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The remaining tenses of this mood are, in general, similar to the correspondent tenses of the Indicative mood. See pages 66, 76, 77, and the notes under the nineteenth rule of Syntax. Infinitive Mood.

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SECTION 7. The Auxiliary Verbs conjugated in their simple form; with observations on their peculiar nature and force. THE learner will perceive that the preceding auxiliary verbs, to have and to be, could not be conjugated through all the moods and tenses, without the help of other auxiliary verbs; namely, may, can, will, shall, and their variations. That auxiliary verbs, in their simple state, and unassisted by others, are of a very limited extent; and that they are chiefly useful, in the aid which they afford in conjugating the principal verbs; will clearly appear to the scholar, by a distinct conjugation of each of them, uncombined with any other. They are exhibited for his inspection; not to be committed to meraory.

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3. He hath or has. 3. They have.

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Shall is here properly used in the present tense, having the same analogy to should that can bas to could, may to might, and will to would.

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The verbs have, be, will, and do, when they are unconnected with a principal verb, expressed or understood, are not auxiliaries, but principal verbs: as, "We have enough;" "I am grateful," "He wills it to be so;" "They do as they please." In this view, they also have their auxiliaries: as, I shall have enough;" "I will be grateful," &c.


The peculiar force of the several auxiliaries will appear from the following account of them.

Do and did mark the action itself, or the time of it, with greater energy and positiveness: as, "I do speak truth;" "I did respect him ;""Here am I, for thou didst call me." They are of great use in negative sentences: as, "I do not fear;" "I did not write." They are almost universally employed in asking questions: as, "Does he learn ?" "Did he not write?" They sometimes also supply the place of another verb, and make the repetition of it, in the same, or a subsequent sentence, unnecessary: as, "You attend not to your studies as he does;" (i. e. as he attends, &c.) "I shall come if I can; but if I do not, please to excuse me;" (i. e. if I come not.)

Let not only expresses permission, but entreating, exhorting, commanding as, "Let us know the truth:""Let me die the death of the righteous;" "Let not thy heart be too much elated with success;" "Let thy inclination submit to thy duty."

May and might express the possibility or liberty of doing a thing; can and could, the power: as, "It may rain ;"" may write or read;" "He might have improved more than

he has;" "He can write much better than he could last year."

Must is sometimes called in for a helper, and denotes necessity: as, "We must speak the truth, whenever we do speak, and we must not prevaricate."

Will, in the first person singular and plural, intimates resolution and promising; in the second and third person, only foretels: as, "I will reward the good, and will punish the wicked;" "We will remember benefits, and be grateful;" "Thou wilt, or he will, repent of that folly;" "You or they will have a pleasant walk.”

Shall, on the contrary, in the first person, simply foretels; in the second and third persons, promises, commands, or threatens as, "I shall go abroad;" "We shall dine at home;" "Thou shalt, or you shall, inherit the land:" "Ye shall do justice, and love mercy;" "They shall account for their misconduct." The following passage is not translated according to the distinct and proper meanings of the words shall and will: "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever; it ought to be, "Will follow me," and "1 shall dwell."-The foreigner who, as it is said, fell into the Thames, and cried out; "I will be drowned, no body shall help me;" made a sad misapplication of these auxiliaries.

These observations respecting the import of the verbs will and shall, must be understood of explicative sentences; for when the sentence is interrogative, just the reverse, for the most part, takes place: thus, "I shall go; you will go;" express event only: but, "will you go?" imports intention; and, "shall I go?" refers to the will of another. But, "He shall go," and "skall he go?" both imply will; expressing or referring to a command.

When the verb is put in the subjunctive mood, the meaning of these auxiliaries likewise undergoes some alteration; as the karners will readily perceive by a few examples: “He shall proceed," "If he shall proceed;" "You shall consent," "If you shall consent." These auxiliaries are sometimes interchanged, in the indicative and subjunctive moods, to convey the same meaning of the auxiliary: as, "He will not return," "If he shall not return;" "He shall not return," 'If he will not return."

Would, primarily denotes inclination of will; and should obligation but they both vary their import, and are often ayed to express simple event.

SECTION 8. The Conjugation of Regular Verbs


VERBS Active are called Regular, when they form their imperfect tense of the indicative mood, and their perfect participle, by adding to the verb ed, or d only when the verb ends in e: as,

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In the present and imperfect tenses, we use a different form of the verb. when we mean to express energy and positiveness: as, "I do love; thou dost love; he does love; I did love; thou didst love; he did love."

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