared denotes desire of women desolating abomination desolating revolt dominion earth eastern revolt emperors Exarchate of Ravenna expiration fourth beast France Greek hand he-goat he-goat's little horn heaven Hence Heruli Hist holy idolatry infidel king interpretation Jews John Justinian Kett kingdom last days latter likewise literal little horn Lord Macedon Macedonian Mahuzzim mean Mede Mede's Mohammed Mohammedism Newton Newton's Dissert numbers Ostrogoths Ottoman empire Papacy papal horn period of 1260 persecution Persia Phocas Pope Popery predicted prophecy reign religion restoration Roman beast Roman empire saints sanctuary Saracens Scripture seventh trumpet seventh vial shew Sir Isaac spiritual suppose symbol synchronizes temple temporal termination things three horns tion tyranny Universal Bishop unto vision whole wilful king woe-trumpet wonders words worship