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[This great Reformer was born at Gifford, near Haddington, in the year 1503. He was educated in the popish faith; but having at an early period been freed from its shackles, he became, as is well known, the chief instrument, under providence, in establishing the protestant ascendancy over Scotland. After a life of unremitting labour and severe privation and suffering, spent in this good cause, he died at Edinburgh on the 24th of November, 1572; bearing the most ample testimony to the glorious truths, which he so firmly believed and so successfully propagated.]

On Monday, the 17th, he thus addressed the members of his ses sion, who with Mr. Lawson his colleague, and Mr. Lindsay, one of the ministers of Leith, assembled in his room for that purpose: "The day approaches and is now before the door, for which I have frequently and vehemently thirsted, when I shall be released from my great labours and innumerable sorrows, and shall be with Christ. And now God is my witness, whom I have served in spirit, in the Gospel of his Son, that I have taught nothing but the true and solid doctrine of the Gospel of the Son of God; and have had it for my only object, to instruct the ignorant, to confirm the faithful; to comfort the weak, the fearful, and the distressed, by the promises of grace; and to fight against the proud and rebellious, by the divine threatenings. I know that many have complained, and do yet loudly complain, of my too great severity; but God knows that my mind was always void of hatred to the persons of those against whom I thundered the severest judgments. I cannot deny but that I felt the greatest abhorrence at the sins in which they indulged; but I still kept this one thing in view, that, if possible, I might gain them to the Lord. What influenced me to utter whatever the Lord put into my mouth so boldly, without respect of persons, was a reverential fear of my God, who called, and out of his grace appointed me to be a steward of divine mysteries, and a belief that he will demand an account of my discharge of the trust committed unto me, when I shall stand before his tribunal. I profess, therefore, before God, and before his holy angels, that I never made merchandise of the sacred word of God, never studied to please men, never indulged my own private passions, or those of others, but faithfully distributed the talent intrusted to me, for the edification of the church, over which I watched. Whatever obloquy wicked men may cast on me respecting this point, I rejoice in the testimony of a good conscience. In the meantime, my dearest brethren, do you persevere in the eternal truth of the Gospel; wait diligently on the flock over which the Lord hath set you, and which he redeemed by the blood of his only begotten Son. And thou, my dear brother Lawson, fight the good fight, and do the work of the Lord joyfully and reso lutely. The Lord from on high bless you and the whole church of Edinburgh, against whom, as long as they persevere in the word of truth, which they have heard of me, the gates of hell shall not pre vail."

When they were going out, he desired Messrs. Lawson and Lindsay to remain behind, and thus continued: "There is one thing that greatly grieves me.— You have been witnesses of the former courage and constancy of Grange, in the cause of God; but now, alas-into what a gulf has he precipitated himself! I entreat you not to refuse the request which I now make to you: Go to the castle and tell him from me, that John Knox remains the same man now, when he is about to die, that ever he knew him when able in body, and wills him to consider what he was, and the estate in which he now stands, which is a great part of his trouble.' Neither the craggy rock, in which he miserably confides, nor the carnal prudence of that man, (Maitland,) whom he esteems a demigod, nor the assistance of strangers shall preserve him; but he shall be disgracefully dragged from his rest to punishment, and hung on a gallows before the face of the sun, unless he speedily amend his life, and flee to the mercy of God. That man's soul is dear to me, and I would not have it perish if I could save it."

To the earl of Morton, after having asked him as to his previous knowledge of Darnley's murder, he said, "Well, God has beautified you with many benefits which he has not given to every man; as he has given you riches, wisdom, and friends, and now is to prefer you to the government of the realm. And, therefore, in the name of God I charge you to use all these benefits aright, and better in time to come than ye have done in times bypast; first, to God's glory, to the furtherance of the evangel, the maintenance of the church of God and his ministry; next, for the weal of the king, and his realm, and true subjects. If so ye shall do, God shall bless you and honour you; but if ye do it not, God shall spoil you of these benefits, and your end shall be ignominy and shame."

