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A& V.

Adam and Eve driven out of Paradife:
Prefented by an Angel with

Labor, Grief, Hatred, Envy, War,
Famin, Peftilence, Sickness, Difcon-
tent, Ignorance, Fear, Death enter'd
into the world,


to whom he gives their names: likewife Winter, Heat,

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Dinah. Vide Eufeb. Præparat. Evang. L. 9. C. 22.

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Thamar Cuophorufa; where Juda is found to have been the author of that crime, which he condemn'd in Thamar. Thamar excused in what she attempted. The Golden Calf, or the Maffacre in Horeb.

The Quails, Num. 11.

The Murmurers, Num. 14.



Corah, Dathan, &c. Num. 16, 17.
Moabitides, Num. 25.

Achan, Jofue 7 and 8.

Jofuah in Gibeon, Jofh. 10.
Gideon Idoloclaftes, Jud. 6, 7.

Gideon pursuing, Jud. 8.

Abimelech the Ufurper, Jud. 9.

Samfon purfophorus, or Hybristes, or Samson marrying or in Ramath Lechi, Jud. 15.

Dagonalia, Jud. 16.

Comazontes, or the Benjaminites, or the Rioters, Jud. 19, 20, 21.

Theriftria, a pastoral out of Ruth.

Eliade, Hophni and Phinehas, Sam. 1, 2, 3, 4, beginning with the first overthrow of Ifrael by the Philiftins, interlac'd with Samuel's vifion concerning Eli's family.

Jonathan rescued, 1 Sam. 14.

Doeg flandering, 1 Sam. 22.

The sheep-fhearers in Carmel, a pastoral, 1 Sam. 25. Saul in Gilboa, 1 Sam. 28, 31.

David revolted, 1 Sam. from the 27 c. to the 31. David adulterous, 2 Sam. c. 11, 12.

Tamar, 2 Sam. 13.

Achitophel, 2 Sam. 15, 16, 17, 18.

Adoniah, 1 Reg. 2.

Solomon Gynæcocratumenus, or Idolomargus, aut Thyfiazufæ. Reg. 1. 11.

Rehoboam, 1 Reg. 12. where is difputed of a politic religion.

Abias Therfæus, 1 Reg. 14. The queen, after much difpute, as the last refuge sent to the prophet Ahias of Shilo; receives the meffage. The Epitafis in that she hearing the child shall die as she comes home, refuses to return, thinking thereby to elude the oracle. The former part is spent in bringing the fick prince forth as it were defirous to shift his chamber and couch as dying men use, his father telling him what facrifice he had fent for his health to Bethel and Dan; his fearlesnefs of death, and putting his father in mind to fet [fend] to Ahiah. The Chorus of the elders of Ifrael, bemoaning his virtues bereft them, and at another time wondring why Jeroboam being bad himself should fo grieve for his fon that was good, &c.

Imbres, or the Showers, 1 Reg. 18, 19.
Naboth ovxo@avráμevos, 1 Reg, 21.

Ahab, 1 Reg. 22. beginning at the fynod of false prophets; ending with relation of Ahab's death; his body brought; Zedekiah flain by Ahab's friends for his feducing. (See Lavater, 2 Chron. 18.)

Elias in the mount, 2 Reg. 1. 'Ogulárns, or better, Elias Polemistes,

Elifæus Hudrocoos, 2 Reg. 3. Hudrophantes, Aquator,

Elifeus Adorodocétas,

Elifæus Menutes, five in Dothaimis, 2 Reg, 6,

Samaria Liberata, 2. Reg. 7.

Achabai Cunoborwmeni, 2 Reg. 9. The scene Jefrael: beginning from the watchman's discovery of Jehu till he go out in the mean while, meffage of

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things paffing brought to Jezebel, &c. Lastly, the 70 heads of Ahab's fons brought in, and message brought of Ahaziah's brethren flain on the way, c. 10.

Jehu Belicola, 2 Reg. 10.
Athaliah, 2 Reg. 11.

Amaziah Doryalotus, 2 Reg. 14. 2 Chron. 25. Hezechias woλognéμevos, 2 Reg. 18, 19. Hefechia befieg'd. The wicked hypocrify of Shebna, spoken of in the 11, or thereabout of Ifaiah, and the commendation of Eliakim will afford ἀφορμὰς λόγον, together with a faction, that fought help from Egypt.

Jofiah Alamenos, 2 Reg. 23.

Zedechiah Tgir, 2 Reg. but the story is larger in Jeremiah.

Solymar Halofis; which may begin from a message brought to the city, of the judgment upon Zedechiah and his children in Ribla, and so seconded with the burning and deftruction of city and temple by Nebuzaradan; lamented by Jeremiah.

Afa or Æthiopes, 2 Chron. 14. with the depofing his Mother, and burning her idol.

The three Children, Dan. 3.

British Trag.

1. The cloister king Conftans fet up by Vortiger. 2. Vortiger poifon'd by Roena.

3. Vortiger immur'd.

The three following were added afterwards in the


Venutius husband to Cartifmandua.


Vortiger marrying Roena. See Speed. Reprov'd by Vordin archbishop of London. Speed.

The maffacre of the Britons by Hengift in their at Salisbury plain. Malmesbury.


4. Sigher of the East Saxons revolted from the faith, and reclam'd by Jarumang.

5. Ethelbert of the East Angles flain by Offa the Mercian. See Holinsh. L. 6. c. 5. Speed in the Life of Offa and Ethelbert.

6. Sebert flain by Penda after he had left his kingdom. See Holinshed, p. 116.

7. Wulfer flaying his two fons, for being Chriftians. 8. Ofbert of Northumberland flain for ravishing the wife of Bernbocard, and the Danes brought in. See Stow. Holinfh. L. 6. c. 12. and especially Speed, L. 8. c. 2.

9. Edmund last king of the East Angles martyr'd by Hinguar the Dane. See Speed, L. 8. c. 2.

10. Sigebert tyrant of the Weft-Saxons flain by a Swineherd.

11. Edmund brother of Athelstan slain by a thief at his own table. Malmef.

12. Edwin, fon to Edward the younger, for luft depriv❜d of his kingdom, or rather by faction of Monks, whom he hated; together with the impoftor Dunftan.

13. Edward fon of Edgar murder'd by his ftepmother. To which may be inferted the tragedy stirr'd up betwixt the Monks and Priests about marriage.

14. Ethelred, fon of Edgar, a flothful king, the ruin of his land by the Danes.


15. Ceaulin,

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