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CONTENTS.- N° 211.

Magn., Dial, lib. ii. cap. viii.). Azzo, Bishop of Vercelli, in the tenth century, lamented (Muratori quoted by Moroni, Dizionario di Erudizione Storicoecclesiastico, lxxi. 63) that even down to his day the pest of pagan superstition lasted, fostered by

NOTES:-Curiosities of Superstition in Italy, 21-Napoleon Bonaparte, 22-Church Restoration in Fifteenth Century, 23-Christmas in Monmouthshire -“Double ponies," 24Curious Inscription-Letter of Burns-Couplet on Bells-magicians, aruspices, augurs, and sorcerers. Remarkable Epitaph-Reputed Centenarians, 25-Cunedda: Ordovices - Sir Walter Manny - Tennysoniana - Singular It would seem that the dancing propensities of Superstition-Shetland Folk-lore-Curious Epitaph-Can- the daughter of Herodias, and her evil renown non Street, 26. QUERIES: Churchwardens' Accounts-Forfarshire-Ashkey as the betrayer of the Baptist, caused her to be -William Lloyd, Bishop of St. Asaph-Barre and Kendale, reckoned another leader of the witches' congress. Elizabeth-Pope's Fan, 27-Peasant and Peasantry-Story Assigning her the name of Herodias (for that of Wanted-Quotations in Green's "History"-Horn-Secret Society Badge-Salkinson-Craine and Cambie Families-Salome does not appear in the Bible), Ratero, Bp. Marks on Silver Coin-Source of Couplet Wanted-James of Verona in the tenth century, deprecated "the Braton-De Huch, 23-Lords Danganmore-Thomas With honour paid as to a queen, or rather as to a ington-Haswell-Percy-Paid Representatives-Coming of Arthur-C. Tanner-J. or T. Loder-Curious Medal-Hodg- goddess, to Herodias, the murderess of St. John son's "Theory of Perspective"- Newcastle DirectoryBaptist, by certain little old women and still more Yore-zeit-Statue of Roman Soldier-Dr. Guy CarletonPeter Kenwood, 29-Authors Wanted, 30. to be blamed men (multum vituperabiliores viri).” REPLIES:-Vegetarianism, 39-"Notes on Phrase and In- By a decree of the provincial Council of Treves, in flection," 32-Error of Humboldt - Parallel Passages **Engrossed in the public," 33-Manx Language-By-and-by 1310, the superstitious regard paid her was con-Portrait of a Lady, 34-Dandy-Oppa ync, 35-Me- demned, together with that to Diana; as also by moirs of Pichon-Ecclesiastical Ballads-Goose House- another decree of Cardinal Ivo, Bp. of Chartres in Double Christian Names, 36-Official Seals of American the eleventh century, and by one of Angino, Bp. of Bishops-London Customs Bill of Entry-Agnew, McLeroth, &c-While Until-Gospel for Christmas Day as a Conserano (ie., St. Lizier, dept. Arière). Not Charm, 37-Number of Ancestors-Dr. Thomas Grey-Cross only are the honours paid to Diana and Herodias on Loaves-Registers of Welsh Churches-List of English mentioned as demoniacal illusions, but those Localities-Berlin Heraldic Exhibition - - Moxley-Pigeon Pair-Cross Passant - Hurly-burly, 38-Cure by Touch also offered to a certain Benzoria, and this still Thomas Bambridge-Authors Wanted, 39. more at length in the writings of William of Paris. NOTES ON BOOKS:-Ferguson's "Surnames as a Science" -Ebsworth's "The Roxburghe Ballads"-Burke's Peer-In many parts of Europe it would seem that meat age"-"Shakspeariana."



(Continued from p. 6.)

The identification of pagan divinities with manifestations of the spirit of evil is the common theme of all writers on demonology. Pomponaccio points out that part of the functions of the witches' Sabbath consisted in dancing round a goat, a remnant of the worship of Pan, and that it is in memory of this that the wearing and setting up in the house of a horn as a counter charm is common in Italy. Sulpicius Severus, biographer of St. Martin of Tours, famous for destroying the pagan temples in his diocese, which he still found honoured in the fourth century, says that the devil appeared to him under the character of Jupiter, Minerva, Venus, and Mercury; cited in Gianfrancesco Pico's Libro della Strega, p. 57, with the obvious gloss that the object of the first apparition was to tempt him to ambition, of the second to recall him to the pursuit of arms, in which he had gained renown in his younger days, and so on.