On Thursday, the 20th, the lords Glencairn and Ruthven, having called, and the latter having tendered his services to do for him any thing in his power, his reply was, "I care not for all the pleasure and friendship of the world."-A lady of his acquaintance, desiring him to praise God for what good he had done, and speaking in his commendation, he thus interrupted her:-" Tongue, tongue! lady, flesh of itself is overproud and needs no means to esteem itself.' He then exhorted her to put off pride and be clothed with humility, protesting as to himself that he relied wholly on the free mercy of God, manifested to mankind through his dear Son Jesus Christ, whom alone he embraced for wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption. And the rest of the company having taken their leave of him, he said to the laird of Braid-"Every one bids me good night, but when will you do it? I have been greatly indebted unto you, for which I shall never be able to recompense you; but I commit you to one that is able to do it, to the Eternal God."

On Friday, the 21st, these words were often in his mouth, "Come Lord Jesus. Sweet Jesus, into thy hands I commit my spirit. Be merciful, Lord, to thy church, which thou hast redeemed. Give peace to this afflicted commonwealth. Raise up faithful pastors, who will take charge of thy church. Grant us, Lord, the perfect hatred

of sin, both by the evidences of thy wrath and mercy." In the midst of his meditations he would often address those who stood by, in such sentences as these: "O serve the Lord in fear, and death shall not be terrible to you. Nay, blessed shall death be to those who have felt the power of the death of the only begotten Son of God."

On the afternoon of Sabbath the 23d, he suddenly exclaimed, "If any be present let them come and see the work of God." And to Johnston of Elphingston, who was sent for, he said: "I have been these two last nights in meditation on the troubled state of the church of God, the spouse of Jesus Christ, despised by the world, but precious in the sight of God. I have called to God for her, and have committed her to her head Jesus Christ. I have fought against spiritual wickedness in heavenly things and have prevailed. I have been in heaven and have possession. I have tasted of the heavenly joys where presently I am."

To some who inquired if he felt much pain, he answered, that he was willing to lie there for years if God so pleased, and if he continued to shine upon his soul through Jesus Christ: and then went on to emit such pious ejaculations as the following: "Live in Christ, live in Christ, and then flesh need not fear death.-Lord grant true pastors to thy church, that purity of doctrine may be retained. Restore peace again to this commonwealth with godly rulers and magistrates. Once Lord make an end of my trouble. Lord I commend my spirit, soul, and body, and all into thy hands. Thou knowest, O Lord, my troubles: I do not murmur against thee."

On Monday the 24th, which was the last day he spent on earth: being asked by Campbell of Kinzeancleugh, if he had any pain, he replied: "It is no painful pain, but such a pain as shall I trust put an end to the battle. I must leave the care of my wife and children to you, to whom you must be a husband in my room." He afterwards desired his wife to read the 15th chapter of 1st Cor., saying when it was finished, "Is not that a comfortable chapter? O what sweet and salutary consolation the Lord hath afforded me from that chapter!" A little after, he said, "Now for the last time I commend my soul, spirit, and body, (touching three of his fingers) into thy hand, O Lord." About five o'clock in the evening, he said to his wife, "Go, read, where I cast my first anchor," meaning the seventeenth chapter of John's Gospel.

Appearing, after this, to fall into a slumber, he sighed deeply, and being asked, on awaking, the cause of this, he replied: "I have formerly, during my frail life sustained many contests and many assaults of Satan, but at present that roaring lion hath assailed me most furiously and put forth all his strength to devour and make an end of me Often before, hath he placed my sins before my eyes, often tempted me to despair, often endeavoured to ensnare me by the allurements of the world; but these weapons being broken by the sword of the Spirit, the word of God, he could not prevail. Now he has attacked me in another way; the cunning Serpent has laboured to persuade me that I have merited heaven and eternal blessedness

at once.

by the faithful discharge of my ministry. But, blessed be God, who has enabled me to beat down and quench this fiery dart by suggesting to me such passages of scripture as these, What hast thou, that thou hast not received? By the grace of God, I am what I am: Not I, but the grace of God in me. Being thus vanquished, he left me. Wherefore, I give thanks to my God, through Jesus Christ, who was pleased to give me the victory; and I am persuaded that the tempter shall not again attack me, but within a short time, I shall without any great bodily pain or anguish of mind, exchange this mortal and miserable life, for a blessed immortality through Jesus Christ."

