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church-goers, 101; shop-lifters, ib.; starring the
glaze, 102; house-breakers, ib.; plants and put-
tings-up, 103; beggars, 104; domestic habits,
106; the administration of justice, ib.; Bow
street, 107; Thames, ib.; Worship Street, ib.;
Marlborough Street, 108; the poor-box, ib.;
fees, penalties, &c., ib.

Police in Roman States, 124.

Port-Royal, par C. A. Sainte-Beuve, 268; the mo-
nastery of, 269; Mother Angélique, 270; com-
munity of goods established, 271; seclusion and
separation, 271, 272; the day of the wicket,'
272; the Arnauld family, 273; Maubisson, 274;
reception of Mother Angélique at, ib.; return of
Madame d'Estrées, 275; retreat to Pontoise, 275;
return to the convent, ib.; discipline, 275, 276;
Abbé de Saint-Cyran, 276; change of residence,
276; resignation of Angélique, ib.; indignities
offered to, 277; Le Maître, ib.; his brothers, 278;
arrest of Saint-Cyran, 279; his release, 280;
visitors of rank at Port-Royal, ib.; return of the
nuns to the fields, 281; Jacqueline Pascal, ib;
Jansenism, 283.

Prerogative of the Crown in creating life peerages,


Puritans, the, 62.

Pythagoras, the character of, 44.


Roman Catholics, political rights of, 311.
Roman State, the, from 1815 to 1850, by Luigi C.
Farini, 117; papal government, ib.; Consalvi,
118; European recommendations, ib.; papal
manoeuvre, 119; position of the Pope, ib.; the
Legates, 120; venalities, ib.; administration of
law, ib.; criminal jurisprudence, 121; case of
Bartolucci, 122; Austrian rigour, ib.; torture,
ib.; the summary process, 122, 123; ecclesias-
tical privileges, 123; the Inquisition, ib.; powers
vested in the police, 124; the Carte di Sicurezza,
125; spies, ib.; executions, 126; financial diffi-
culties, ib.; pensions, 127; bribery and corrup-
tion, ib.; censorship of the press, ib.
Rome, Ancient, Geography of, 227; Dr. Smith's
Dictionary, ib.; Mr. Dyer's article on, ib. ; on the
direction of the Via Lata, 228; position of the
Comitium, 229; of the Capitoline Hill, 230;
assault of the Capitol by the Vitellians, 231, 232;
history of the city, 233; geological formations,
234; the Tiber, 235; the Seven Hills, ib.; forti-
fications, 236; habitations, 237; streets, ib.;
absence of towers, ib.; rebuilding, 238; improve-
ments of Augustus, ib.; great conflagration of
Nero, 289; his improvements, ib.; the Flami-
nian plain, 240; obstacles to the extension of
the suburbs, 241; exaggerated accounts of an-
cient writers, 242; the Aurelian walls, 243;
population, ib.; area, ib.; habits of the people,
244; means of subsistence, 245; rapid decay of
Rome, 246.

Ruatan, the island of, 143, 147; and see America.
Russell, Lord J., administration of, 291.


Sahel hills, the range of, near Algiers, 185.
Sainte-Beuve, C. A., Port Royal,' par, 268.

Savonarola, the Life and Martyrdom of, 1; cha-

birth and peculiarities, ib.; enters the Domini-
can convent, 3; letter to his father, ib.; poetry
of, ib.; general character, 4; preaching of, 5;
at Florence, 6; the Pazzi conspiracy, ib.; state
of the papacy, 7; preaching at St. Mark's, 8;
is appointed prior, 9; behaviour towards Lo-
renzo de' Medici, ib.; preaches at Bologna, 10;
reformations, ib.; invasion of Florence by
Charles VIII., 11; government of Savonarola, 12;
constitution of, ib.; his sermons, 14; character-
istics of his eloquence, 15; gift of prophecy, ib.;
the Compendium Revelationum,' ib.; denuncia-
tions against the clergy, 16, 17; vices, 17; great
change wrought by his preaching, 18; organi-
zation of a youthful police, ib.; the Carnival,
ib.; state of religion in Rome and Florence, 19;
Pope Alexander VI, ib.; briefs and excommu-
nication, 20; extracts from sermons, 20, 21;
processions, 21, 22; ceases to be vicar-general,
22; a carnival pyre, ib. ; an adverse signory, 23;
the papal bull, ib.; the plague in Florence, 24;
defiance of the Pope, 25; carnival processions,
ib.; appeal to Christendom against the Pope, 26;
ceases to preach, 26, 27; contest with the Fran-
ciscans, 27; attack on St. Mark's, 28; arrest of
Savonarola, 29; papal brief, ib.; torture and
examination, 29, 30; sentence and execution, 31,
32; reformation in the Church considered, 32.
Scheliff river, the, 186.

Scott, Sir Walter, denial of authorship of the
Waverley Novels by, 166.
Ship-money, tax of, 64.

Slavery, Christian, in Algiers, 190.
Smith, Dr. W., Dictionary of Greek and Roman
Geography, edited by, 227; and see Rome.
Sophists of Greece, defence of, by Mr. Grote, 50.
St. Arnaud, Marshal, account of the campaign in
Africa by, 196.

Strafford, Earl of, impeachment of, 74; execution
of, 79.

Symbolics of the Human Form, 247; and see

racter of, considered, ib.; family history of, 2; Zouaves, the first organization of, 194, 208.

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