St. Gaudentius, Bishop of Brescia (Serm. 13), and St. Maximus, Bishop of Turin (apud Muratorium Anecdot., t. iv. p. 99), in the fifth century, reproved the landowners of their time that they suffered their poor dependents to go on ignorantly worshipping idols. St. Benedict found a temple to Apollo still frequented on Monte Cassino (St. Greg.

and drink were left spread out by the peasants in the belief that they would serve for these nocturnal assemblies, and that such ministrations would bring abundance to the purveyor, whence arose the conception of another president of the feast under the name of Abundantia. This superstition is mentioned by Xenophon as practised among the Persians, and by St. Jerome as in existence among the Egyptians. Lorenzo Anania, who wrote De Natura Dæmonum, in the sixteenth century, mentions (lib. iii. cap. xv.) that at his native place of Taverna, in the kingdom of Naples, "there was a superstitious custom among the girls (femellas), as an augury that they may become mothers of happy families, to prepare sacrificial feasts (dapibus) for the fairies (fatis), so," he says, "they call these spirits" (I introduce this custom as another instance of the identity, in the popular mind of Italy, between the nature of fairies and witches). At other times it was the devil himself who, under various names and descriptions, was the presiding genius of the feasts. In Italy he seems to have been usually called Martinetto or Martinello, and is described by witches, who deposed to having seen him, sometimes as having the hands, feet, and horns of a goat, sometimes going on two feet, sometimes on four, sometimes riding on horseback, yet having the tail of a serpent." The witch interrogated by Gianfrancesco Pico gave her demon

Tartarotti, Congresso, &c., lib. ii. cap. x. § iv. Alsɔ Del Rio, lib. ii. Q. xvi. p. 81, col. 1 C.

lover the name of Ludovico, and described him as wearing the human form in every respect, but in having feet like a goose, which turned inwards. The "judge" is made in the accompanying fancy dialogue to interrupt the interrogatory with the observation that such had been the description of the devil given in all the cases that had been brought before him (p. 29). Then follow six pages (by number, but in reality twelve, for only the leaves, not the pages, are numbered) of reasons suggested for this peculiarity.

If Tartarotti has been diligent in collecting the traditions that lingered from pagan times among the vulgar in Italy, he has also, though with some what less voluminous result, brought together some of the opinions on the subject that have been recorded by the educated among his countrymen at different dates, and has compared them with those of other lands. It is impossible not to observe in the earlier canons and ecclesiastical writings concerning witchcraft that it is treated as a mere error of the unlearned, and not as an actuality and a crime, as it became after the Renaissance. In a decree of Pope St. Damasus at the Council of Rome, mentioned in Rinaldi's Annals, anno 382, No. 20, those who pretend to exercise diabolic arts are threatened with excommunication, but no temporal penalty. Agobardus, Bishop of Lyons (born circa 780), who has also left a treatise against duelling, wrote a book De Grandine et Tonitru, in which there is a great deal about demonology conceived quite in this spirit. He gives an account of a special class of alleged magicians popularly called tempestmakers," who were in league with the inhabitants of a certain mysterious country called Magonia, or Magician's Land; and says it was thought that the grain which the " tempest-makers" destroyed passed into the hands of the men of Magonia. He mentions an occasion on which he came across three own neighbourhood and accused of having dropped unlucky strangers whom the people had caught in his down from this Magonia; but, so far from contributing to their punishment, he delivered them out of the hands of the people, who wanted to stone them. He adds this remark:-"With so great fatuity (stultitia) is this wretched world oppressed, that now absurd things obtain credence of Christians which the very pagans, ignorant of the Creator of all, could not have been got to believe." Reginone, about a century later, also wrote a great deal about witches, and just in the same style. He does not speak of their being carried through the air, but says that certain miserable women, believing them selves to be carried through the air on the backs of animals, serve Diana with pagan rites. He goes on to deplore that an innumerable multitude, deceived by this false opinion, believe it to be true, and so believing it are led astray from the right faith, and turned back into pagan errors. He calls