About ten o'clock, being asked by Dr. Preston if he heard the prayers which had just been read, he replied, "Would to God that you and all men had heard them as I have heard them; I praise God for that heavenly sound." About eleven he gave a deep sigh, and said, Now it is come. Immediately his secretary, Richard Bannatyne, drew near, and, perceiving that he was speechless, requested him to give a sign that he died in peace. Upon this be lifted up one of his hands, and sighing twice, expired without a struggle !*

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[This eminent minister of Jesus Christ was born about the year 1538, in the neighbourhood of Perth. After passing through the usual course of education, at the university of St. Andrews, he went for some years to France, as tutor to the three sons of the countess of Crawford. Upon his return, about 1568, he commenced the teaching of Hebrew in St. Andrews; and shortly after, was elected subprincipal in the university of Aberdeen. Here he continued till 1572, when he was invited to become successor to Mr. Knox, as a minister of Edinburgh. In this situation he approved himself a workman that needeth not to be ashamed;" but it is chiefly as a defender of the reformation principles, and on account of the sufferings he endured in that cause, that he deserves a high place among the worthies of Scotland. In the year 1584, he was obliged to fly into England from the vengeance of the king, and he died on the 12th of October, that year. Upon the 7th of that month he caused to be written, read over, and subscribed the following testament, which, as it contains his dying sentiments, unde views of eternity, both as to his own spiritual state, and wit regard to the concerns of the church, we insert here as his las words.]

"At London, in Honielane, Cheapside, in Mr. Anthony Martin's house, upon Wednesday, October 7th, 1584; I, Mr. James Lawson, minister of God's word, of the flock of Christ at Edinburgh, wish grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father, and from the Lord

* M'Crie's Life of Knox, in loc.

Jesus Christ, and the continuance of the Holy Spirit, to all those that serve the Lord and love his blessed evangels, giving to understand, to whom it appertains, that, being whole in mind, but finding my God summoning me by his messenger sickness, wherewith he has laid me on bed, to put an end, as appears, to my course in this my transitory life, have thought it good to commit my testament and latter will to writing, as follows:

"First, I thank my God, through Jesus Christ my Saviour, who has not only of his unspeakable mercy, whereof I confess myself most unworthy, (if he should deal with me according to my deserts), plucked me out of gross ignorance and blindness of superstition, papistry, and idolatry, especially since the time I heard that notable servant of God, Mr. Knox, of blessed memory, impugn with great authority of doctrine that antichristian tyranny; but also of his great goodness from time to time, has moved me by his sacred word and instruction of his Holy Spirit, to dedicate myself and the small talent which his wisdom hath intrusted to me, to the edification of his people in the holy ministry, ordained in his kirk, and has blessed also the same, first in his congregation of Aberdeen, and last in the town of Edinburgh; testifying to the whole world, that as I have felt from time to time the working of his Holy Spirit kindling in my breast a bent and ready will to discharge my own conscience in teaching the word of God purely and sincerely, without fearing the faces of men, and also to procure the establishment of that ecclesiastical discipline revealed and set down in the holy scriptures of God, according to the measure of knowledge given to me to do, so I feel of God's special love, a delectation, a zeal, and thirst sealed up in my heart to persevere in the same, as the infallible truth of God, and to continue in the same if it shall please God to prolong my days. Albeit, Lord, far be it from me to boast or glory in any thing in thy presence, before whom the angels are not able to plead their innocency! But, in the cause of thy Son Jesus Christ, seeing the want of sufficient zeal, diligence, and ability in the said office, and the many infirmities and imperfections staying me in the performance thereof, as it became me, I have my refuge to the throne of thy grace, acknowledging, after all my irksome travels wherewith I am broken, that I am an unprofitable servant, re'erring the whole praise of my weak ministry to the glory of thy holy name, by whom I have my being and moving, craving in the meantime pardon of all my offences and sins, being now assured of the remission thereof through the merits of the death and passion of Jesus Christ, with whom I am conjoined in his everlasting covenant, by lively faith, whereby I presently possess his mercy:-Attour I render most hearty thanks unto his gracious goodness, that he has not only used me as a poor instrument to communicate his heavenly ounsels unto others, but also has called me to great honour to suffer

It is obvious from this, that Mr. Lawson had listened with improvement to the early ministrations of John Knox, though it also appears that he had previously a tendency in favour of the reformed opinions.

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