| Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 lehte
...faith unto Jefus, WHENCE art thou ? But Jefus gave him no ANSWER. Then faith Dilate unto him, Spcakeil thou not unto me ? Knoweft thou not that I have Power to CRUCIFY thee, and have POWER to releafe thee ? Jefut anfwered, Thou couldft have no POWER at all againft me, except it were given thee from ABOVE... | |
| Philip Doddridge - 1745 - 686 lehte
...thee from Above, from the GOD of Heaven, whofe Providence. I acknowledge in all thefe Events (h) :. 10 Then faith Pilate unto him, Speakeft thou not unto me ? Knoweft: thou 10ix Jefus anfweredfc Thou couldft have no Power at all againft me, except it were given thee from.... | |
| 1765 - 512 lehte
...fayingr he was the more afraid ; and went again into the judgment-hall, and faith unto Jefus, § Whence art thou? But Jefus gave him no anfwer. Then faith...power to crucify thee, and have power to releafe thee ? Jefus anfwered, Thou couldeft have no power at all againft me, except it were given thee from above:... | |
| 1765 - 500 lehte
...faying,, he was the more afraid; and went again into the judgment-hall, and faith unto Jefus,. § Whence art thou ? But Jefus gave him no anfwer. Then faith...that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to rekafe thee ? Jefus anfwered, Thou couldeft have no power at all againft me, except it were given thee... | |
| Esq. J. Stephens - 1777 - 396 lehte
...judgment-hall, *' and faid unto Jefus, Whence art thou ? But Jefus " gave him no anfwer. Then faid Pilate unto " him, Speakeft thou not unto me ? Knoweft...to crucify thee, and have " power to releafe thee ? Jefus then anfwered> *' Thou couldeft have no power at all againft me. " except it was given thee... | |
| 1779 - 688 lehte
...faying, he was the more afraid -, and went again into the judgment hall, and faith unto Jefus, ''Whence art thou ? But Jefus gave him no anfwer. Then faith Pilate unto him, Speakeft thou not unto me ? knowcft thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power C9 relcafe thee ? Jelus anfwered,... | |
| Isaac Mann (bp. of Cork and Ross) - 1783 - 456 lehte
...whence art thou .? 10 But Jefus gave him no anfwer. Then faith Pilate unto him, Speakefl thou not uuto me ? knoweft thou not, that I have power to crucify thee, and have 1i powertoreleafeth.ee? Jefus anfwered, Thou couldeft have no power at all again ft me, except it were... | |
| 1788 - 598 lehte
...again into the judgement-hall, and faith unto Jefus, Whence art thou ? But Jefus gave him no anfwer. 10 Then faith Pilate unto him, Speakeft thou not unto...power to crucify thee, and have power to releafe thee? 11 Jefus anfwered, Thou couldeft have no power at all .againft me, except it were given thee from above... | |
| Soame Jenyns - 1790 - 310 lehte
...enforced, both by his precepts and example, on all 5 occafions . occafions. When Pilate faid unto him, " Knoweft -thou not that I have power to " crucify thee, and have power to releafe " thee ?" he anfwered, " Thou couldft have " no power againft me, except it was " given thee from above -"... | |
| Soame Jenyns, Charles Nalson Cole - 1793 - 304 lehte
...enforced, both by his precepts and example, on all occafions, rrccafions. When Pilate faid unto him, •*c Knoweft thou not that I have power to " crucify thee, and have power to releafe <c thee ?" he anfwered, " Thou couldft have " no power againft me, except it was *c given thee from... | |
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