upon the clergy to expose these follies, and to show that any one who believes that any creature can be turned or changed into any other form or similitude by any power but the Creator, by whom all things were made, procul dubio infidelis est.b Burkhard, Bishop of Worms, a century later on (Decret., lib. i., cap. " De Arte Magica ") directs his advice similarly against the folly of supposing there are enchanters who, by invoking the devil, can raise tempests or alter the minds of men, cause to love or hate, ride through the air upon beasts by night, &c. And John of Salisbury writes of those who miserrime et mendacissime believe such things. He does not treat the assumed powers of witches, &c., as crimes, but as unrealities and false follies-vanitates et insanias falsas are his words-and desires that no one should listen "to those falsehoods." William of Paris (De Universo, ii. 2, cap. xxii.), combating the abovenamed superstition of the "Abundantia," says that those who aver they have seen such victuals disposed of by spirits must be under a delusion, for "it is manifest that substantiæ spirituales cannot make use of corporeal meat and drink." He further distinctly ascribes the seeing of such apparitions to a bodily infirmity produced by melancholy. R. H. BUSK. (To be continued.)


It has been frequently asserted, and as often denied, that no sooner was Prince Louis Napoleon Bonaparte elected President of the French Republic than he aspired to Imperial power. It seems to be evident from the following correfor publication, that the Prince had in view the spondence, which has been placed in my hands possible attainment of the Imperial diguity so early as the spring of 1849.

found of Mr. Forbes Campbell's intimacy with In "N. & Q.," 3rd S. i. 213, 334, proofs will be Prince Louis Bonaparte when an exile in England. The Autographic Mirror, Feb. 17, 1866, contained a facsimile of a letter from the Prince to Mr. Forbes Campbell, which had appeared in "N. & Q.," March 13, 1862.

A Son Altesse Impériale le Prince Napoléon Louis
Bonaparte, Palais de l'Elysée.

Paris, ce 12 Avril, 1849. Monseigneur,-Peu de jours après votre miraculeuse délivrance, j'ai eu l'honneur de vous offrir les premiers volumes de mon édition Anglaise de la grande histoire dont il a peint les gigantesques travaux. de Monsieur Thiers, ouvrage immortel comme le Héro

La Providence a voulu que ce soit au Chef Elu de la Nation que je fasse hommage du volume qui vient de paraître."

tiana, lib. ii, cap. ccclxiv., by Reginone, Abbot of Prum, De Ecclesiasticis Disciplinis et Religione Chrisin Hungary, in the tenth century.

Me sera-t-il permis, Monseigneur, d'émettre le vœu qu'en offrant à Votre Altesse Impériale la fin de l'ouvrage, il me soit donné de vous saluer par un titre plus Auguste ?

Je suis, Monseigneur, avec le plus profond respect, de Votre Altesse Impériale

le tout dévoué serviteur (Signée) D. FORBES CAMPBELL. (Translation.)

To His Imperial Highness, Prince Napoleon Louis Bonaparte, Palace of the Elysée, Paris. Paris, April 12, 1849. Monseigneur,-A few days after your miraculous escape [from Ham] I had the honour to present to you the first [five] volumes of my English version of M. Thiers's History of the Consulate and the Empire, a work worthy of the hero whose prodigious achievements By the will of Providence it is to the Elected Head of the French Nation that I now offer an early copy of the volume which has just appeared.

it records.

May I venture, Monseigneur, to express the hope that when presenting to your Imperial Highness the sequel of the work, it may be granted me to salute you with a more august title?

I am, with the profoundest respect, Monseigneur, Your Imperial Highness's most devoted Servant, (Signed) D. FORBES CAMPBELL.


I send you a copy of one of the charters at Rougham Hall, which will interest some of your readers; first, because instances of a seller of property giving a tithe of the proceeds of the sale to the restoration of a church are rare, to say the least; and, secondly, because it is not very often that we meet with any mention of churchwardens at this date as officials whose functions were recognized in a manner so marked as in this charter. A third reason exists for drawing the attention of the curious to this charter. The present church of Rougham, a mere fragment of what stood there in Roger North's days, is a structure of the early part of the fifteenth century. I believe it to have been begun, at any rate, by John Yelverton, Recorder of Norwich, who died in 1409; and it is not improbable that the work, or some of the work, was still going on at the time this charter was executed, and likely to go on for some time, and that Mr. Furbichour was quite safe in expecting that when his own nine marks should have been paid the churchwardens would readily find a use for the tenth in the way of emendation.

