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Chapter II. The Constitutional Aspect of Minimum Wage

Legislation in the United States.

The Police Power..

Health and Safety

Morals .....

Protection against Oppression

The Police Power and the Fourteenth Amendment... 35
Freedom of Contract.

Class Legislation

Delegation of Legislative Power to the Commission..

Legislative Discretion and Judicial Supervision.

Chapter III. The Test of Experience..


Effects on Industry

Effects on Wages

Effects on Efficiency and on Industrial Peace..

Chapter IV. A Résumé.....

Appendix. An Analysis of Modern Minimum Wage Legis

lation. Foreign Legislation.

New Zealand: The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitra

tion Act. 1894-1901....

New South Wales

Victoria: Special Boards Act, 1896.

Great Britain: Trade Boards Act, 1909.

Coal Mines (Minimum Wage) Act, 1912.
The Victorian and the British Legislation..



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46 46

47 49










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Filed on Behalf of Respondents in Stettler vs. O'Hara. Su-
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