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Printed for J. and R. TONSON, in the Strand; and
J. NEWBERY, in St. Paul's Church-Yard.



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By Mr. DO D D.

HILE all read and all admire

W Milton, it is confeffed that few

understand him; few, at least, of the common Readers: More learned ones frequently find themselves at a Loss, so unbounded is he in his Knowledge; fo univerfal in his Allufions to the whole Round of Science. To elucidate his Difficulties, able and ingenious Men have applied their beft Efforts, and that with defirable Success. But as their Annotations are often large, and often critical, they perplex the common Reader, interrupt the Attention, and are A 2


too voluminous for the Pocket, which the fmaller Editions of Milton's Works fo agreeably fill. It was therefore propofed to the Writer of this Preface, fome time fince, by a Gentleman deservedly of the first Character in the learned World, to compile a fhort and comprehensive Explanation of the difficult Words and Paffages in Milton's poetical Works, digested in Alphabetical Order; which might serve to the common Reader, instead of more diffuse Comments; and might be to all a portable and familiar Attendant upon this inimitable Author.

Pleafed with the Propofal, he readily embraced it: But other and more neceffary Avocations preventing his Completion of the Defign, he commended it to the Gentleman who hath now executed it, and, as it appears, with good Judgment and Propriety.

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The Explanation of mere Words are generally taken from Mr. Johnson's very useful Dictionary, and that in reference only to the Sense wherein Milton applies them:

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