Présidence de la République, Cabinet No. 1163. Paris, le 14 Avril, 1849. Monsieur,-Le Président de la République accepte "Sciant presentes & futuri quod ego Galfridus Furvotre dernier volume Anglais de l'Histoire du Consulat bichour de Gryinston dedi concessi & hac presenti carta et de l'Empire avec les mêmes sentiments qu'il s'est plumea indentata confirmavi Andree Neve de Rougham à vous témoigner autrefois, quand, dans son exil, vous lui avez offert les premiers.

Les faits mémorables racontés dans cet ouvrage touchent particulièrement le neveu de Napoléon, et le digne interprète de son auteur célèbre en a, à ses yeux, accru l'intérêt, en faisant payer par votre langue, un nouveau tribut à la grandeur et à la gloire de la France. Il me charge, Monsieur, de vous renouveler l'expression de tous ses remerciements. Agréez, Monsieur, l'assurance de ma considération distinguée. Le Chef du Cabinet

(Signée) MOCQUARD. A Monsieur Campbell, 38, Rue Laffitte, Paris.


Presidency of the Republic, Cabinet No. 1163.

Paris, April 14, 1849. Sir,-The President of the Republic accepts the last volume [eighth] of your English translation of The History of the Consulate and the Empire with the same feelings as he was pleased to express towards you when in his days of exile you presented to him the first [five] volumes. The memorable deeds recorded in that work have a deep interest for the nephew of Napoleon, and the worthy coadjutor of the illustrious historian has, in the President's opinion, increased that interest by paying in the English language a fresh tribute to the greatness and glory of France.

He directs me again to offer you his best thanks.
Accept, Sir, the assurance of my high consideration.
(Signed) MOCQUARD, Chef du Cabinet.
To Monsieur Campbell, 38, Rue Laffitte, Paris.

New University Club, S.W.

heredibus & assignatis suis unum messuagium edificatum iacens in villa de Rougham predicta inter messuagium Roberti Couper ex parte orientali & regiam viam ex parte occidentali & capud australe abuttat super regiam viam & capud aquilonare abuttat super terram quondam Johannis Rel quod quidem messuagium nuper habui ex dono & feoffamento Rogeri Mendham. Habendum & tenendum predictum niessuagium cum omnibus pertinenciis suis prout iacet sive sit plus sive minus predicto Andree Neve heredibus & assignatis suis de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia inde debita & de iure consueta in perpetuum sub condicione que sequitur videlicet quod predictus Andreas Neve solvet vel solvi faciet apud Rougham predicto Galfrido Furbichour vel eius certo atturnato nonem marcas sterlingorum et unam marcam legalis monete emendacioni ecclesie Sancte Marie de Rougham predicta in quinque annis proximis sequentibus post datum presentis videlicet in quolibet festo Pentecostes duas marcas sterlingorum quousque predicta summa decem marcarum plenarie fuerit solutum et in ultimo & quinto anno predictus Galfridas Furbichour vult & concedit perpresentes quod predictus Andreas Neve solvat vel solvi faciat predictam unam marcam custodibus catallorum ecclesie parochialis de Rougham qui pro tunc tempore fuerint. Et si predictus Andreas Neve deficiat in parte vel in toto ad aliquem terminum prelimitatum de solucionibus predictis, quod tunc bene liceat predicto Galfrido Furbichour heredibus & assignatis suis in predictum messuagium cum omnibus pertinenciis supradictis reintrare et illud retinere in perpetuum sine ullo impedimento predicti Andree, ista carta indentata & sesina inde liberata ullo modo non obstantibus. Et ego predictus Galfridus Furbichour & heredes mei predictum messuagium cum omnibus pertinenciis suis prefato Andree Neve heredibus & assig natis suis contra omnes gentes Warrantizabimus & defendemus in perpetuum. In cuius rei testimonium

presentibus cartis indentatis alternatim sigilla nostra apposuimus. Hiis [testibus] Willielmo Fyncham, Roberto Couper, Rogero Mendham, Adam [sic] Pattyng, Johanne Gravo [?] & aliis. Data apud Rougham supradicta die Lune proxima post festum Ascencionis Domini. Anno regni Regis Henrici quinti post conquestum septimo [May 29, 1419]."-Rougham Charters, No. 537. AUGUSTUS JESSOPP.

CHRISTMAS IN MONMOUTHSHIRE. It may interest some of the readers of "N. & Q" to

know that in Monmouthshire a rude play, substantially the same as that performed by the Sussex "tipteerers" (see 6th S. viii. 483) is still acted by parties of mummers at Christmas, and the custom has been duly observed this season. In the Monmouthshire play a little more prominence is given to the combats, and a "Bold Sailor" is introduced as well as a "Valiant Soldier"; but the greater part of the dialogue is identical, and here, as in Sussex, "King" George takes the place of the saint. In Monmouthshire small bands of carol-singers go round from house to house, not only on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but also on New Year's Day and on Old Christmas Day, the last named being still observed as a holiday on at least one farm in this neighbourhood. The favourite carol is known as The Holly and the Ivy, and appears to be local. It should be noted that carol-singing is here confined exclusively to men and boys, women never taking part in it. On New Year's Day the village children carry about a kind of wooden tree, on the branches of which are cranges and apples, usually gilded, and stuck all over with small sprigs of yew. This custom is now, however, only occasionally observed, probably because it has been found that as many pence may be gained, at far less trouble, by carol-singing.

A. E. LAWSON LowF, F.S.A. Shirenewton Hall, near Chepstow, Mcn.

"DOUBLE PONIES."-I have written this in the English fashion, but it is really a French expression. Some years ago I heard a French lady of my acquaintance call a pair of cobs des doubles poneys, and then I learned for the first time that in French double poney (the French prefer the form poney, which is also sometimes found in English) was equivalent to our cob. Double poney is not to be found in Littré, though he gives double bidet, and explains it (s.v. "Double"), "Bidet

* Bidet means a small horse, rather bigger than a pony, say a nag or galloway. Double bidet is also given by Littré under this word, and his explanation varies a little from that given above. It is, "Eidet plus grand et plus renforcé que les bidets ordinaires "; and I much prefer it to the other, for it shows us that the increase is not only in height. but also in strength and substance (renforcé implies both, for Littré defines étoffe renforcée, "Etoffe plus forte et plus épaisse que d'ordinaire "), and

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de plus haute taille que les bidets ordinaires." But double poney is to be found in Gasc,† who translates it cob. I write this note not only because I think few Englishmen know how to render cob in French, but also because this use of the word double seems to me strange and somewhat ludicrous. Double is, indeed, sometimes used in English as an augmentative, both physically (as Shakespeare, e. g., "A thrice double ass was I" in double stout) and morally, as frequently in (Temp., V. i.), 'Cloten, thou double villain" (Cymb., IV. ii.); but in the first of these cases (the only one applicable here) it implies an increase in strength, and not in height, as it does in our case, though from note it is evident that an increase in bulk and strength is included, and is probably the more prominent, in spite of Littré's definition s. v. "Double." To us a double poney, if it conveyed any idea at all, would probably convey that of a misshapen animal, after the manner of the Siamese and Pygopagi§ twins or the Two-headed Nightingale. However, the French are welcome to their expression, roundabout as it may appear to us, and although it can scarcely fail to make an Englishman laugh. Upon the same principle, a triple poney would be a London dray-horse; but these are scarcely to be found in France, though one does see very thick-set horses there of smaller stature. A double boy, too, would mean a cobby man. In one respect, indeed, the French have the advantage of us in their use of our word pony. They also write it ponet (they pronounce ing itself to the formation of a feminine, they use poney very much in the same way), and this lendponette and double ponette (see Gasc), whilst we are obliged to say female or mare pony and cob F. CHANCE. Sydenham Hill.


we thus see how the double added to poney turns it into a cob, which is more conspicuous for substance and consequent strength than for any great increase in height. This is well shown by the fact that bidet renforcé is also used double bidet, and yet, strictly speaking, contains no idea of any increase in height.

† Gasc's Dict., though small (2 vols. 8vo.), is by far the best Fr.-Eng. and Eng.-Fr. dictionary I know, particularly the Eng.-Fr. part.

Shakespeare has double beer (2 Henry VI., II. iii.), whilet in Littré I find double bière, encre double. The French use it also morally, as double pendard, double traitre. We say also treble stout, and in Shakespeare it Shrew, III. i.) and treble guilt (2 Henry IV., IV. iv.); is also found used morally, as treble jars (Taming of whilst in French we find triple coquin, triple gueux. Duplex and triplex seem also to have been similarly used in Latin. Triple in English, however, seems to be used only in its literal sense; and this is natural, for it is, of course, a more modern form than treble, which is found also in old French.

§ Twins (females) recently exhibited at the Egyptian Hall, whose bodies are joined together at the lower end of the back, and then merge into one, though they have four legs.

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CURIOUS INSCRIPTION.-A curious epitaph has been noticed in "N. & Q." (6th S. viii. 454). I cannot recollect having seen the following inscription, which forms a puzzle of the same sort, in "N. & Q." I cut it from a newspaper forty or so years ago :

"Captain Bart, grandson of the renowned Jean Bart, during his stay at Malta, where he had put in from a cruise in the Mediterranean, met with a Carmelite who had been into Persia as a missionary. This man told him that he had availed himself of an opportunity which offered, to gratify his curiosity, by visiting the ruins of the ancient Persepolis. Chance discovered to him a marble on which were inscribed some Arabic characters. As he was acquainted with the language, he translated them into Latin. The following was the translation:dicas scis dicit scit audit expedit facias potes facit potest facit credit fieri potest expendit habet petit habet judicat videt judicat est nam quodcumque qui cumque

credas audis

credit audit credit

expendas habes judices


vides quod


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quod non." ED. MARSHALL.

AN UNPUBLISHED LETTER BY BURNS THE POET. -It may be worth while for "N. & Q." to save in its columns the following piece of somewhat characteristic letter-writing by Robert Burns, which does not seem to have appeared before in his biographies or anywhere else. That it came from his Edinburgh period, when he was in his twentyeighth year, is indicated by internal evidence, as well as by the address to "the Hon. Henry Erskine, Dean of Faculty, Edinburgh." In the prose of Burns there is a hollowness of rhetorical humility that has no place in his poems, which are finished, as Lord Lytton well said, with the precision of Greek art. There are, at any rate, few references of the uncomfortable kind of which this letter has one typical example in its "sincerest gratitude for the notice with which you have been pleas'd to honour the Rustic Bard." The famous Scottish poet missed sound manhood by protesting too much as to its value in verse, and by prostrating himself before his practical inferiors in education under the consciously assumed guise of rusticity. His character is of such psychological interest that it would have drawn great attention had he not written a line, and these few sentences show him with considerable clearness on his less attractive side:

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about it with any of God's creatures; particularly, an honoured Patron, or a respected Friend. His Lordship seems to think the piece may appear in print, but desired me to send you a copy for your suffrage. I am, with the sincerest gratitude for the notice with which you have been pleas'd to honour the Rustic Bard, Sir, your most devoted humble Servant, ROBERT BURNS.

The letter has just appeared in an Ulster newspaper, and there is reason to believe that it was contributed by an accomplished Ayrshire admirer of the poet. The sender declares that it is unfamiliar to him, and probably all students of poetry will agree that this was its first public appearance. T. S.

COUPLET ON BELLS.-In my young days I spent a good deal of time at the house of an uncle residing at Glinton, near Peterborough. The church in this place had a peal of very sweet-toned bells, while the churches in the neighbouring villages were noted for just the opposite. This set a wag to perpetrating the following couplet, which is worthy of a place among the curious things of English literature:

"Helpstone cracked pippins and Northborough cracked

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A REMARKABLE EPITAPH.-In my youth I went to boarding-school at Whittlesey. Our school premises were separated from St. Mary's churchyard by only a brick wall. I used to wander in this yard to read the inscriptions on the gravestones. While I was there a young man was buried, on whose gravestone was inscribed the following, which I have never seen in print. I think it worth preservation :

'Beneath this stone William Briggs Boyce lies,
He cares not now who laughs or cries.
He laughed when sober, and when mellow
Was a harum-scarum harmless fellow.
He gave to none designed offence,
So Honi soit qui mal y pense.'

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